Advice Needed: Should I Drop German A-Level?

In summary, Brandon is studying Maths, German, DT, and Physics at A Level and has to decide which subject to drop and which to carry on to A2. As a fluent German speaker, he is worried about the University admission tutors rejecting German as a valid qualification. He is considering dropping DT and continuing with German, but is unsure as to whether it is worth it. Others suggest dropping German and doing all four subjects or keeping all four and dropping DT. Brandon is also considering retaking some modules to improve his grades. He is unsure if his Sri Lankan background will affect the acceptance of his German A Level by universities.
  • #1
I am studying Maths, German, DT and Physics at A Level. I just finished my AS exams and got my results. Now I need to decide which subject I am going to drop, and which subjects I am going to carry onto A2.

The problem is, I have lived in Germany for 13 years, so I speak fluent german. I am worried that if carry on German onto A2, the University admission tutors might reject it as a real qulaification. But even though I am German, German A Level is hard, but it should be an easy A-Grade for me.
I really want to drop DT, but I cant.

So I need someone to tell me if it is worth doing German at A2 Level, although the language might be a native one.
I need advise from anyone who already is or has been at university, or even an admissions tutor, or someone "who really knows".
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  • #2
I studied French to A2 as a fluent speaker and it was accepted as a normal qualification by the university. Saying this, I did also inform them i was fluent in French along with my other languages which they varified at interview.

However, my situation was different, I did not have to take classes in it and so did not have the problem of dropping a subject. On that note - as a fluent speaker why are you forced to take lessons in it?!

Also - what degree are you looking to do?

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  • #3
Why continue studies in german when you already speak fluent german? Drop german, and study the other subjects.
  • #4
Dropping German seems the sensible option from two viewpoints: Firstly, you're fluent, and for job interviews and that kind of thing, being fluent will swing a lot more weight than having a qualification to prove it. Secondly, I'm of the opinion that the other subjects will serve you better anyway, but this is a purely personal view, and will depend on what degree you aspire to do.

Do you have to drop one? Many of my friends couldn't decide, and carried all four through to A2 level. The extra work won't be an issue for you if you're fluent anyway.
  • #5

I am thinking of doing Maths at University. So I reckon that DT is uselss, and I don't really like the subject either.
  • #6
DT does take up a lot of time. One of the best reasons for doing DT is if you want to do engineering, or if you really like the subject. Doesn't seem like either of these fit the bill for you...!

How did you get on with your results anyway?
  • #7
Hi brandon, why not just do all four? When I did my A-levels I did Physics, Maths, Chemistry and Computing... Computing was extremely time consuming due to the coursework where I had to write my own program. Plus side for you is you're already fluent in German. University admissions will be more impressed with German rather than D&T but if you do decide to only do three then you should drop german.. You don't need a qualification to tell people that you're fluent in it, that will be obvious from your background.
  • #8
Baggio said:
Hi brandon, why not just do all four? When I did my A-levels I did Physics, Maths, Chemistry and Computing... Computing was extremely time consuming due to the coursework where I had to write my own program. Plus side for you is you're already fluent in German. University admissions will be more impressed with German rather than D&T but if you do decide to only do three then you should drop german.. You don't need a qualification to tell people that you're fluent in it, that will be obvious from your background.

My background is not German at all actually. I am Sri Lankan, born in Sri Lanka, and lived in Germany for about 13 years.
Does that change anything?
  • #9
brewnog said:
DT does take up a lot of time. One of the best reasons for doing DT is if you want to do engineering, or if you really like the subject. Doesn't seem like either of these fit the bill for you...!

How did you get on with your results anyway?
I did OK I guess, I got 2A's (Maths and German) B in Physics and C in DT :mad: . I am going to retake a few modules to boost up those marks for most of my subject, so my final A Level grade will be higher.
  • #10
Baggio said:
Hi brandon, why not just do all four? When I did my A-levels I did Physics, Maths, Chemistry and Computing... Computing was extremely time consuming due to the coursework where I had to write my own program. Plus side for you is you're already fluent in German. University admissions will be more impressed with German rather than D&T but if you do decide to only do three then you should drop german.. You don't need a qualification to tell people that you're fluent in it, that will be obvious from your background.

But I am scared that if I end getting a C iin DT in my final year, or even lower, the University people may not accept me.
  • #11
I was unaware that you are Sri Lankan in that case do German. D&T won't help you.
  • #12
Baggio said:
I was unaware that you are Sri Lankan in that case do German. D&T won't help you.

Even though I still hold a German Nationality, the University people will accept my A Level as a valid one? Are you sure?
  • #13
Brandon I think the best thing you can do is wait till you go back to 6th form or college and ask you careers advisor and then change accordingly as they allow upto 2 weeks usually to do so. What university are you planning on attending? If you're applying for an undergrad physics degree then they won't care about what the third A level choice is.. they're only interested in Maths an physics.. The third grade could be in any subject.
  • #14
Baggio said:
Brandon I think the best thing you can do is wait till you go back to 6th form or college and ask you careers advisor and then change accordingly as they allow upto 2 weeks usually to do so. What university are you planning on attending? If you're applying for an undergrad physics degree then they won't care about what the third A level choice is.. they're only interested in Maths an physics.. The third grade could be in any subject.

No, a top ten university will care what the third A-level is in. My friend was rejected from Imperial (for mechanical engineering) because his third A-level was in spanish and he has spanish nationality. So I would choose DT, or if you are really good at maths you could try to do further maths in a year.
  • #15
Ask your careers advisor you can change within the first 2 weeks
  • #16
Baggio said:
Brandon I think the best thing you can do is wait till you go back to 6th form or college and ask you careers advisor and then change accordingly as they allow upto 2 weeks usually to do so. What university are you planning on attending? If you're applying for an undergrad physics degree then they won't care about what the third A level choice is.. they're only interested in Maths an physics.. The third grade could be in any subject.

Well my first choice University will be UCL. And yes, I will contact my careers adviser, I think that is the best thing to do.
Do you think I could hide my German Nationality, it will be easy because I Sri Lankan by birth.
  • #17
brandon26 said:
Well my first choice University will be UCL. And yes, I will contact my careers adviser, I think that is the best thing to do.
Do you think I could hide my German Nationality, it will be easy because I Sri Lankan by birth.

LoL.. Sorry man they usually ask for that on the application forms... sorry I couldn't be more help I didn't have this problem because I did chemistry too, which is probably the best option anyone applying for physics could take except maybe further maths.
  • #18
Mentioning Chemistry. What if I dropped DT, continued German and did Chemistry AS in the second year, would that make any difference?
  • #19
The problem will still remain if universities frown upon you taking German.. I believe they only care about the full A level.
  • #20
I was just going to interject that i know some college are taking physics students without physics if they have further mathematics - i do not advise this route as it is not a sure fir eguarantee but in my opinion, a maths/further maths and physics background + a science (chemistry) is the best route to donig physics at a degree level.

  • #21
brandon26 said:
Even though I still hold a German Nationality, the University people will accept my A Level as a valid one? Are you sure?

It depends on the course you'd like to enroll in. If you would like to study for example Further Maths or Further Science, German is not accepted as an A-level. Remember that Universities, especially the leading ones, are also putting pressure on quality prerequisities. French may be the major exception for an accepted A-level in languages. To be perfectly honest, a university is more likely to ask you for an English A-level, even for Maths and Science courses.
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Related to Advice Needed: Should I Drop German A-Level?

1. Should I drop my German A-Level?

This is a personal decision that ultimately depends on your individual circumstances and goals. Consider factors such as your interest and proficiency in the language, your academic workload, and your post-graduation plans. It may be helpful to discuss with your teachers, parents, and peers for their opinions and advice.

2. Will dropping German A-Level affect my university admissions?

This also depends on your goals and the universities you are applying to. Some universities may require or prefer a certain number of A-Levels, so dropping one may limit your options. However, if German is not directly related to your desired field of study, dropping it may not have a significant impact on your admissions.

3. What are the potential consequences of dropping German A-Level?

The main consequence would be losing the opportunity to gain a qualification in the language, which may be beneficial for future job prospects or further education. Additionally, if you are currently performing well in German, dropping it may affect your overall A-Level grades and potentially lower your average score.

4. Can I drop German A-Level and pick it up later?

It is possible to drop a subject and then re-take it later, but this would depend on your school's policies and the availability of the course. You may also need to catch up on missed coursework and exams, which could be challenging. It's best to discuss this option with your school's academic advisor.

5. What other options do I have if I drop German A-Level?

If you do decide to drop German A-Level, you could consider taking an alternative language course or focusing on other subjects that align with your interests and future goals. You could also use the extra time to take on extracurricular activities or gain work experience, which could also enhance your university or job applications.

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