Aeronautical Engineer or Physics?

In summary: If you want to study aerospace engineering, you should be interested in the math and physics behind aircraft design and construction. Aerospace engineers work on planes, spacecraft, and other aerospace equipment. They may also work on developing new technologies for aircraft. A high physics degree is necessary for careers in aerospace engineering, but you may also find careers in other fields, such as management or research. If you are interested in aerospace engineering, you should research the different fields and careers available. You can also search for lists of aerospace companies in your area.
  • #1
Aeronautical Engineer or Physics?


I am currently a year 12 student in Astralia undertaking specialist math, physics, chem, math methods and english.

I am undecided upon wether i want to study aeronautical engineering or study to a high level in physics.

Aeronautical Engineering: I think i like the idea because i am able to apply maths with subjects such as thermodynamics and aerodynamics etc. but i don't really have an interest in planes haha.. (does aeronautics also lead to space stuff?) just the tools i would be using (is this a problem). I am also not really that much of a designy/creative person... i just love the idea of applying these skills into a product.. plus i hear the pay package is better hahaha :-p

High Physics degree: I am really interested by physics and continually ask random questions of my teachers at school and would love to be able to learn everything there is to know by getting a Ph.D etc.. I was then thinking about becoming a lecturer in physics at a uiversity standard or becoming some sort of physicist (what other sort of work might i come by?)... i have been reading posts about theoretical physicists but am not too sure that i understand fully what this career would have me doing. Basically i love physics but i don't know taht if i became a theoretical physicst or wateva that i would be able to come up with some original ideas/research.

Thanks for any input people

Cheers, Spoon
Physics news on
  • #2
Aeronautics = airplanes
Astronautics = space

Aerospace is made up of both of these fields, so you may choose the route you prefer.
  • #3
I am also thinking the same

Graduated from Physics and Appl Math last year and am thinking about an Aerospace Masters... and actually Spoon I'm Canadian but am thinking of studying at RMIT in Australia... Could you tell me about it?
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  • #4
hey burlighrapids,

RMIT is actually quite close to where i live, it is regarded as quite a good school over here, however the university of melbourne is probably more "prestigious"... what do u want to know about it?

And about my dilemma... if i studied physics to a high level.. i want to learn the physics at a higher level but I am not sure if i would be able to come up with original ideas... what work do lecturers and stuff have to actually do and what other jobs might be a possibility with a high physics degree?

  • #5
some jobs

I started my application process a couple of months ago. I've built of a list over 75 companies that I have applied to and have handed in about 150 applications so far. I try to get 5 a day.

Here are some job titles:

- Digital Hardware Designer
- Radio Frequency Hardware Designer
- Radio Algorithms and DSP Designer
- Electro Optic Design & Development Engineer
- New Product Mgmt Coordinator (I have some business background so I also try to apply to some management positions)
- R&D in Telecommunications
- Material and Process Engineer/Scientist (I did material research project for my honours in 4th year)
- Project Analyst - for any company, an analytical job can make use of your applied mathematics skills.. but you may need a couple of commerce / business/ accounting courses
- Financial Engineer.. similar to analytical positions
- Risk Analysis for banks.. may need similar to above some accounting etc
- Aerospace Engineer
- software engineer: many problems that involve calculus and programming need a physicist's beackground to program while simulating/analyzing/computating data in a way that computer engineer may not be able to ie MatLab, Maple, sopme C++
- Database Developer.. if you're good with SQL, MS Access, Oracle.. that type of stuff
- Statistician: if you did a lot of probablility, stats etc.. even optimization, then you can get into this kind of field

Anyways, hope this helps. Just go for the big companies and you'll find others along the way.. or look for lists of companies ie: Aerospace companies in Australia and go from there. Also search terms like "new grad", "entry level" and "junior" to make sure you're getting positions at your experience level.

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Related to Aeronautical Engineer or Physics?

1. What is the difference between an aeronautical engineer and a physicist?

An aeronautical engineer specializes in the design, development, and construction of aircraft and spacecraft, while a physicist studies the fundamental nature of matter and energy. Aeronautical engineers use principles of physics in their work, but their focus is on practical applications in the field of aerospace engineering.

2. Can someone with a background in physics become an aeronautical engineer?

Yes, many aeronautical engineers have backgrounds in physics. The principles of physics are essential in the field of aeronautical engineering, and a strong foundation in physics is necessary to understand and apply these principles in aircraft design and development.

3. What skills are important for a career in aeronautical engineering?

Some important skills for a career in aeronautical engineering include strong mathematical and analytical skills, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. Communication and teamwork skills are also important, as aeronautical engineers often work in teams and collaborate with other professionals.

4. What type of education is needed to become an aeronautical engineer?

Most aeronautical engineers have a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or a related field such as mechanical or electrical engineering. Some may also have a degree in physics or mathematics. A graduate degree may be required for more advanced positions or research roles.

5. What are some potential career paths for someone with a degree in aeronautical engineering or physics?

Career paths for aeronautical engineers or physicists may include working for aerospace companies, government agencies, or research institutions. They may also pursue careers in other industries such as automotive engineering, renewable energy, or consulting. Some may also choose to continue their education and pursue a graduate degree in a related field.

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