Afaid I might blow up my DVD player. 115V and 200v outlet question.

  • Thread starter hkhil
  • Start date
In summary, the transformer is from way back when and it is not sure if it is going to do what it says it will. It is for a US DVD player, which is used in a 220-240 volt AC country, but it might not work because the voltage is different down under. It says on the transformer that it outputs 230/240 volts AC, but if you are not in the US, and want to be safe, you could plug the transformer in and check the voltage before plugging in the DVD player. If it is around 110-130 volts, then it should be safe to use.
  • #1
Hi folks

I found a STEP DOWN transformer lying somewhere in the basement from way back when and I am not sure whether this thing is going to do what I think it does.

I am in Australia, a 220-240V country. I have a US DVD player and it's 110-120V AC.

It says on my transformer... INPUT: 230/240V AC, OUTPUT: 115V AC 65VA (0.57A), 65W stepdown. Is this the right thing to use??

Now I think this is going to do the trick but I don't want to black out my house if something goes wrong. Not to mention fry my player. Cause I was thinking that the OUTPUT should be 230/240 V AC since that's the voltage here.

I vaguely remember using this transformer before but I could be wrong.

Any help will be great.
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  • #2
The output should be what the DVD player requires.
  • #3
If you are afraid it may fry something, and want an added level of security, why not just plug the transformer in and check the voltage with an AC voltmeter before plugging in the DVD player? Any reading from about 110 to about 130 Volts should be OK.
  • #4
thanks averagesupernova and hammie.

Well Hammie, the thing is I don't have a AC voltmeter. If they aren't too expensive (like under 10 dollars from the hardware store), I might get one.

So If the voltmeter says 110-130, then it should be ok right? Well I might check that alternative.

Thanks anyways guys.
  • #5
Maybe instead of a voltmeter, you could find some semi-useless device that's also rated for 115 and plug it in. If it doesn't blow up, you might be okay. By the bye, what's your frequency down there? I don't know if it matters in this case, but a North American unit is designed for 60 cycle.
  • #6
You could do a rough check by using an incedesent lamp. Should be approx. half as bright.
  • #7
Low-end voltmeters can probably be gotten for $10AU.
  • #8
It is 50hz down here. I still haven't plugged in my player yet lol.

Maybe my player will just be for show now hehe. Model player. Just kidding, I'm off to buy that voltmeter. Thanks again guys.

Related to Afaid I might blow up my DVD player. 115V and 200v outlet question.

1. Can I use a 115V DVD player on a 200V outlet?

No, it is not recommended to use a 115V DVD player on a 200V outlet as it may cause damage to the player and potentially start a fire.

2. Can I use a 200V DVD player on a 115V outlet?

No, it is not safe to use a 200V DVD player on a 115V outlet as it may overload the outlet and cause damage to the player.

3. Can I use a converter to switch between 115V and 200V outlets for my DVD player?

Yes, you can use a converter to switch between 115V and 200V outlets for your DVD player. However, make sure to use a high-quality converter and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to avoid damaging your DVD player.

4. What happens if I accidentally plug my 115V DVD player into a 200V outlet?

If you accidentally plug your 115V DVD player into a 200V outlet, it may cause damage to the player and potentially start a fire. It is important to always check the voltage requirements of your electronics before plugging them into an outlet.

5. Is it better to use a voltage adapter or a voltage converter for my DVD player?

It is better to use a voltage converter for your DVD player as it will regulate the voltage and prevent any damage to the player. Voltage adapters only change the shape of the plug and do not regulate the voltage, which can be dangerous for your electronics.
