Affine Algebraic Sets - D&F Chapter 15, Section 15.1 - Example 2

In summary: responds to the email, and in summary, the ideal of functions vanishing at (a_1, a_2, ... ... ... a_n) is a maximal ideal because it is the kernel of the surjective ring homomorphism from k[x_1, x_2, ... ... x_n] to the field k given by evaluation at (a_1, a_2, ... ... ... a_n).
  • #1
Math Amateur
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I am reading Dummit and Foote Ch 15, Commutative Rings and Algebraic Geometry. In Section 15.1 Noetherian Rings and Affine Algebraic Sets, Example 2 on page 660 reads as follows: (see attachment)


(2) Over any field k, the ideal of functions vanishing at [itex] (a_1, a_2, ... ... ... a_n) \in \mathbb{A}^n [/itex] is a maximal ideal since it is the kernel of the surjective ring homomorphism from [itex] k[x_1, x_2, ... ... x_n] [/itex] to the field k given by evaluation at [itex] (a_1, a_2, ... ... ... a_n) [/itex].

It follows that [itex] \mathcal{I}((a_1, a_2, ... ... ... a_n)) = (x - a_1, x - a_2, ... ... ... , x - a_n) [/itex]


I can see that [itex] (x - a_1, x - a_2, ... ... ... , x - a_n) [/itex] gives zeros for each polynomial in [itex] k[ \mathbb{A}^n ] [/itex] - indeed, to take a specific example involving [itex] \mathbb{R} [x,y] [/itex] we have for, let us say, a particular polynomial [itex] g \in \mathbb{R} [x,y] [/itex] where g is as follows:

[itex] g(x,y) = 6(x - a_1)^3 + 11(x - a_1)^2(y - a_2) + 12(y - a_2)^2 [/itex]

so in this case, clearly [itex] g(a_1, a_2) = 0 [/itex] ... ... ... and, of course, other polynomials in [itex] \mathbb{R} [x,y] [/itex] similarly.

BUT ... ... I cannot understand D&Fs reference to maximal ideals. Why is it necessary to reason about maximal ideals.

Since I am obviously missing something, can someone please help by explaining what is going on in this example.

Another issue I have is why do D&F write [itex] \mathcal{I}((a_1, a_2, ... ... ... a_n)) [/itex] with 'double' parentheses and not just [itex] \mathcal{I}(a_1, a_2, ... ... ... a_n) [/itex]?

Would appreciate some help.


Note - see attachment for definition of [itex] \mathcal{I}(A) [/itex]


  • Dummit and Foote - Ch 15 - pages 658 - 660.pdf
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  • #2
The ideal ##I=\mathcal{I}((a_1,...,a_n))## is the set of all polynomials vanish on the point ##\mathbf{a} = (a_1,...,a_n)##.

The reasoning is as follows. Note that the polynomials ##X_i-a_i## certainly vanish on this point, as is easily checked. So ##X_i-a_i\in I## certainly. Thus the ideal generated by these polynomials is in ##I## too. So ##(X_1-a_1,...,X_n-a_n)\subseteq I##. But perhaps ##I## contains more! Here is our information about maximality comes in, because if ##I## contains more, it must be the entire ring ##k[X_1,...,X_n]##. But this can not be since the constant polynomial ##1## does not vanish on the set.
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  • #3
Excellent! Now see the link to maximal ideals!

But will reflect on this further so I am sure I have understood all angles of the theory

Thank you so much for this critical help ... I can now progress with more confidence!


FAQ: Affine Algebraic Sets - D&F Chapter 15, Section 15.1 - Example 2

What is an affine algebraic set?

An affine algebraic set is a set of points in an algebraic variety that satisfies a set of polynomial equations. It can be represented as the common zeros of a set of polynomials in the coordinate ring of the variety.

How is an affine algebraic set different from an affine variety?

An affine algebraic set is a more general concept that includes affine varieties as a special case. While an affine variety is a non-empty affine algebraic set that is also irreducible, an affine algebraic set can be reducible and may contain multiple components.

What is the coordinate ring of an affine algebraic set?

The coordinate ring of an affine algebraic set is the ring of polynomial functions on the set. It is generated by the coordinate functions of the set's points, and its elements are polynomials on the set that can be evaluated at any point to obtain a value.

How can affine algebraic sets be described using ideals?

An affine algebraic set can be described using ideals by taking the ideal generated by the polynomials that vanish on the set. This ideal represents all the polynomial equations that must be satisfied by the points in the set.

What is the relationship between affine algebraic sets and algebraic varieties?

An affine algebraic set is a subset of an algebraic variety. While an affine variety is a maximal irreducible affine algebraic set, an algebraic variety can be any subset of a projective or affine space that can be defined by a set of polynomial equations.
