Age of the Universe as Measured by a Non-Co-Moving Observer

In summary, Peter's argument is that while SR can't answer the question of whether or not an observer moving at a high velocity relative to a co-moving observer would measure the age of the universe as more than the co-moving observer would, it is possible to use SR to see why it is true that the age of the universe measured by the first observer would be less than that measured by the co-moving observer.
  • #1
In a recent thread I incorrectly stated that an observer moving at a high velocity relative to a co-moving observer would measure the age of the universe as more than the co-moving observer would. Apparently that is incorrect, and the age of the universe measured by the first observer would be less than that measured by the co-moving observer. I'm just curious as to how this works.

Is it possible to explain this using just SR and moving reference frames, or do we need to invoke GR?
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  • #2
Drakkith said:
Is it possible to explain this using just SR and moving reference frames, or do we need to invoke GR?

One's initial intuitive guess would be that SR couldn't answer this question since we are dealing with a curved spacetime. However, I think there is a sense in which we can sort of use SR to see why it's true.

First, a key fact about comoving observers (which does require GR to derive, since you need to show that the FRW metric is a solution of the EFE): all comoving observers experience the same amount of proper time between any two surfaces of constant FRW coordinate time. These surfaces are picked out by the fact that they are homogeneous and isotropic; no other family of spacelike hypersurfaces in FRW spacetime has this property.

Now consider any non-comoving observer's worldline, and ask how much proper time will elapse along it between two surfaces of constant FRW coordinate time. In standard FRW coordinates, the worldline of this non-comoving observer will have some nonzero spatial displacement, which we can consider to be purely radial. For simplicity we consider the case of a spatially flat FRW universe. The proper time along the non-comoving worldline will be the integral of the line element, which we can write as:

\tau = \int \sqrt{dt^2 - a^2(t) dr^2}

Of course we can't fully evaluate this integral without knowing the specific dynamics of the scale factor ##a## and the function ##dr/dt## that gives the non-comoving observer's spatial motion. However, we don't need to do any of that to see that the above integral must give a value that is smaller than the corresponding value for a comoving observer between the same two surfaces of constant FRW time:

\tau_o = \int dt

Technically, we do need one other premise to complete the argument: we need to recognize that the "age of the universe" is evaluated starting at some particular surface of constant FRW coordinate time. The usual convention is to use the "Big Bang" surface, i.e., the surface of constant FRW coordinate time that marks the end of inflation and the beginning of the hot, dense, rapidly expanding state that became the universe we observe.

So far I've phrased everything purely in GR terms. But of course the two integrals above look very much like the corresponding integrals for a stationary vs. a moving observer in a particular inertial frame in SR. So we could make a similar sort of argument, heuristically, in the local inertial frame of a comoving observer. But I think we would still need extra information from GR to really nail it down.
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  • #3
Thanks Peter. One question right now: What's a "surface of constant FRW coordinate time"?
  • #4
Drakkith said:
What's a "surface of constant FRW coordinate time"?

A spacelike hypersurface of constant coordinate time ##t## in FRW coordinates. :wink:

Physically, it's a spacelike hypersurface that is homogeneous and isotropic. FRW spacetime can be foliated by a family of such hypersurfaces, and standard FRW coordinates are constructed such that each hypersurface in the family is labeled by a unique value of the coordinate time ##t##. This time also turns out to be the proper time of comoving observers, i.e., observers that always see the universe as homogeneous and isotropic; the worldlines of such observers are everywhere orthogonal to the family of hypersurfaces just described.
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  • #5
PeterDonis said:
Technically, we do need one other premise to complete the argument: we need to recognize that the "age of the universe" is evaluated starting at some particular surface of constant FRW coordinate time. The usual convention is to use the "Big Bang" surface, i.e., the surface of constant FRW coordinate time that marks the end of inflation and the beginning of the hot, dense, rapidly expanding state that became the universe we observe.
To be really technical, the time of the Big Bang is the singularity that exists in the Big Bang model, while not considering pre-Big Bang models such as inflation or a bounce cosmology. This is close enough to reheating that they're essentially indistinguishable, however (the difference is something of the order of [itex]10^{-30}[/itex] seconds, if I recall).

So, basically the Big Bang time is easy an easy to calculate moment that's close enough to the events that kicked off our observable universe that we generally aren't concerned about any discrepancies.
  • #6
PeterDonis said:
A spacelike hypersurface of constant coordinate time ##t## in FRW coordinates. :wink:

Physically, it's a spacelike hypersurface that is homogeneous and isotropic. FRW spacetime can be foliated by a family of such hypersurfaces, and standard FRW coordinates are constructed such that each hypersurface in the family is labeled by a unique value of the coordinate time ##t##. This time also turns out to be the proper time of comoving observers, i.e., observers that always see the universe as homogeneous and isotropic; the worldliness of such observers are everywhere orthogonal to the family of hypersurfaces just described.

I don't think my Calculus 2 class prepared me for this... :rolleyes:
  • #7
Drakkith said:
What's a "surface of constant FRW coordinate time"?
That's easy: every observer that is comoving with the hubble flow (in other words at rest relative to the cmb) observes the universe to be 13.8 billion years old. The time dilation between two observers is then just calculated via the v relative to the cmb (the local proper velocity), not the relative recessional velocity between them. Fraser Flav did a short video on this which is also good for laymen: What Time Is It In The Universe?

The term "hypersurface" sounds wild, but it is only a volume in comoving coordinates. Just imagine the famous surface of an expanding raisin bread. Every raisin is sitting on the 2D surface of the bread; now just add a 3rd dimension and watch the raisins expand. In this metaphor every raisin has the same proper time.

Drakkith said:
I don't think my Calculus 2 class prepared me for this...
I think nobody who doesn't already know the answear could understand this hardcore formulation (:
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  • #8
Drakkith said:
I don't think my Calculus 2 class prepared me for this...

Chapter 8 of Carroll's online lecture notes gives a good presentation, explaining in more detail what the terms I used mean. He also gives a good introduction to differential geometry in chapters 2 and 3, which helps when you encounter "hardcore" formulations like the one I posted. :wink:
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  • #9
Thanks all!

FAQ: Age of the Universe as Measured by a Non-Co-Moving Observer

1. How is the age of the universe measured by a non-co-moving observer?

The age of the universe is measured by a non-co-moving observer through the use of redshift and the cosmic microwave background radiation. Redshift is the phenomenon in which light from distant objects appears to be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum due to the expansion of the universe. By measuring this redshift, scientists can determine the distance of the object and calculate the age of the universe. The cosmic microwave background radiation is the leftover thermal radiation from the Big Bang, and its temperature can also be used to determine the age of the universe.

2. How accurate is the age of the universe measured by a non-co-moving observer?

The age of the universe measured by a non-co-moving observer is currently estimated to be around 13.8 billion years with an uncertainty of about 100 million years. This uncertainty is due to the limitations of our current technology and the complexity of the universe. However, as technology and our understanding of the universe improve, this accuracy is expected to increase.

3. Can the age of the universe be measured differently by different non-co-moving observers?

Yes, the age of the universe can be measured differently by different non-co-moving observers. This is because the expansion of the universe is not uniform and can vary in different regions. Therefore, the redshift and cosmic microwave background radiation observed by different non-co-moving observers may differ, resulting in slightly different age measurements.

4. How does the age of the universe measured by a non-co-moving observer compare to the age measured by a co-moving observer?

The age of the universe measured by a non-co-moving observer and a co-moving observer will differ due to the effects of cosmic expansion. A co-moving observer is at rest with respect to the expanding universe and will measure the age of the universe to be the same as the time since the Big Bang. On the other hand, a non-co-moving observer is moving relative to the expanding universe and will measure a slightly younger age due to the effects of redshift and the expansion of space.

5. How does the age of the universe measured by a non-co-moving observer support the Big Bang theory?

The age of the universe measured by a non-co-moving observer is a key piece of evidence that supports the Big Bang theory. The estimated age of the universe aligns with predictions made by the theory, and the observed redshift and cosmic microwave background radiation are consistent with the expansion and cooling of the universe after the Big Bang. Additionally, the age of the universe provides a timeline for the evolution of the universe and supports the idea that the universe has been expanding since its inception.

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