Air Bubbles and Terminal Velocity-> why is my answer wrong? (all work shown)

In summary, Air bubbles rise to the surface of the water at a speed of 2.2 m/s. The diver cannot rise faster than their air bubbles, which helps avoid rapid pressure changes that can cause the bends.
  • #1
Air Bubbles and Terminal Velocity--> why is my answer wrong? (all work shown)

Homework Statement

Air bubbles of 1.0mm radius are rising from a scuba diver to the surface of the sea. Assume a
water temp of 20C.
a) If viscosity of water = 1.0 X 10-3 Pa.s, what is the terminal
velocity of the bubbles
b) What is the largest rate of the pressure change tolerable for the diver
according to this rule?
(Rule is divers cannot rise faster than their air bubbles when riding to the surface
* helps avoid rapid pressure changes that cause the bends)

Homework Equations

r = 1.0mm = 1.0 x 10-3m
T= 20C <--I have no idea what to do with this!
[tex]\eta[/tex]= 1.0 x 10-3 (viscosity of water)
[tex]\rho[/tex]= 1000kg/m3
im assuming density of water will be needed

The Attempt at a Solution

With terminal velocity you produce the right drag so the net force is 0.
And with the air bubbles i know that the terminal velocity is upward

first i set Fnet = 0
and its in the y directions, so
Fy= FD + FB=0
FD= 6[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\eta[/tex]rv (v=velocity)
^This is known as Stoke's Law

next i solved for vt v = vt

vt= mass water(g)/ 6[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\eta[/tex]r

next i simplified it by taking out pi and

and i got .22
but the answer is suppose to be 2.2 m/s upward-WHAT did i do wrong?

please help me!

NOTE the greek letters ARE NOT in subsrcipt. i don't know why it does that-but it is not an exponent.
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  • #2

Check your calculations. Using your final equation, I do get 2.2 m/s.
  • #3

i have been trying it all day
and just did it again.
now I am getting 2177777

how did u put in ur calc?
  • #4

I put 1E-3 for r, 9.8 for g, 1000 for rho, and 1E-3 for eta. If you don't know how to use your calculator, I can't help you there; my calculator is likely different from yours, and all I can suggest is to watch how the calculator responds to each key you press to make sure it's doing what you want it to.
  • #5

hmm i did the same thing-ill check my settings then.
oh well.
the important thing is that my setup for the prblm was right! =)
  • #6

I'm working on the same problem, but I don't understand where the 4/3(Pi)(r^3) came from. I'm not sure how to sub density for the masses (which aren't given).

FAQ: Air Bubbles and Terminal Velocity-> why is my answer wrong? (all work shown)

1. Why do air bubbles rise to the surface of water?

This is incorrect because air bubbles actually rise due to the buoyant force, not because of their terminal velocity. The buoyant force is a result of the difference in density between the air bubble and the surrounding water.

2. How does terminal velocity affect the movement of air bubbles?

This question is incorrect because terminal velocity only applies to objects falling through a fluid, not rising. The upward motion of air bubbles is determined by the buoyant force and their size.

3. Can air bubbles reach terminal velocity in water?

This is incorrect because terminal velocity only occurs when an object is falling through a fluid, not rising. Air bubbles in water do not reach terminal velocity, but rather reach a constant upward velocity determined by their size and the buoyant force.

4. Do air bubbles have a constant terminal velocity?

This question is incorrect because the terminal velocity of an object is dependent on its size, shape, and the properties of the fluid it is falling through. Therefore, air bubbles of different sizes and shapes will have different terminal velocities.

5. How does air resistance affect the terminal velocity of air bubbles?

This question is incorrect because air resistance only affects the terminal velocity of objects falling through a fluid, not rising. The upward motion of air bubbles is determined by the buoyant force and their size, not air resistance.
