Air Resistance & Horizontal Distance

In summary, the discussion question posed was whether a batted baseball, while moving with air drag, would travel a greater horizontal distance while climbing to its maximum height or while descending from its maximum height back to the ground. The response given was that the horizontal distance traveled would be greater during the ascent due to the ball's initial velocity being greater than at the end of the trajectory. This is due to the forces of air drag or wind resistance, which decrease the horizontal velocity and overall acceleration of the ball in the horizontal direction. A simulation was also conducted to demonstrate this concept with specific values for initial velocity, angle, and air drag.
  • #1
Air Resistance & Horizontal Distance

Warning: Calculus Required​

This was a discussion question in my class's Young & Freedman University Physics book. Page 150, Chapter 5, #29.

Q5-29 When a batted baseball (kicked football, whatever floats your boat, assume the initial vertical position was 0) moves with air drag, does it travel a greater horizontal distance while climbing to its maximum height or while descending from its maximum height back to the ground? Or is the horizontal distance traveled the same for both? Explain in terms of forces acting on the ball.

This is what I gave the class:
f=Dv^2 (or f=Dv for low velocity)

Does the angle at t=0 mater?

In general terms, it would spend more time in the air after peak height and before, yet it would not be moving as fast horizontally by that time.

Note that, simply put, it would take longer for the ball to fall from its peak height than to reach it (t1 < t2)...
The horizontal velocity before the peak height is achieved would be greater than afterwards (Vx1>Vx2) and this would decrease according to the formula... as is the horizontal force of air drag or wind resistance... and finally the absolute acceleration due to wind resistance in the horizontal direction.

Any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
I've ran a simulation with [tex]v_0 = 50 m/s[/tex], [tex]\theta_0 = 45^o [/tex] and D = 0.02. The attached figure shows the result. The ball travels a greater horizontal distance during its way up than in the way down. It was expected, since the velocity is greater at the beginning of the trajectory than at the end.


  • Drag.jpg
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  • #3

I would like to clarify a few things before providing a response to this question. Firstly, the statement "Warning: Calculus Required" is not entirely accurate. While calculus may be necessary for a more detailed analysis, this question can still be answered using basic principles of physics.

Now, to answer the question at hand. When a batted baseball moves with air drag, the horizontal distance it travels will depend on several factors such as the initial velocity, launch angle, and air resistance. However, in general, the horizontal distance traveled will be greater while the ball is descending from its maximum height back to the ground.

To understand why, we need to look at the forces acting on the ball. When the ball is at its maximum height, the only force acting on it is gravity, which is pulling it towards the ground. As the ball starts to descend, the force of air resistance also comes into play, acting in the opposite direction of the ball's motion. This force increases as the ball gains speed, ultimately slowing it down.

On the other hand, when the ball is climbing to its maximum height, both gravity and air resistance are acting in the same direction, which is towards the ground. This means that the ball will experience a greater net force and will reach its peak height faster. As it starts to descend, the force of air resistance will slow it down, resulting in a shorter horizontal distance traveled.

In summary, the horizontal distance traveled by a batted ball with air resistance will be greater while descending from its maximum height back to the ground due to the opposing forces of gravity and air resistance. This can also be seen in the formula provided, where the horizontal force of air drag decreases as the ball slows down, resulting in a shorter horizontal distance traveled.

Related to Air Resistance & Horizontal Distance

1. What is air resistance?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force that opposes the motion of an object through air. It is caused by the collisions of air molecules with the surface of the object, creating a frictional force that slows down the object's movement.

2. How does air resistance affect horizontal distance?

Air resistance affects horizontal distance by reducing the speed and distance an object can travel. As an object moves through air, it experiences a force in the opposite direction of its motion, causing it to slow down and travel a shorter distance than it would in a vacuum.

3. What factors affect air resistance?

The factors that affect air resistance include the speed of the object, the surface area of the object, and the density of the air. Objects that have a larger surface area or are moving at higher speeds will experience greater air resistance, while objects moving through denser air will also experience more resistance.

4. How can air resistance be reduced?

Air resistance can be reduced by making an object more aerodynamic. This can be achieved by changing the shape of the object to reduce its surface area, or by adding features like streamlining or fins to help the object move more smoothly through the air.

5. How does air resistance affect different objects differently?

Air resistance affects different objects differently depending on their shape, size, and speed. Objects that are more streamlined and have a smaller surface area will experience less air resistance than objects with a larger surface area. Additionally, faster-moving objects will experience more air resistance than slower-moving objects.
