Alexandrov's embedding theorem and the meaning of realizable

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In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses Alexandrov's embedding theorem and its application to convex polyhedral metrics. The theorem states that every convex polyhedral metric can be represented by a specific convex polyhedron, with the same connections and edge lengths. This concept of "realizable" means that there is only one unique convex polyhedron that can represent a given convex polyhedral metric. The references suggested for further understanding of the theorem are A.D. Alexandrov's Selected Works pt. II and A.V. Pogorelov's Extrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces.
  • #1
I am a graduate student working on an algorithm for isometric embeddings of simplicial complexes homeomorphic to [itex] \mathcal{S}^2 [/itex]with positive Gaussian curvature at each vertex(i.e. deficit angles > 0). Given the constraint on Gaussian curvature, this complex can be regarded as a convex polyhedral metric. Alexandrov's embedding theorem states,

Every convex polyhedral metric can be realized (and in one way only) by a convex polyhedron.

Alexandrov's presentation of his proof is long and cumbersome making it difficult to understand how he draws his conclusion. Because of this, I'm not sure what he means by realizable in this context. Does it mean the polyhedral metrics are identical, or does realizable allow for changes in connections between vertices thus giving a polyhedron that represents the polyhedral metric but is not identical to it? By identical I mean the connections between vertices and edge lengths are the same. If there is anyone who has studied this theorem extensively who can give a precise definition of realizable or give me references concisely summarizing the theorem that would be great. My references are,

author: A.D. Alexandrov title: A.D. Alexandrov Selected Works pt. II Intrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces section: Chapter 6 and 7

author: A.V. Pogorelov title: Extrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces section: Chapter 1 pg. 20
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  • #2
Dear fellow scientist,

Thank you for reaching out with your question about Alexandrov's embedding theorem. I am also a researcher in the field of geometry and am familiar with this theorem. To answer your question, "realizable" in this context means that the polyhedral metric can be realized or represented by a convex polyhedron. This means that the connections between vertices and the edge lengths are the same as the polyhedral metric being studied.

To clarify, Alexandrov's proof shows that every convex polyhedral metric can be represented by a specific convex polyhedron, with the same connections and edge lengths. This is what is meant by "in one way only." This means that there is only one unique convex polyhedron that can represent a given convex polyhedral metric.

I understand that Alexandrov's proof can be complex and difficult to understand. I would recommend referring to the references you have listed, as well as other resources such as textbooks and research articles, to gain a better understanding of the theorem. Additionally, you can reach out to other experts in the field for further clarification.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of "realizable" in the context of Alexandrov's embedding theorem. Best of luck with your research!


FAQ: Alexandrov's embedding theorem and the meaning of realizable

What is Alexandrov's embedding theorem?

Alexandrov's embedding theorem is a mathematical result that states that any abstract metric space can be isometrically embedded into a higher-dimensional Euclidean space. This means that there exists a way to represent a metric space with a set of points in Euclidean space, while preserving the distances between those points.

What is the significance of Alexandrov's embedding theorem?

Alexandrov's embedding theorem has important implications in both pure and applied mathematics. It allows for the study of abstract metric spaces using the tools and techniques of Euclidean geometry, making it easier to analyze and understand these spaces. It also has practical applications in fields such as computer science, where it can be used to represent data in a more efficient and meaningful way.

What does it mean for a metric space to be realizable?

A metric space is said to be realizable if it can be isometrically embedded into a Euclidean space. This means that there exists a representation of the metric space in Euclidean space that preserves all the distances between points. In other words, the abstract space can be "realized" in a concrete, geometric setting.

Is every metric space realizable?

No, not every metric space is realizable. There are certain conditions that must be met for a metric space to be isometrically embeddable into a Euclidean space. For example, the space must be complete, which means that every Cauchy sequence in the space converges to a point in the space. Additionally, the space must satisfy certain curvature conditions, such as being non-negative or having non-positive sectional curvature.

What are some examples of realizable and non-realizable metric spaces?

Some examples of realizable metric spaces include Euclidean spaces, spheres, and hyperbolic spaces. Non-realizable metric spaces include spaces with negative curvature, such as saddle surfaces, and spaces with fractal dimensions, such as the Sierpinski gasket.

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