Algebraic Geometry - D&F Section 15.1, Exercise 19

In summary: Your Name]In summary, Exercise 19 of Section 15.1 in Dummit and Foote asks to describe the set of points where a polynomial vanishes in terms of its unique factorization. This set will consist of the roots of each linear factor in the unique factorization. The ideal of polynomials that vanish on this set will be generated by the original polynomial if and only if it is the product of distinct linear factors. The exercise can be further clarified and a formal and rigorous solution provided by considering the definition of the notation used and the relationship between the ideal and the polynomial's factorization.
  • #1
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Exercise 19 of Section 15.1 in Dummit and Foote reads as follows:


19. For each non-constant \(\displaystyle f \in k[x] \) describe \(\displaystyle \mathcal{Z}(f) \subseteq \mathbb{A}^1 \) in terms of the unique factorization of \(\displaystyle f \) in \(\displaystyle k[x] \), and then use this to describe \(\displaystyle \mathcal{I}( \mathcal{Z} (f)) \). Deduce that \(\displaystyle \mathcal{I}( \mathcal{Z} (f)) = (f) \) if and only if \(\displaystyle f \) is the product of distinct linear factors in \(\displaystyle k[x] \).


I can see that by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra if \(\displaystyle k = \mathbb{C} \) that \(\displaystyle \mathcal{Z}(f) \) is a finite set of n or less points, and if \(\displaystyle k = \mathbb{R} \) or \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Q}\) then the possibilities for \(\displaystyle \mathcal{Z}(f) \) include the empty set. However I am not sure how to formally express these things and am not sure of the situation with finite fields. Further, I am not confident of a formal and rigorous solution to the rest of the problem.

I would appreciate some guidance.

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  • #2

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your question. Let me provide some guidance on how to approach this exercise.

First, let's define the notation that is being used. The notation \mathcal{Z}(f) represents the set of points in \mathbb{A}^1 where the polynomial f vanishes, or in other words, the roots of the polynomial. This set can be described in terms of the unique factorization of f in k[x] . In particular, if f is a product of distinct linear factors in k[x] , then \mathcal{Z}(f) will consist of the roots of each of these factors, which will be distinct points in \mathbb{A}^1 .

Next, let's consider the ideal \mathcal{I}( \mathcal{Z} (f)) , which represents the set of polynomials that vanish on \mathcal{Z}(f) . In this case, since \mathcal{Z}(f) consists of distinct points, the ideal will consist of polynomials that are divisible by each of the linear factors in the unique factorization of f . In other words, the ideal will be generated by f itself, since f is a product of distinct linear factors.

Finally, we can deduce that \mathcal{I}( \mathcal{Z} (f)) = (f) if and only if f is the product of distinct linear factors. This is because if f is not the product of distinct linear factors, then there will be some repeated factors, which will result in a larger ideal that is not generated by f . On the other hand, if f is the product of distinct linear factors, then the ideal will be generated by f itself.

I hope this helps to clarify the exercise and provides a formal and rigorous solution. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best of luck with your studies.

FAQ: Algebraic Geometry - D&F Section 15.1, Exercise 19

1. What is algebraic geometry?

Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies solutions to systems of polynomial equations. It combines techniques from algebra and geometry to understand the geometric properties of these solutions.

2. What is Section 15.1 in D&F?

Section 15.1 in D&F refers to the 15th section of the book "Algebra" by Michael Artin, which is commonly used as a textbook for algebraic geometry courses. It covers the topic of projective schemes, which are a key concept in algebraic geometry.

3. What is Exercise 19 in Section 15.1 of D&F?

Exercise 19 is a specific problem or question that is found in Section 15.1 of D&F. It may involve applying the concepts and techniques discussed in the section to solve a particular problem or prove a theorem.

4. What are some applications of algebraic geometry?

Algebraic geometry has applications in many areas of mathematics and science, including number theory, cryptography, robotics, computer vision, and economics. It is also used in theoretical physics to study string theory and mirror symmetry.

5. Is algebraic geometry a difficult subject to learn?

Algebraic geometry can be challenging to learn, as it requires a strong foundation in algebra and geometry. However, with dedication and practice, it can be a rewarding and fascinating subject to study.
