Algebraic QFT and Quantum Gravity

In summary, Kea attended a talk about categorification of spectral triple/manifold duality and how Tomita-Takesaki results can be seen as a C* version of Cosmic Galois Group. This work is related to algebraic quantum field theory and the idea of matter in quantum gravity. Another approach by Klaus Fredenhagen and colleagues uses *-algebras and subsystems associated with spacetime regions. The emerging dictionary between Kontsevich, operads, and NCG is becoming substantial, but the speaker prefers the Higher Category approach for calculating things with operads. The geometry of manifolds is not clear in this approach, but the focus is on Yang-Mills and mass generation rather than the Riemann hypothesis like
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Kea posted this on another thread:

Kea said:
On a slightly different note (nothing to do with the SM): I actually went to a very interesting NCG talk today by Paolo Bertozzini (maybe I'll blog about it) which made a couple of things a little bit clearer to me. Paolo works on a kind of categorification of the basic (spectral triple / manifold) duality, and thinks of this Tomita-Takesaki stuff that they're keen on ( as providing a C* version of the Cosmic Galois Group somehow. But he ends up doing bundles instead of manifolds and then he says they might be like gerbes or stacks ... and he wants to put it all into a more categorical language.

The Tomita-Takesaki results are and exciting breakthrough in AQFT, by now getting to be pretty well understood. The beginnings of it are in Haag's book Local Quantum Physics.

Another line of work in AQFT that approaches the idea of matter in QG is represented by the work of Klaus Fredenhagen and his colleagues. A recent example is gr-qc/0603079, Towards a Background Independent Formulation of Perturbative Quantum Gravity, by Romeo Brunetti and Klaus Fredenhagen.
A brief quotation will give the flavor.

Brunetti and Fredenhagen said:
We adopt the point of view [3] of algebraic quantum field theory and identify physical systems with *-algebras with unit (if possible, C*-algebras) and subsystems with subalgebras sharing the same unit. In quantum field theory the subsystems
can be associated to spacetime regions. Every such region may be considered as a spacetime in its own right, in particular it may be embedded into different spacetimes. It is crucial that the algebra of the region does not depend on the way it is embedded into a larger spacetime. For instance, in a Schwartzschild spacetime the physics outside the horizon should not depend on a possible extension to a
Kruskal spacetime.
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  • #2
Hi selfAdjoint

Naturally I'm more a fan of the Higher Category approach, but the impression I got yesterday is that the emerging dictionary between Kontsevich, operads etc. on the one hand, and NCG (or AQFT) on the other is beginning to look substantial. That doesn't make me enthusiastic to go away and learn Tomita-Takesaki. On the contrary: it only makes me more convinced that the right way to tell phenomenologists and experimentalists how to calculate stuff is the easier way...with operads. Now on that side, admittedly, the geometry of manifolds is not yet so clear. But we deliberately set out from a different starting point, for physical reasons. Connes and Marcolli want the Riemann hypothesis. We just care about Yang-Mills and mass generation.

  • #3
This is the content of the principle of local covariance.

In the context of quantum gravity, the idea of using algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT) to study the relationship between matter and space-time is a promising approach. AQFT provides a rigorous mathematical framework for studying quantum field theory and its connection to space-time. By identifying physical systems with *-algebras, it allows for the study of subsystems and their relationship to different spacetimes.

The Tomita-Takesaki results and the work of Klaus Fredenhagen and his colleagues are both important contributions to this field. They provide a deeper understanding of how matter and space-time interact and how this relationship can be described in a more categorical language.

Paolo Bertozzini's work on categorification of the basic duality is also an interesting development in this area. By using bundles instead of manifolds, it opens up the possibility of exploring the connection between quantum field theory and quantum gravity in a new way. The idea that these bundles may be related to gerbes or stacks adds to the potential for further understanding and insights.

Overall, the combination of AQFT and quantum gravity has the potential to shed light on some of the most fundamental questions in physics, such as the nature of matter and space-time. The exciting breakthroughs in this field show that we are making progress towards a better understanding of these complex concepts.

Related to Algebraic QFT and Quantum Gravity

1. What is Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT)?

Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT) is a mathematical framework for studying quantum field theory, which is the study of the behavior of quantum systems in continuous space and time. It aims to provide a rigorous mathematical foundation for quantum field theory by focusing on the algebraic structure of quantum fields instead of specific physical models.

2. What is the relationship between AQFT and Quantum Gravity?

AQFT is considered to be a promising approach to quantum gravity, as it provides a unified framework for studying both quantum field theory and general relativity. In AQFT, gravity is treated as a quantum field, and the algebraic structure of the theory is used to describe the dynamics of spacetime.

3. What are the main challenges in combining AQFT and Quantum Gravity?

Combining AQFT and Quantum Gravity is a challenging task due to the fundamental differences between the two theories. AQFT is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, while general relativity is a classical theory of gravity. This requires the development of new mathematical tools and techniques to reconcile the two theories.

4. How does AQFT address the issue of non-renormalizability in Quantum Gravity?

One of the major challenges in developing a theory of Quantum Gravity is the issue of non-renormalizability, which arises due to infinities in the calculations. AQFT offers a potential solution to this problem by providing a framework for constructing a consistent theory that can be renormalized.

5. What are some current developments in AQFT and Quantum Gravity research?

There are various ongoing research efforts to develop a rigorous and consistent theory of Quantum Gravity within the framework of AQFT. Some recent developments include the use of category theory to study the algebraic structure of quantum fields and the application of non-commutative geometry to describe the geometry of spacetime in AQFT.

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