Alice, Bob and Charge falling into Black Hole

In summary, Alice and Bob are observing a non-rotating black hole from opposite sides. Bob drops a charged body into the black hole and they both measure the intensity of the electromagnetic field. Despite the charged object initially causing a difference in their measurements, the no-hair theorems suggest that as the object approaches the event horizon, its radiation will eventually converge to that of a static black hole. This means that Alice and Bob's measurements will eventually become equal, even if the charged object reaches the singularity. However, in the case of a neutron star with a non-symmetric charge distribution that suddenly collapses, Alice and Bob will still observe different values due to the rapid removal of nonuniformities by gravitational and electromagnetic radiation. This is
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Alice and Bob are hovering at say 10Rs at opposite sides of the non-rotarting black hole. Bob drops charged body and it is free falling into black hole (again, at opposite side from Alice). They both measure the intensity of electromagnetc field. Initially, of course, intensity at Bobs location is much higher.

Question: do Alice and Bobs measurements become equal in finite time (as Black Hole does not have hair and it can't have any non-symemtric charge distribution), or, as for Bob and Alce object 'freezes' at the event horizon, Bob measures slightly more intensive EM field forever?

My bet is they never become equal: even body reaches the singularity and situation becomes symmetric, the change in EM field propagates from EH very slowly.

Now slightly different situation: Bob and Alice observe neutron star with non-symmetric charge distribution, where the unbalanced charge is already below future horizon. Now star suddenly collapses. I conclude that Bob and Alice wll still measure different values. Am I right?
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There's a good discussion of the kind of issue you're talking about in ch. 6 and 7 of Black Holes and Time Warps, by Kip Thorne.

I don't think the nonzero charge on the object really changes the answer to your question. With an uncharged object, we get all the same issues, but there is only gravitational radiation, not gravitational+EM.

The various no-hair theorems are all theorems about static solutions. They don't have anything to say about the process of collapse.

The Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems prove geodesic incompleteness, i.e., they only talk about the experience of an infalling observer, not about how the process appears from the outside.

In your example, I believe what happens is that gravitational and electromagnetic radiation very quickly remove the nonuniformity produced by the charged object that Bob drops in. Bob has only added a finite amount of mass-energy to the system, so radiation can only carry away a finite amount of energy. As the object approaches the horizon, its radiation (both electromagnetic and gravitational) becomes infinitely weak and redshifted. To a distant observer, the externally observable fields converge asymptotically to those of a static black hole.

FAQ: Alice, Bob and Charge falling into Black Hole

1. What happens to Alice and Bob when they fall into a black hole?

According to the theory of general relativity, Alice and Bob will experience a phenomenon known as "spaghettification", where the intense gravitational pull of the black hole causes them to stretch and elongate until they eventually reach the singularity at the center.

2. Can Alice and Bob escape from the black hole?

It is highly unlikely that Alice and Bob could escape from the black hole once they have crossed the event horizon, which is the point of no return. The intense gravity of the black hole would make it nearly impossible for them to overcome and escape.

3. What happens to the charge of Alice and Bob as they fall into the black hole?

The charge of Alice and Bob would remain unchanged as they fall into the black hole. However, as they approach the singularity, their charge would contribute to the overall charge of the black hole, potentially affecting its properties.

4. Will Alice and Bob experience time dilation as they fall into the black hole?

Yes, according to the theory of general relativity, Alice and Bob would experience significant time dilation as they approach the event horizon and fall into the black hole. This means that time would appear to pass more slowly for them compared to an observer outside the black hole.

5. Is it possible for Alice and Bob to survive the journey into a black hole?

No, it is highly unlikely that Alice and Bob could survive the intense gravitational forces and extreme conditions inside a black hole. The laws of physics as we know them would be violated, making it impossible for them to survive.

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