Alien Abductions: A Report On the Roper Analysis Data

In summary, This report discusses the results of an analysis of data from "alien abduction" cases. The study found that these experiences are more intense emotional reactions due to the memories of contact with aliens.
  • #1
Carlos Hernandez
Alien Abductions: A Report On the Roper Analysis Data

by Geraldo Fuentes
In the typical "alien abduction," the victim is paralyzed by some unknown force, taken to a small circular room, and then examined and probed by a number of large-eyed, gray skinned, hairless, short creatures. Tissues and cells are sampled and subcutaneous implants are often installed. Special attention is focused on the genitals and rectum. This involuntary examination is often supervised by a larger non-human creature, sometimes described as female. The abductees are then returned to their beds or automobiles and awake with no memories of the encounter. If they notice anything at all, it is usually that some time has mysteriously passed.

This abduction story has been described by hundreds of people who have been placed under hypnosis by psychiatrists, psychologists and other therapists. Victims come from all corners of the globe and from every age, gender and race. For every abductee whose recollection has been liberated in therapy, there are many more who remain totally unaware of their routine encounter with aliens.

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  • #2
The hypnosis component is a key. Google for "false memory".
  • #3
(U-WIRE) CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- People who claim they were abducted by aliens show more intense emotional reactions to their memories than some Vietnam War veterans, according to a Harvard University study released Sunday.

Most researchers hailed the findings as significant in the field of recovered and false memories.

But a spokesperson for one controversial Harvard professor said the study may demonstrate something more significant -- that humans may actually experience contact with a "third realm"...

Most experts, however, say the study's findings, presented by Professor of Psychology Richard J. McNally at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, show that emotional trauma can stem from imagined experiences.
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  • #4
I tend to subscribe to the "Earth-Lights" explanation of UFO abduction experiences. All of the events enumerated in the original post have been repeoduced by EM fields. In a minor geological event, such a field might be emitted by ball of light suddenly appearing ni the sky. These phenomina together would produce the abduction experience commonly described by most victims.

Related to Alien Abductions: A Report On the Roper Analysis Data

1. What is the Roper Analysis Data and how is it related to alien abductions?

The Roper Analysis Data is a report that analyzed survey data collected by the Roper Organization in 1991. It specifically looked at people's beliefs and experiences related to alien abductions and extraterrestrial life.

2. What were the main findings of the Roper Analysis Data regarding alien abductions?

The report found that a significant portion of the population (approximately 3.7 million Americans) believed they have been abducted by aliens. It also found that many people who reported abduction experiences had similar descriptions of the aliens and their activities.

3. How reliable is the Roper Analysis Data in terms of studying alien abductions?

While the Roper Analysis Data provides valuable insights into people's beliefs and experiences, it is important to note that it is based on self-reported data and may not be entirely accurate. Additionally, the data is over 30 years old and may not reflect current beliefs and experiences.

4. Does the Roper Analysis Data provide any evidence for the existence of alien abductions?

No, the Roper Analysis Data does not provide any concrete evidence for the existence of alien abductions. It simply presents the beliefs and experiences of those surveyed and does not offer any scientific proof.

5. What are some possible explanations for the high number of reported alien abductions in the Roper Analysis Data?

There are a few potential explanations for the high number of reported alien abductions in the Roper Analysis Data. Some experts suggest that these experiences could be attributed to psychological or neurological factors, such as sleep paralysis or false memories. Others believe that cultural influences and media portrayals of alien abductions may also play a role.

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