Alien Infection [from Mars]: Astrobiology magazine

In summary: The evidence that panspermia exists is not conclusive, and the guy making the argument has some errors in his information. Overall, I do not think that this is a big deal.
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  • #2
I see no reason that something alien would even react to terrestrial life. Why would it be infectious?
  • #3
Read up on the theory of panspermia Primary researcher is a Dr. Wickramasinghe.

In a nutshell, the idea is that life is not native to Earth. Instead, some of what we see as vast stellar clouds of dust are huge clouds of bacteria in a hibernating state. When they come into contact with environments that come into being throughout the ages, they come back to life and colonize whatever habitat they land in.
Under this idea, we might find bacteria in places all over the solar system that can provide the minerals and materials necessary for bacteria to grow.
In the last year or two, this theory has gained some credibility. Recent high-altitude labratory ballons/planes collected samples of bacteria high in the tropopause, far above any of the atmospheric circulations that can conceivably bring bacteria up to those levels. While of course such evidence is not yet conclusive, it is very thought provoking, similar to the possible bacterial remnants found in that Mars meteorite in 1996 from Antartica.
How this relates to the topic is that the bacteria collected in these experiments closely resembles that of terrestrial bacteria. This means one of 2 things.
1)the bacteria *are* airborne, Earth evolved life, so nothing to worry about.
2)they actually did come from space, meaning that life throughout much of the nearby galaxy would likely be based on the same biochemical origins. If so, then its very possible that diseases from bacteria on Mars could cause illness in terrestrial forms of life. Also means that such dieases might also respond to anti-bacterial type medicines we've developed over the years. A bit of 2-edged sword.

Panspermia is an interesting idea, and it has *big* implications if its ever proven to be true.
  • #4
Geuis, I have look at website and their some errors and the guy should uptade himself on evolutionary theories. For example, he still refer bacteria and archea as eubacteria and archeabacteria respectivly. These last term are rarely used anymore because it assume that archea are ancestrial to bacteria and that everything evolve from bacteria.(Check this link, the article explain what I mean The guy loses a lot of credibility.

The theory that pathogen could invade Earth is a bit week. If you think about it, pathogenic virus and bacteria tend to be host specific (i.e. bacterial virus do not infect human, and it can go down to species specificity). Therefore evolution with a potential host tend to bring pathogenecity and I doubt that extraterrestrial live form have evolve with humanoid (unless the bacteria left the Earth couple of thousand years ago and it is coming back ). The probably that I see is that the E.T. virus or bacteria could be bacterial pathogen. This could cause decimate our intestinal flora and make us more prone to disease.

Related to Alien Infection [from Mars]: Astrobiology magazine

1. What is astrobiology?

Astrobiology is the scientific study of life in the universe, including its origin, evolution, distribution, and future possibilities. It combines elements of biology, astronomy, geology, and other fields to understand the conditions and processes that may lead to the emergence of life on other planets.

2. How can an alien infection from Mars affect humans?

If an alien infection from Mars were to occur, it could potentially have a significant impact on human health. The infection could manifest in various forms, such as a bacterial or viral infection, and could lead to a range of symptoms and health complications. It is also possible that the infection could be deadly if it is not properly treated or if it is highly contagious.

3. Is there evidence of life on Mars?

While there have been many theories and studies about the possibility of life on Mars, there is currently no conclusive evidence of past or present life on the planet. However, recent discoveries have shown that Mars may have once had conditions suitable for life to exist, and there is ongoing research to search for signs of microbial life on the planet.

4. How could an alien infection from Mars be transmitted to Earth?

The most likely way for an alien infection from Mars to be transmitted to Earth would be through the contamination of materials brought back from Mars, such as samples of soil or rock. This could occur through spacecraft or robotic missions, or even human astronauts. It is important for strict protocols to be in place to prevent the spread of potential alien organisms to Earth.

5. What precautions are being taken to prevent an alien infection from Mars?

Scientists and space agencies take precautions to prevent potential contamination from extraterrestrial sources. This includes following strict sterilization procedures for spacecraft and equipment that may come into contact with other planets. Additionally, measures such as quarantine protocols are in place for astronauts returning from space missions to prevent the spread of any potential alien organisms to Earth.

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