Alien Worlds.... Alien Elements?

In summary, Modesitt Jr.'s novel discusses a group of people who are sent to an alien world in order to study it. They find that the world is actually a replica of Earth, but with some differences. One of the differences is that the aliens have 12 fingers instead of our 5.
  • #1
The perodic table we learn in school. All the stuff on it is found on Earth, and some of it (not all of it) we can find on other worlds.

So it got me thinking, what about alien scifi worlds?

Unobtanium is a common scifi trope, and all too often scifi humans envy aliens having unobtanium.

But I thought it can and should... go both ways.

What I mean is... yeah, aliens might have power crystals that take months before melting while emitting fusion level energies.

Yet they may lack uranium and plutonium, and may have never made a nuke before. So they might want to trade their crystals for our uranium.

What kinds of unobtanium tropes could in theory be possible?

High energy yielding power crystals?

Superconducting magnetic liquids?
Physics news on
  • #2
Bab5space said:
What kinds of unobtanium tropes could in theory be possible?
You are asking a contradictory question. What impossible things are possible?
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Likes Vanadium 50
  • #3
Bab5space said:
What kinds of unobtanium tropes could in theory be possible?

As @anorlunda said, you are asking what imaginary things could you imagine.

However you might want to consider where on Mohs scale you want your story to sit, for a somewhat entertaining read, and links to piles of other info:
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  • #4
Basically, the laws of physics apply the same everywhere. The same elements possible on the Earth will be possible on another planet. We've filled the periodic table up to element 118. Any "new" elements would have to have larger atomic numbers. The problem is, only the first 94 occur naturally, the rest had to be synthesized in particle accelerators. They also have short half-lives. While it is suggested that an "island of stability" might exist for higer atomic number elements, it really would just be an island of relative stability. Elements there would still be unstable, it just that their half-lives would be a bit longer than that for elements to either side of them.*
While another planet might have different concentrations of certain elements, And you might find a planet lacking in higher elements, You are not going to find one that has different elements to take their place.

The power crystal you mention would have to be a synthetic product of their own making. In other words, they would have had to have knowledge that made it possible to make that we don't have, and it would not have been a natural substance.( It also very likely is impossible to even synthesize.

If you try to assume that the laws of physics are completely different on that planet in order to allow such a natural substance, then it would be useless to us. If we tried to bring it to Earth, it would just quit working as our physical laws wouldn't allow for it. For that matter, even visiting the planet would not be a good idea, as the laws of physics there would not likely be the same as those needed to keep us alive.

* For a long while, and before it was actually synthesized, many UFO proponents claimed that alien spacecraft used element 115, which had unusual properties, for propulsion. When it was actually made, it turned out to be not unusual at all.
  • #5
Janus said:
For a long while, and before it was actually synthesized, many UFO proponents claimed that alien spacecraft used element 115, which had unusual properties, for propulsion.

A miscommunication because our alien friends have 12 fingers.
  • #6
Modesitt Jr. explored this concept in his novel, The Eternity Artefact. It's an excellent story on a number of levels, including being a masterclass in how to write clearly differentiated first-person points of view from multiple characters so each has their own distinct voice.

Related to Alien Worlds.... Alien Elements?

1. What is an alien world?

An alien world is a planet or celestial body that exists outside of our solar system. It may have different physical characteristics and atmospheric conditions compared to Earth.

2. How do scientists search for alien worlds?

Scientists use a variety of methods to search for alien worlds, including the transit method, radial velocity method, and direct imaging. These methods involve observing changes in a star's brightness or movement caused by the presence of a planet.

3. What are some common elements found on alien worlds?

Some common elements found on alien worlds include hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. These elements are essential for the formation of life as we know it.

4. Can alien worlds support life?

It is possible for alien worlds to support life, but it is still unknown if any of the discovered exoplanets have the necessary conditions for life to thrive. Scientists continue to search for exoplanets with Earth-like characteristics, such as a rocky surface, liquid water, and a stable atmosphere.

5. How do scientists study the elements on alien worlds?

Scientists study the elements on alien worlds by analyzing the light spectrum of the exoplanet's atmosphere. This can provide information about the chemical composition and potential habitability of the planet. Additionally, missions such as NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will allow for more detailed observations of exoplanet atmospheres.

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