Aligning effect in uniform field

  • #1
I would like to discuss the nature of the following effect. At whatever angle and with whatever initial speed the particle fly into a uniform potential field, over time the directions of the instantaneous velocity and field strength converge. The kinematics and dynamics here are trivial, but I wondered: is there any general principle (such as the least action) that dictates this effect? Long attempts led me to a very vague "Maximum power principle",that reinforce production and efficiency." which in relation to this problem can be formulated as follows: "the system tends to move to such a movement that the power transfer of energy from potential to kinetic was maximum. It seems to be true, since instantaneous power is defined as the scalar product of force and instantaneous speed...
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  • #2
I think you need a specific example to reduce the field of discussion.

The interaction between the particles and the fluid will be orientation dependent. Some orientations will be stable, and so remain for longer, increasing membership of that orientation population.
  • #3
Baluncore said:
I think you need a specific example to reduce the field of discussion.

The interaction between the particles and the fluid will be orientation dependent. Some orientations will be stable, and so remain for longer, increasing membership of that orientation population.
I mean force fields: classical gravitational or electric field
  • #4
For conservative fields, forces are typically related to the gradient of the potential vis. Is that what you need?
  • #5
hutchphd said:
For conservative fields, forces are typically related to the gradient of the potential vis. Is that what you need?
No, my question concerns the nature of the aligning effect (see above)
  • #6
In my vernacular the aligning agent is called a force. So I am completely clueless as to what you are asking..
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Likes nasu and vanhees71
  • #7
hutchphd said:
In my vernacular the aligning agent is called a force. So I am completely clueless as to what you are asking..
Ok, it is necessary using the stationary-action principle show that the vectors of the instantaneous velocity and force over time should approach each other in direction
  • #8
The component of velocity parallel to the force increases in magnitude. The component perpendicular to the force doesn't. What else would be needed?
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Likes jbriggs444 and vanhees71