All n-variable combinations can exist within a word

In summary, all possible combinations of n variables can exist within a word, where n is the number of variables. The length of the word increases by n!/2 + n - 1 for each additional variable. This can be seen as a function f(n) = x, where x is the number of letters needed and n is the number of variables. However, this function may not be entirely accurate and further analysis is needed.
  • #1
All n-variable combinations can exist within a word;
n=1 | a
n=2 | ab
n=3 | cabca

Is the fourth shortest word cabdcabcdabcadbca, and how long is the n:th word?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
n=2 | ab

What about ba?

n=3 | cabca

Or bac?
  • #3
backwards cab = bac
  • #4
so backwards is permissible, why isn't any other random ordering also equivalent? (ie, exactly what is the full question you want the answer to, seeing as you've given us incomplete information?)
  • #5
I ment all permutations, but i hoped i could avoid that word
  • #6
that still doesn't make it a well formed question though.
  • #7
Dude, what the hell are you saying?
  • #8
well, if that's aimed at me, cab counts as the same string as bac for this question, now what other strings are identified with bac? sariaht's answer is "all combinations", but that means surely that the answer for a,b,c is abc, ssince that contains all strings of length 3 up to all permutations.
  • #9
the question as i see it ... i will try to rephrase it ...
U have a machine suppose that can read from a strip of letters forward as well as backward but only continuous group of n letters ...
Given letters a,b,c
find the smallest strip of letters such that the machine can get any combination of abc from that?

e.g given by sariaht for 3 letters,
cabca -- length of 5

Question now asks to find the smallest strip length for n letters.

-- AI
  • #10

What is the smallest word with all permutations of n variables?
  • #11
and as we keep pointing out, your examples do not contain all possible permutations

n=2 ab doesn't contain ba, for instance, however you say this doesn't matter since ba is ab backwards, so what other permutations are equivalent to abc, say? only cba? why not acb? what particularly odd an arbitrary rules do you have that you're not telling us

edit: just read two posts back, so fowards and backwards are the only permissible variations? fine.
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  • #12
i haven't given this much thought but i think i get,
::n!/2 + n - 1::

Actually i have assumed something in my logic here , i will put my logic later if i get the time to actually prove my assumption.

-- AI
  • #13
I think Tenali's right.

That would be my guess too.
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  • #14

Have I misunderstod the meaning of permutations?

Yes I have, sorry!

What is the smallest word with all n letters long permutations of n variables?
  • #15
the proof of the assumption i made was so damn easy ...
man it skipped my visualisation for such a long time ...
So if my answer is right, i won't give it away just now ...

-- AI
  • #16
Here's how you start it:

write out abcd...e whatever the n letters are. then cycle through by putting the abcd.. after it. pick a permutation you've not got, repeat, count and leave this question alone, please.
  • #17
Wonder if you can mathematically calibrate the length of the word.
  • #18
what does calibrate mean in this context, and what;s wrong with the metric 'number of letters in the word'?
  • #19
The number of letters x you need must be a function of the number of variables n.
What is that function f(n) = x

Not that it makes a difference
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  • #20
Oh, i see: n!/2 + n - 1

Then I know, thanks a lot!

I couldn't see your answer somehow...

But that cannot be right, n = 4 gives 15, but the word is 17 letters long

1 1
2 2
3 5
4 17
5 ?
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  • #21
obviously the assumption i had made was a mistake ...
which i later realized unfortunately ...

i will have to give it some more thoughts , i will post something if i get somewhere

-- AI
  • #22
You could call these words keys to dissordered words by the way.

FAQ: All n-variable combinations can exist within a word

What does "all n-variable combinations" mean in relation to words?

"All n-variable combinations" refers to the different ways in which the variables or letters of a word can be rearranged or combined to create new words or variations of the original word.

Can you provide an example of "all n-variable combinations" within a word?

Sure, let's take the word "cat" as an example. The n-variable combinations of this word would include "act", "tac", "atc", "cta", "tca", and "cat" itself.

Is there a limit to the number of n-variable combinations that can exist within a word?

Yes, there is a limit based on the number of letters in the word. For a word with n letters, there can be a maximum of n! (n factorial) combinations.

How does the concept of "all n-variable combinations" apply to language and communication?

The concept of "all n-variable combinations" is important in language and communication because it allows for a vast number of words to be created and used to express ideas and convey meaning. It also highlights the complexity and versatility of language.

Can "all n-variable combinations" exist within a single word in any language?

Yes, "all n-variable combinations" can exist within a single word in any language. This concept is not limited to a specific language and applies to all words regardless of the language they belong to.

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