Allowed Reactions: Checking Rules & Mass Conservation

  • Thread starter genloz
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In summary, the speaker is confused about what to check for in order to determine if a reaction is allowed. They mention the conservation of lepton number and energy, as well as the difficulty in organizing and simplifying all the factors that need to be considered. They also mention a table that helps them classify reactions and the importance of considering the conservation of charge, angular momentum, and lepton and baryon numbers. The speaker also asks about how to determine when a weak interaction will violate P or CP, to which the response is that weak interactions almost always violate P and CP is more complex and involves interference between different processes.
  • #1
Is there an ultimate rule that can tell you what to check for to see if a reaction is allowed? I'm quite confused about what to check for in each situation? Is lepton number always conserved? How do you know whether there's enough energy to produce a given mass (eg e+e- -> tau+tau- isn't allowed due to mass conservation but how do you know how much energy is released when a particle and its antiparticle annihilate?) There seems to be too many things to check for which aren't organised logically and simplistically anywhere...
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  • #2
Funny, i have a table which helps me a lot to classify decays and reactions as possible or not. Plus CM energy.

So in my table i have one column for each force. I.e one for EM; one for weak, one for Strong.

Lepton and baryon # conservation is an emperical rule, and now you try to find out the lepton and baryon assymetry in the universe, since we live in a universe that has matter..

So your reaction [tex] e^+ + e^- \rightarrow \tau ^+ + \tau ^- [/tex] is possible if you have the right CM- energy, i.e CM energy > 2*restmass(tau-lepton)
  • #3
yeah, there are quite a lot to check sometimes, but the usual ones are
conservation of CM energy, charge, angular momentum (spin).
lepton and baryon number are conserved in most reactions (exceptin some non-perturbative reactions, like sphalerons)
it is probably not as difficult to decide whether something can happen, it is how likely (branching ratio) things will happen that may give you more problems.
  • #4
okay, that's very useful.. thanks... But these reponses made me think of another question... how do you know when a weak interaction will violate P or CP?
  • #5
genloz said:
okay, that's very useful.. thanks... But these reponses made me think of another question... how do you know when a weak interaction will violate P or CP?

Weak nuclear interactions (almost) always violate P. If the decay involves a W-boson, it violates it maximallly; if it involves a Z-boson, it could violate it or conserve it.

CP is much harder. The first thing that needs to happen for CP-violation is that the coupling constant must be complex (have a nontrivial phase). However, this is a necessary but not sufficient condition. The other condition is that there has to be two processes that occur that can interfere with each other, each with *different* phases. In the Standard model, this typically means that there are two Feynman diagrams (typically involving loops with W-bosons and all three generations of quarks) that contribute to the same process. This is how CP-violation in [itex]K-\bar{K}[/itex] and [itex]B-\bar{B}[/itex] mixing work, for example.

FAQ: Allowed Reactions: Checking Rules & Mass Conservation

1. What is the purpose of checking the rules and mass conservation in allowed reactions?

The purpose of checking rules and mass conservation in allowed reactions is to ensure that chemical reactions follow the laws of conservation of mass and energy. This helps to ensure the accuracy and validity of scientific experiments and observations.

2. What are the main rules that need to be checked in allowed reactions?

The main rules that need to be checked in allowed reactions include the law of conservation of mass, the law of conservation of energy, and the law of definite proportions. These laws dictate that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, and that reactants and products must be present in specific proportions.

3. How do you check for mass conservation in a chemical reaction?

To check for mass conservation in a chemical reaction, you must balance the chemical equation by ensuring that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation. This can be done by adjusting the coefficients of the reactants and products.

4. Why is it important to follow the rules and laws in chemical reactions?

It is important to follow the rules and laws in chemical reactions because they are based on fundamental principles of nature and have been extensively tested and proven through scientific experiments. By following these rules, we can ensure the accuracy and validity of our observations and predictions about chemical reactions.

5. What are the consequences of not checking for mass conservation in a chemical reaction?

If mass conservation is not checked in a chemical reaction, it can lead to inaccurate results and conclusions. This can also affect the reproducibility of experiments and hinder the progress of scientific research. Additionally, violating the laws of conservation of mass and energy can have negative impacts on the environment and human health.
