Alright, so I forgot how to do Surface Integrals

In summary, the author was trying to do a surface integral over a hemisphere but couldn't figure out how to do it. After searching for help online, he found the answer in a textbook and was able to solve the problem in less than an hour.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a vector function, and I need to take the surface integral of it over a hemisphere, top half only. I'm "confirming" the divergence theorem by doing a volume integral and surface integral. Already did the volume one so I have something to compare to already.

The Attempt at a Solution

Yeah yeah, "look at your book!"

I've checked my calc book, my mathematical physics book, and my E&M book (which assigned the problem) and for some reason I just can't get it.

EDIT: Also, I should mention that the vector isn't given in "i,j,k" form, but "r, theta, phi", which is even more confusing for me.

The books either use a simple cube (ya thanks) or cylindrical coordinates, which still makes it easier for me to grasp.

Let me see if I am thinking of this correctly:

dS will be d(theta)d(phi) for the top half, and should be d(r)d(phi) for the disk (My phi goes from 0 to 2pi). However I think I am missing something (Jacobian?). Besides that, I need to dot the function vector with the normal vector, yes?

The book says I need to take the gradient of the surface function (and normalize it) to make it a normal vector. So for the top half it would just be <r,0,0>? And I can't figure it out for the disk at the bottom. I guess I could use -k and then just transformed into spherical coordinates?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Poop-Loops said:
dS will be d(theta)d(phi) for the top half, and should be d(r)d(phi) for the disk (My phi goes from 0 to 2pi). However I think I am missing something (Jacobian?).
Yes -- you're missing the area. dS is an area element, so if you parametrize it with, say, [itex]d\theta d\phi[/itex], then you need to include the area of the sphere element spanned by that differential.

Besides that, I need to dot the function vector with the normal vector, yes?
and [itex]d\vec{S}[/itex] is [itex]\bf{\hat{n}}dS[/itex], so yes.

The book says I need to take the gradient of the surface function (and normalize it) to make it a normal vector. So for the top half it would just be <r,0,0>?/
That points in the right direction (radially outward), but that's not a unit vector.

And I can't figure it out for the disk at the bottom. I guess I could use -k and then just transformed into spherical coordinates?
Sounds good.
  • #3
Hurkyl said:
Yes -- you're missing the area. dS is an area element, so if you parametrize it with, say, [itex]d\theta d\phi[/itex], then you need to include the area of the sphere element spanned by that differential.

Limits of integration? Or are you talking about something else?

and [itex]d\vec{S}[/itex] is [itex]\bf{\hat{n}}dS[/itex], so yes.

That points in the right direction (radially outward), but that's not a unit vector.

Ok, so if I had <1,0,0>, that would work, right? Since it would be 1 unit in the "r" direction, so radially outward.
  • #4
I hate myself and I want to die.

I started reading different sections of the book (going over curvilinear coordinates) and at the bottom of one of the pages, it gives me exactly what I needed... what da is when I'm integrating over a sphere, and when it's a disk.

Should I switch my major?

EDIT: Oh, and 5 minutes after my discovery, I am done with the problem. I spent over an hour on it before that.

I really want to cry...
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  • #5
Just an hour? Pfft. I've spent days, maybe even weeks wondering about something before I discovered it was in one of the books I have lying around! :-p

Let this be a lesson in research -- knowing where to find information is almost as good as knowing that information. :smile:

"Look at your book" isn't idle advice: it's a vital habit for a mathematician!
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  • #6
Yeah. Every time I think I know something, it turns out I don't. I was looking under the "divergence" and "divergence theorem" sections, when I should have been looking at the curvilinear section. I mean, I already know that stuff, and I didn't think the author would just idly throw in "Oh yeah, use *this* for da using these coordinates in these 2 circumstances."

And actually I lost track of time. 'twas already two hours and I had also spent another 2 at school. :(
  • #7
Don't worry, I don't think I would be able to do a surface integral without symmetry. I would either have to think really hard about it for a day and derive it myself, or look it up. While looking something up is a time saver, there is always something to be said about deriving math.
  • #8
To sort of go against my thread on professors only doing proofs: yes, I find I learn something better when I do it the hard way.

FAQ: Alright, so I forgot how to do Surface Integrals

1. How do I approach a surface integral problem?

The first step in approaching a surface integral problem is to determine the type of surface you are dealing with. This could be a plane, a sphere, a cylinder, etc. Then, you need to define the limits of your integral and choose an appropriate coordinate system. Finally, use the surface integral formula to solve the problem.

2. What is the formula for surface integrals?

The formula for surface integrals is ∫∫S F(x,y,z) dS, where F(x,y,z) is the function being integrated and dS is the differential element of surface area. This formula can be modified depending on the type of surface and coordinate system being used.

3. How do I choose the limits for a surface integral?

The limits for a surface integral are determined by the boundaries of the surface being integrated over. This could be defined by equations, geometric shapes, or a combination of both. It is important to carefully identify and understand the boundaries in order to correctly set up the integral.

4. What is the difference between a surface integral and a double integral?

A surface integral is used to find the flux of a vector field over a given surface, while a double integral is used to find the area under a curve or the volume between two surfaces. Surface integrals involve integrating a function over a two-dimensional surface, while double integrals involve integrating a function over a two-dimensional region in the xy-plane.

5. How can I check my solution to a surface integral problem?

You can check your solution to a surface integral problem by using the divergence theorem or Stokes' theorem. These theorems relate surface integrals to their corresponding volume or line integrals, allowing you to verify your answer. Additionally, you can plug your solution back into the original function to see if it satisfies the given conditions.

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