Alternating lights from a 9v battery

In summary: The OP was asking about how to wire LED's in parallel.Here is the relevant part from the other thread:In summary, using a microcontroller to control LED's is the most practical solution.
  • #1
I am trying to take two lights and usign a 9v battery switch between the LED's. My thought was if i could get a square wave to go from positive to negative, since the LED's are polarity sensative I could just put them in parallel with the positive of one and the negative of the other being fed into from the osccillator. If anyone has a better Idea on how I could achieve the same effect it would be appreciated. or how I could achieve that affect, so far i can make a square wave that is only positive.
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  • #2
Hey buddy, welcome to PF. I posted in your other thread, and as I said there, the most practical solution is to use a microcontroller. Most microcontrollers can power LED's directly.
  • #3
Boy. A WHOLE microcontroller to flash some LEDs. What's wrong with a single squarewave oscillator. Put the diodes in series, across the supply (with suitable resistors). If you connect the oscillator (buffered, perhaps) output to the mid point (half volts) of the LED 'chain', then, when it's high, one will be lit and , when it's low, the other will be lit. Not even a dozen components involved and all of them cheap.
  • #4
hoever, I only have a single 9v dc source. wouldn't I need negative voltages from the oscillator to switch between the diodes?
  • #5
Imagine you had a (two position) switch that connected the mid point of the chain either to +9V or 0V. By moving the switch from one position to the other, the 'upper' or 'lower' LED would be lit. Your switch is shorting out one or other of the LEDs. The other one would have current flowing through it. For 'Switch' read 'amplifier output'.

+ supply -- resistor ---diode>---amp output ----- diode> ---- resistor------Ground

Does that help?
  • #6
sophiecentaur said:
Boy. A WHOLE microcontroller to flash some LEDs. What's wrong with a single squarewave oscillator. Put the diodes in series, across the supply (with suitable resistors). If you connect the oscillator (buffered, perhaps) output to the mid point (half volts) of the LED 'chain', then, when it's high, one will be lit and , when it's low, the other will be lit. Not even a dozen components involved and all of them cheap.

Finally someone who sees things my way. It seems the tasks get simpler and simpler that people are willing to throw a microcontroller at.
  • #7
Your attitude, Average-sn, would put sledgehammer manufacturers out of business at Christmas nutcracking time. :-)
  • #8
This is from another thread on this page.


FAQ: Alternating lights from a 9v battery

What materials are needed to create alternating lights from a 9v battery?

To create alternating lights from a 9v battery, you will need a 9v battery, two light bulbs, two switches, and some wires.

How do you connect the materials to create alternating lights?

First, connect the positive terminal of the battery to one of the switches. Then, connect the other terminal of the switch to one of the light bulbs. Next, connect the other terminal of the light bulb to the second switch. Finally, connect the remaining terminal of the second switch to the second light bulb, and connect the other terminal of the second light bulb back to the negative terminal of the battery.

What is the purpose of using two switches?

The use of two switches allows for the lights to alternate between turning on and off. When one switch is turned on, the first light bulb will light up, while the second light bulb remains off. When the second switch is turned on, the first light bulb will turn off and the second light bulb will turn on.

Can different types of light bulbs be used?

Yes, as long as the light bulbs are compatible with a 9v battery, they can be used for this experiment. Just make sure to check the voltage and wattage of the light bulbs before use.

What other power sources can be used to create alternating lights?

Besides a 9v battery, other power sources such as a 12v battery or a power supply can also be used to create alternating lights. Just make sure to adjust the circuit and use appropriate materials for the specific power source.

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