Alternating Sum of Fibonacci Numbers: Get (-1)^(n+1) Factor

  • Thread starter Bellarosa
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In summary: Fibonacci numbers. Remember, the key is to notice the pattern in the sums and use the definition of the Fibonacci sequence.In summary, to obtain the formula for the alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers, we use the definition of the Fibonacci sequence and the sums of the first n Fibonacci numbers with odd and even indices. We then substitute f(2n+1) with f(n) and notice the alternating sign in the sum, which is represented by the (-1)^(n+1) factor.
  • #1
1.Obtain the following formula for the alternating sum of Fibonacci Numbers

f(1)-f(2)+f(3)-f(4)+...+(-1)^(n+1) f(n)= (-1)^(n+1) [f(n-1) ]+1

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3. I subtracted the formulas for the sum of the first n Fibonacci numbers with odd indices together with the first n Fibonacci numbers with even indices

f(1)+f(3)+f(5)+...+f(2n-1) = f(2n)
- [f(2)+f(4)+f(6)+...+f(2n) = [f(2n+1) ]- 1]

= f(1)-f(2)+f(3)-f(4)+f(5)-f(6)+...+f(2n-1)-f(2n) = f(2n) - [f(2n+1)] +1

what I am having trouble with is obtaining the (-1)^(n+1) factor
I am thinking that if I factor the first two terms of the difference I would get the (-1) but as for its exponent I am not quite clear on how to derive it
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  • #2

Thank you for your question regarding the alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers. I would be happy to assist you in obtaining the formula that you are looking for.

First, let's start with the definition of the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence is defined as follows:
f(1) = 1
f(2) = 1
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) for n > 2

Now, let's look at the sum of the first n Fibonacci numbers with odd indices and the sum of the first n Fibonacci numbers with even indices. We can write these sums as follows:
f(1) + f(3) + f(5) + ... + f(2n-1) = f(2n)
f(2) + f(4) + f(6) + ... + f(2n) = f(2n+1) - 1

Subtracting these two equations, we get:
f(1) - f(2) + f(3) - f(4) + ... + f(2n-1) - f(2n) = f(2n) - (f(2n+1) - 1)
= -f(2n+1) + f(2n) + 1

Now, let's look at the (-1)^(n+1) factor. This factor is present because we are alternating between adding and subtracting terms in the sum. When n is odd, we have (-1)^(n+1) = -1, and when n is even, we have (-1)^(n+1) = 1. This is why we see the alternating sign in the sum.

To obtain the formula that you are looking for, we just need to substitute f(2n+1) with f(n) in the previous equation. This gives us:
f(1) - f(2) + f(3) - f(4) + ... + (-1)^(n+1) f(n) = -f(n) + f(2n) + 1
= (-1)^(n+1) (f(n-1) + 1) + 1
= (-1)^(n+1) [f(n-1) + 1] + 1

I hope this helps you

FAQ: Alternating Sum of Fibonacci Numbers: Get (-1)^(n+1) Factor

1. What is the alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers?

The alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers is a mathematical series where the terms of the Fibonacci sequence are added and subtracted in an alternating pattern.

2. How is the alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers calculated?

The alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers can be calculated using the formula (-1)^(n+1) * F(n), where n represents the position of the term in the sequence and F(n) is the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence.

3. What is the significance of (-1)^(n+1) in the formula for the alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers?

The (-1)^(n+1) in the formula represents the alternating pattern in which the Fibonacci numbers are added and subtracted. It ensures that every other term in the sequence is subtracted, resulting in the alternating sum.

4. How is the alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers related to the golden ratio?

The alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers is closely related to the golden ratio, which is approximately equal to 1.618. As the Fibonacci sequence approaches infinity, the ratio of consecutive terms approaches the golden ratio. This can also be seen in the alternating sum, where the terms eventually cancel out, leaving only the golden ratio.

5. What is the practical application of the alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers?

The alternating sum of Fibonacci numbers has various applications in mathematics and other fields such as computer science and finance. It can be used to model growth patterns and predict future trends in various systems. It also has applications in cryptography and coding theory.

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