Alternative definition of constants

In summary: So in that sense, yes, we would need a constant. However, there are many constants that we use that have a numerical value that is expressed in terms of powers of 10. For example, the speed of light in a vacuum is about 299,792,458 meters per second, or about 3.00 × 10^8 meters per second. So, in terms of physical quantities, 1 K is a very large number!Any physical constant can be made unitless by definition if we chose to include that definition as part of the defining set of procedures used to establish the system of units. So in that sense, yes, we would need a constant. However, there are many constants that we use that have a numerical value that is expressed
  • #1

First off, sorry about the title, its not very descriptive but I had no clue on how to sum my question.

I'm reading Sakurais' Modern Quantum Mechanics. In the discussion of the K operators (p47) he compares it to the classical momentum operator, states that K = p/(some constant) , and mentions that if microphysics had been discovered before macrophysics the conversion constant would had been 1. My question is what does this exactly mean?

If we had discovered quantum physics first we would have defined K first, and then we would have discovered p and tried to relate both: wouldn't we have neede a constant there, too?

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  • #2
The suggestion is that "life is simpler" if you choose units of measurement where h-bar (reduced Planck's constant) is equal to 1.

This if fine for simplifying the mathematical theory, but is very inconvenient for engineering work!
  • #3
carllacan said:

First off, sorry about the title, its not very descriptive but I had no clue on how to sum my question.

I'm reading Sakurais' Modern Quantum Mechanics. In the discussion of the K operators (p47) he compares it to the classical momentum operator, states that K = p/(some constant) , and mentions that if microphysics had been discovered before macrophysics the conversion constant would had been 1. My question is what does this exactly mean?

If we had discovered quantum physics first we would have defined K first, and then we would have discovered p and tried to relate both: wouldn't we have neede a constant there, too?


Not necessarily. That depends on some arbitrary choices that have to be made for every system of units. To give an example: Originally resistance Voltage and Current were defined independently and Ohm's law had an arbitrary constant V=c RI. nowadays those quantities are not defined independently. We actually use Ohm's law to define the resistance, hence no need for an arbitrary constant. The constant c was set to c=1 (no units) and just like that, it's gone from the equation.
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  • #4
UltrafastPED said:
The suggestion is that "life is simpler" if you choose units of measurement where h-bar (reduced Planck's constant) is equal to 1.

This if fine for simplifying the mathematical theory, but is very inconvenient for engineering work!

Why is that? can't engineers deal with a few powers of 10?
  • #5
But even if the numerical value is 1 K has units of length-1, so we would still need either a constant to relate K and p, wouldn't we?
  • #6
dauto said:
Why is that? can't engineers deal with a few powers of 10?

Powers of ten... No problem.
But when you're calculating the deflection of a steel beam under a working load, and then developing the material specifications and attachment points for that beam prior to handing the design off to the fabricators... Geometric units won't get you very far.
  • #7
carllacan said:
But even if the numerical value is 1 K has units of length-1, so we would still need either a constant to relate K and p, wouldn't we?

Any physical constant can be made unitless by definition if we chose to include that definition as part of the defining set of procedures used to establish the system of units.

FAQ: Alternative definition of constants

1. What is an alternative definition of constants?

An alternative definition of constants refers to the idea that the numerical values of physical constants may not be truly constant, but instead vary across different conditions or in different parts of the universe.

2. Why is there a need for an alternative definition of constants?

The need for an alternative definition of constants arises from the discrepancies between different measurements of the same constants and the inability to reconcile these variations with the current understanding of the laws of physics.

3. How does an alternative definition of constants affect our understanding of the universe?

An alternative definition of constants challenges the fundamental assumptions of the laws of physics and can potentially lead to new theories and understandings of the universe.

4. What evidence supports the idea of an alternative definition of constants?

There have been several studies and experiments that have shown variations in the values of constants, such as the fine-structure constant and the speed of light, in different parts of the universe or under different conditions. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings.

5. What are the implications of an alternative definition of constants for scientific research?

If an alternative definition of constants is proven to be true, it would require a significant reevaluation of current theories and models in physics. It could also open up new avenues for research and potentially lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe.

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