Alternative Energy Forum: Where Can I Find the Best Discussions?

In summary, the speaker is looking for suggestions on popular and informative forums for alternative energy, specifically alternatives to oil. They do not want any "free" energy forums and are open to technical discussions. Some suggestions given are Physics Forums and OilDrum, and there is a discussion about "chakra energy" on one of the oldest active threads.
  • #1
Hi, I have been looking around for popular, well-used, and informative forums for alternative energy. I can't seem to find any great ones using google/bing/duckduckgo. If anyone has any suggestions it would be great!

Physics news on
  • #2
What do you mean by "alternative energy" exactly? This can have strong negative connotations here on PF, as there are many crackpot sites out there devoted to it.
  • #3
I meant alternatives to oil, such as all forms of renewable energy and "clean" energy.
  • #4
and please don't suggest any "free" energy forums =)
  • #6
There have been few small discussions here ( and I also know OilDrum ( ) that has some content on alternative energy. But, it depends what kind of discussion what you want to have. If you want to get technical information, best is to subscribe to an IEEE magazine.
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  • #7
salzrah said:
and please don't suggest any "free" energy forums =)

How about "chakra energy" :biggrin:?
  • #8
Gobs of ideas are still bouncing around one of the oldest active threads.

Ah! Tomorrow it will be 8 years old. And my first post in that thread was one day before my first anniversary here at the forum.

...twilight zone music...

FAQ: Alternative Energy Forum: Where Can I Find the Best Discussions?

1. What is the purpose of an Alternative Energy Forum?

An Alternative Energy Forum is a platform for individuals and organizations to discuss and exchange ideas about renewable and sustainable energy sources. It aims to raise awareness and promote the use of alternative energy to reduce our dependence on non-renewable resources and mitigate the effects of climate change.

2. Who can participate in an Alternative Energy Forum?

Anyone who is interested in alternative energy and its potential impact on our environment and economy can participate in an Alternative Energy Forum. This includes scientists, researchers, policymakers, industry professionals, and the general public.

3. What are the main topics discussed in an Alternative Energy Forum?

The main topics discussed in an Alternative Energy Forum include different types of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Other topics may include energy storage, efficiency, policy and regulation, and the economic implications of transitioning to alternative energy.

4. How can I benefit from attending an Alternative Energy Forum?

Attending an Alternative Energy Forum can provide you with valuable knowledge and insights on the latest developments in the field of alternative energy. It also offers the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and organizations, and to potentially collaborate on future projects or initiatives.

5. How can I get involved in an Alternative Energy Forum?

There are various ways to get involved in an Alternative Energy Forum. You can attend as a participant, volunteer to help organize the event, or even present your own research or projects related to alternative energy. You can also support the forum by sponsoring or exhibiting at the event.
