What Are the Most Innovative Engine Designs for Custom Cars?

  • Automotive
  • Thread starter justin22885
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    Car Engines
In summary, Morgan Aeros has a similar design to a Corvette/Viper, and he is considering an axial engine and a tesla turbine as alternative engines. He is also considering adding an electric all wheel drive system.
  • #1
a friend and i have been discussing taking what we know (mostly what i know) in the field of mechanical engineering and designing and building a car.. it will be my car, but he's willing to help with it

the body style of this car might look something like a cross between a corvette/viper and something from the 30s or 40s.. morgan aeros have a similar look for comparison

anyway, i was looking at some less than common ideas for engines, including the axial engine design which uses parallel cylinders arranged in a circle around the shaft, using a swash plate to convert reciprocating motion into rotational

another idea i was considering is the tesla turbine, however, such an engine hasnt really been used before in a larger application and I am not sure if combusting fuel inside the intake of this engine would even work.. so i had the idea of using a tesla turbine as a steam turbine to convert pressurized steam into energy.. and since most modern tesla turbine designs utilize carbon fiber discs, the overall weight of the turbine would be very light, and a captive steam system with a flash boiler could be compact enough and efficient enough to work with overall very few moving parts in the final design.. the turbine blades attached to the central shaft and a valve for changing water flow into the flash boiler would really be the only moving parts

also, i was thinking of adding an electric all wheel drive system in which hub or pancake motors (more than lightly use some smaller, lighter weight motors and a gear behind each wheel as hub motors don't seem to offer much speed) and a generator attached to the engine.. if the steam/turbine system works and i use that then likely id add a very, very small battery pack to act as a buffer for more immediate throttle changes that steam and turbines don't really offer

so i was wondering if anyone had any other ideas i could begin working on at least in small scale to come up with some sort of a unique drivetrain for this vehicle
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is all this stuff supposed to fall off the back of a truck somewhere, or do you have independent financial resources?

It's one thing to daydream. It's quite another thing entirely to realize these dreams.
  • #3
its my own financing.. most the cost is going to be in the drivetrain.. backup plan of course is to just go with a conventional, likely V-8 engine, but I am looking for alternative ideas that may be worth consideration.. i like the idea of the axial engine but it seems like such an engine would lead to higher levels of vibration as the cylinders tend to fire in a circle.. and as for the steam/turbine idea.. that poses a whole new set of questions that are pretty hard to answer without a full-scale test of the components
  • #4
For a Tesla turbine to deliver good efficiency, it needs to rotate with very high rpm... for which reason turbines are good as jet engines, where we have long operation at cruising speeds. Versus a car engine, which is an on-and-off kind of thing.

Unusual engine? A compressed air car would be very interesting... or one powered by liquid nitrogen. These 2 "fuels" have lower energy density than gasoline, but are an interesting concept :smile: All the best with your project!
  • #5
An elastic band?
An alternative engine? To what end? For what reason?

There is a reason why a piston engine has been used in the car pretty much since it's inception, it's because it's the best tool for the job. The only obvious competitor is electric.

If the objective is to have a car that works, then just put in a real engine and have done. If it's for novelty, then do whatever you want.

Also, radial engines have very good vibration characteristics. Short crankshaft, balanced and generally pretty smooth running.
  • #6
longevity doesn't necessarily mean its the best tool for the job.. it means it offers the best profit margin for the job, usually it means little more than that

anyway.. I am aware of the downside to steam and turbine technology, both these technologies tend to work best when they can be maintained at a specific speed and neither engine fares well for stop and go, or in situations where you need on the fly changes in speed.. that's why i proposed using a small battery bank as a buffer, so the engines store the battery.. like a hybrid which would allow instant startup and rapid changes in speed while the engine itself remains at a constant

the idea I am most focused on to this point is the axial engine though
  • #7
Batteries are less than ideal buffers, because they charge and discharge less than optimally.
A flywheel might be a better bet, although there too the power transfer in and out is no picnic.
The late William Lear of Learjet fame worked hard on a steam engine design which might have potential.
Harold Rosen, the man who made geostationary satellites a reality, later developed an innovative hybrid gas turbine cum electric automotive engine.
If you have the talent and the money, those are avenues where a lot of problems have been resolved, but where more work is still needed..
  • #8
thats interesting, ill look into those things.. axial engines are fairly straightforward.. doesn't seem like there's much more than can be done to them.. so ill focus more time on the steam and turbine avenues
  • #9
anyone familiar with the concept of a 5 stroke piston?.. exhaust gets pushed from two pistons into a single, larger piston, expanding that cylinder, and then on the up-stroke the exhaust is pushed from that piston out of the engine.. it uses the leftover pressure from the exhaust.. you know, the stuff powerful enough to spin a turbine to compress incoming air (turbochargers).. but instead the engine uses that extra, often wasted energy for greater fuel economy and more power
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FAQ: What Are the Most Innovative Engine Designs for Custom Cars?

1. What are alternative engines for a car?

Alternative engines for a car are engines that use alternative fuels or technologies instead of traditional gasoline-powered engines. These include electric, hybrid, hydrogen fuel cell, and biofuel engines.

2. What are the benefits of using alternative engines for a car?

Alternative engines for a car can offer a variety of benefits, including reduced emissions, better fuel efficiency, and lower operating costs. They can also help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable future.

3. Are alternative engines more expensive than traditional engines?

In general, alternative engines for cars can be more expensive upfront than traditional gasoline engines. However, they may ultimately save money in the long run due to lower fuel costs and potential tax incentives or rebates. Additionally, the cost of alternative engines is decreasing as technology advances and becomes more widespread.

4. Can alternative engines provide the same level of performance as traditional engines?

Some alternative engines, such as electric and hybrid engines, can provide similar or even better performance than traditional engines. However, this may vary depending on the type of alternative engine and its specific features.

5. Are there any drawbacks or limitations to using alternative engines for a car?

Some alternative engines, such as electric and hydrogen fuel cell engines, may have limited driving range and require access to specific fueling or charging stations. Additionally, the initial cost of purchasing an alternative engine car may be higher and there may be a learning curve for maintaining and operating these types of engines.

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