Alternative Interpretation of Bell Test: 40 Nanoseconds & Photon Perspective

In summary, the two channel Bell test showed that it is possible for information to pass between entangled photons faster than the speed of light. This could explain the phenomena of non-locality.
  • #1
When interpreting the results of the two channel Bell test, I believe there were roughly 40 nanoseconds between when the particles were created and when they hit the polarized lens. It is believed that sometime during this time information passes between the entangled photons so that they match. I have a question. That 40 nanoseconds is from our perspective. What about the perspective of the photon? Is it possible that something approaching the speed of light experiences time so differently because of how that super accelerated motion affects space/time that from the perspective of the photons, being created and hitting the lens occur simultaneously? This would allow the particles to share information from the end back to the beginning. I don't know how far such a possibility exists. But certainly for the few meters of the experiment it seems possible to distort space/time to that degree. Perhaps the disturbance caused by a photon passing through space is a wormhole that connects the present (where the end of the wormhole would be) to the beginning (where the photon was created) distorting time so that the entire trip, from the perspective of the photon, is simultaneous. This would not violate either quantum physics or relativity. I do not have the mathematical skills to look deeper, but wonder if this could possibly explain the phenomena? Perhaps the photon exists and does not exist the entire length of the wormhole disturbance, allowing it to be in two places at once in two times at once. This would in effect give us the results of non-locality experiments while actually preserving a sensible way for the information to travel faster than light. The photon distorts space/time so completely as to allow things in two different areas to happen simultaneously (again, from the perspective of the photon). OK. How foolish is this?
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  • #2
Even setting aside the well-known problems that arise from any attempt to analyze a physical situation "from the photon's perspective", we can do Bell-type experiments with spin-entangled particles that have non-zero rest mass so do not travel at the speed of light.

The exact same suggestion was made in a thread over in the Quantum mechanics subforum just a day ago: Look at and the followups. I'm closing this thread, as any further discussion belongs in the other thread.

FAQ: Alternative Interpretation of Bell Test: 40 Nanoseconds & Photon Perspective

1. What is the Bell Test and why is it important in science?

The Bell Test is an experiment designed to test the validity of quantum mechanics, specifically the principle of entanglement. It is important because it helps scientists understand the fundamental nature of the universe and can potentially lead to new technologies.

2. What is the alternative interpretation of the Bell Test?

The alternative interpretation of the Bell Test proposes that instead of particles being inherently connected through entanglement, their behavior can be explained by other factors such as the timing and perspective of measurement.

3. How does the 40 nanoseconds in the Bell Test play a role in the alternative interpretation?

The 40 nanoseconds refers to the time it takes for a photon to travel from one detector to another in the Bell Test experiment. In the alternative interpretation, this time difference is seen as a potential cause for the observed correlations between entangled particles, rather than the particles being inherently connected.

4. What is the photon perspective in the alternative interpretation?

In the photon perspective, the alternative interpretation suggests that the observed correlations in the Bell Test can be explained by taking into account the perspective of the photon as it travels from one detector to another. This perspective considers the timing and path of the photon as a factor in the observed results.

5. What are the implications of the alternative interpretation of the Bell Test?

The alternative interpretation challenges the traditional understanding of entanglement and could potentially change how we view the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. It also opens up new avenues for research and could lead to advancements in technology such as quantum computing.
