Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation and Goldstein's Problem 11

In summary, the conversation is about a calculus problem regarding the alternative formulation of kinetic energy in problem 11 of Goldstein's Classic Mechanics 3 edition. The problem involves a uniform disc rolling on a horizontal plane and a horizontal force being applied to the center of the disc. The question asks for the derivation of Lagrange's equations and the generalized force. The problem has been solved using the kinetic energy formula T = m * (v_x^2 + v_y^2) / 2, but when using the alternative formula T = m * (v_x/cos(theta))^2 / 2, there are additional dependencies on the angle theta. The reason for this difference is speculated to be due to the partial derivative ∂theta/
  • #1
Fedor Indutny
Hello everyone!

I have a (supposedly) calculus problem that I just can't seem to figure out. Basically, I'm trying to understand why alternative kinetic energy formulation does not yield the same equations of motion in problem 11 of Goldstein's Classic Mechanics 3 edition.

The text of problem is following:

Consider a uniform disc that rolls without slipping on a horizontal plane. A horizontal force is applied to the center of the disc and in a direction parallel to the plane of the disk.

(a) Derive Lagrange's equations and find the generalized force
(b) ...doesn't matter for this question...

I have solved the problem for kinetic energy [tex]T = m * (v_x^2 + v_y^2) / 2[/tex], and indeed the equations of motions become [tex]d/dt(m * v_x) = Q_x[/tex], where Q_x is a generalized force. Nothing unexpected here.

However, if I formulate kinetic energy as [tex]T = m * (v_x/cos(theta))^2 / 2[/tex], everything in the equation seems to change with the additional dependence on theta (the angle of disc orientation on the xy plane).

Is there anything wrong with using this alternative kinetic energy formulation (except that it blows up on [tex]theta = pi/2[/tex])?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!
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  • #2
Perhaps, the reason why it does not work is that partial derivative [tex]∂theta/∂(v_x)[/tex] is not 0. Is it a right guess?
  • #3
Oh, I think I figured it out. The virtual displacements [tex]∂q_i[/tex] are not independent in these coordinates, therefore if my [tex]T[/tex] depends on both [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]θ[/tex], I have to take both in account to create an equation of motion.

Please let me know if any these comments are correct :)

FAQ: Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation and Goldstein's Problem 11

1. What is the Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation?

The Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation is a mathematical approach used in classical mechanics to describe the motion of a system. It is an alternative to the traditional kinetic energy formulation and is based on the concept of generalized coordinates and generalized velocities.

2. What is Goldstein's Problem 11?

Goldstein's Problem 11 is a specific problem in classical mechanics that involves finding the equations of motion for a particle constrained to move on a surface. It is often used as an example to demonstrate the application of the Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation.

3. How does the Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation differ from the traditional formulation?

The traditional kinetic energy formulation uses Cartesian coordinates and velocities to describe the motion of a system, while the Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation uses generalized coordinates and velocities. This allows for a more elegant and efficient description of the system's motion.

4. What are the advantages of using the Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation?

The Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation offers several advantages, including a more concise and elegant description of the system's motion, the ability to handle complex systems with multiple degrees of freedom, and the ability to easily incorporate constraints and external forces into the equations of motion.

5. How is the Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation used in practical applications?

The Alternative Kinetic Energy Formulation is commonly used in the field of classical mechanics, particularly in the study of rigid body dynamics and systems with constraints. It is also used in engineering and physics research to model and analyze the motion of complex systems.

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