Altitude where Earth's magnetic field will no longer affect a compass

In summary, Dave's answer is that the field at 10km altitude is likely going to be negligible, but it will still have an effect on a compass.
  • #1
Gold Member

The Earth's magnetic field at the surface is roughly 0.5 Gauss or 0.05 mT.

If the Earth's field strength diminishes in proportion to the inverse square of the distance, surely the field is going to be negligible at 10,000m altitude. Yet as far as I am aware it will still have an effect on the plane's compass traveling at such an altitude.

Can someone please help me out with the maths to explain this scenario?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Hi magnetics

maybe you don't realize that the Earth's magnetic field surrounds the Earth and extends out into space 1000's of kilometres ?
At 10,000m or even 100,000m you are still deep within the field


The magneto tail stretches 100's of 1000's of km "down stream" of the Earth ( ie the opposite direction to the sun as seen in the above pic

do some googling on the Earth's magnetic field for tons of info and images :)Dave


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  • #3
The Earth's magnetic field at the surface is roughly 0.5 Gauss or 0.05 mT.

from one of many google sources...

The Earth's magnetic field varies depending on your location on the Earth's surface. In regions near the magnetic poles, such as Siberia, Canada, and Antarctica, it can exceed 60 microteslas (0.6 gauss), whereas in regions farther away, such as South America and South Africa, is around 30 microteslas (0.3 gauss). Near the poles, the field strength diminishes with the inverse square of the distance, whereas at greater distances, such as in outer space, it diminishes with the cube of the distance. Where the prime meridian intersects with the equator, the field strength is about 31 microteslas.

The region where the Earth's magnetic field lines extend into space is called the magnetosphere, and influences the trajectories of the charged solar wind at distances exceeding 10 Earth radii. Solar wind, ejected from the Sun in all directions at great speeds, collides with the magnetosphere in a region called the bow shock. Like gravity, magnetism has an infinite range, although it diminishes so quickly with distance that its power at ranges much beyond 10 Earth radii is very low.

  • #4
Thank you Dave,
I was aware that the magnetosphere extends many km into space.
But I would like to see the maths used to calculate the approximate strength of the Earth's field at 10km altitude.
With regard to the sensitivity of a compass, I suspect it's about the quality of the compass and the force required to overcome the friction to turn the needle?
On the face of it, I would have thought it very difficult to make a compass sensitive enough to turn in a very weak magnetic field 10km up? That's where I was looking for some help in the maths department.
  • #5
I don't know for sure without reading up about it
But I would expect the field would be stronger at that height for for some distance after all you are still deep within the field ...

We both really need an expert answer on this one :)

  • #6
magnetics said:
The Earth's magnetic field at the surface is roughly 0.5 Gauss or 0.05 mT.

If the Earth's field strength diminishes in proportion to the inverse square of the distance, surely the field is going to be negligible at 10,000m altitude.
Use the centre of the Earth as the point from which you measure the distance, not the surface.
If the field at R is 0.5 Gauss, then it's going to be 1/4th of that at 2R, i.e., ~6370km above the surface. Compare with your 10km high scenario.
  • #7
lots of searching google tonite and quite difficult to find specific answers
but in this PDF file ...

and deep into the info I found this ...

As long as we are located on the earth’s surface, r=R and the quantity (R/r)3 equals 1.
But if we travel away from the earth’s surface, r increases, and the dipole field decreases. The reduction behaves like the third power of the distance; i.e., for r=2R (R ≈ 6500km) the field is just about 0.125 (12.5%) of the field at the earth’s surface.

  • #8
Wow, thanks for the effort Dave. That's starting to make sense now.
If at 2R (6,500km) the field is still at 12.5%, then at R+10km it must be very close to 99.5%.
{Although, according to Bandersnatch, shouldn't it be 1/4 (25%) and not 1/8 (12.5%)}

I wonder how this would relate to a very powerful spherical neodymium magnet of say r = 15mm with a surface magnetic field strength of 3,500 Gauss or 0.35T?
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  • #9
The field is a dipole one so presumably would fall off as 1/r^3 once you were far enough away from the generator structure?
  • #10
{Although, according to Bandersnatch, shouldn't it be 1/4 (25%) and not 1/8 (12.5%)}
Disregard my earlier statement regarding that bit, it was incorrect. The field falls like 1/R3, as others have been saying.

Lately I'm getting better and better at putting my foot in my mouth.

Related to Altitude where Earth's magnetic field will no longer affect a compass

1. What is the altitude where Earth's magnetic field will no longer affect a compass?

The altitude at which Earth's magnetic field will no longer affect a compass varies depending on location and other factors. However, on average, the magnetic field begins to weaken significantly at around 30,000 feet above sea level.

2. Why does the Earth's magnetic field weaken at higher altitudes?

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in the outer core of the planet. As you move further away from the surface of the Earth, the magnetic field lines become more spread out, making it weaker and less able to affect a compass.

3. Can a compass still be used at high altitudes?

Yes, a compass can still be used at high altitudes, but it may not be as accurate as it is at lower altitudes. It is important to recalibrate the compass and make adjustments for declination when using it at high altitudes.

4. Are there any other factors that can affect a compass at high altitudes?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect a compass at high altitudes, such as strong magnetic fields from nearby sources like power lines or electronic devices. Temperature can also affect the accuracy of a compass, so it is important to keep it away from extreme heat or cold.

5. Will a compass work differently in the Northern and Southern hemispheres at high altitudes?

Yes, a compass will work differently in the Northern and Southern hemispheres at high altitudes due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. In the Northern Hemisphere, the needle of a compass will point towards the North Pole, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it will point towards the South Pole. This can affect the accuracy of the compass, so it is important to take this into consideration when using it at high altitudes.

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