Aluminium Block immersed in water beaker

In summary, the relationship between the weight change of a 100CC beaker filled with water and the apparent loss in weight of an aluminum block when it is immersed in water can be explained by the principle of buoyancy. When the block is placed in water, it experiences an upward force from the displaced water, causing a decrease in its apparent weight. This is because both the block and the water are affected by the force of gravity, resulting in the same magnitude of weight change for both. This can be observed in the lab when comparing the weight of the block in air and when it is submerged in water.
  • #1

Homework Statement

physical reasons for the relationship between weight change(100CC beaker with water and when you dip aluminum block in water ) and apparent loss in weight of the aluminium (Aluminium block weight using spring balance and when that block immersed in water)

Homework Equations

what is the physical reason for the relationship?
As my lab suggest that both magnitudes are same.

The Attempt at a Solution

I think because they both work in gravity.. the relationship will be same.
Physics news on
  • #2
You have a system consisting of a block of metal and a tub of water.
The weight of the system in air is the same when the block is outside the water as when it is submerged in the water - all else remaining equal.

If you weigh the metal block by itself - it should appear lighter in water than out of water.

Which situation did you do?

For the situation - consider all the forces that could act on the system being studied.
Hint: how does buoyancy work?

FAQ: Aluminium Block immersed in water beaker

What is the purpose of immersing an Aluminium Block in a water beaker?

The purpose of immersing an Aluminium Block in a water beaker is to study the thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of aluminium. This experiment helps in understanding the heat transfer processes and properties of metals.

How does the temperature of the water change when the Aluminium Block is immersed in it?

The temperature of the water increases as heat is transferred from the Aluminium Block to the water. This is because aluminium has a higher thermal conductivity than water, meaning it can transfer heat more efficiently.

What factors affect the rate of heat transfer between the Aluminium Block and water?

The rate of heat transfer between the Aluminium Block and water is affected by the temperature difference between the two, the surface area of the block in contact with the water, and the thermal conductivity of the aluminium.

Do different sizes or shapes of Aluminium Blocks affect the rate of heat transfer in this experiment?

Yes, the size and shape of the Aluminium Block can affect the rate of heat transfer. A larger surface area of the block in contact with the water will result in a faster heat transfer, while a smaller surface area will result in a slower heat transfer. The shape of the block can also affect the convection currents in the water, which can impact the rate of heat transfer.

Why is it important to use a water beaker instead of just immersing the Aluminium Block in an open container of water?

Using a water beaker allows for better control and measurement of the water temperature. It also minimizes heat loss to the surroundings, ensuring more accurate results. Additionally, using a beaker prevents any potential contamination of the water and provides a consistent environment for the experiment.

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