Am i classed as an international student?

In summary, the conversation discusses the classification of a British citizen living in Australia as an international student for undergraduate studies in the UK. The individual is unsure if they would be classified as a home student or international student due to their citizenship and residency status. They have reached out for help and have been advised to contact the admissions department of the universities they are interested in. It is concluded that the individual would most likely be classified as an international student due to not meeting the requirements for being considered a home student.
  • #1
Am i classed as an international student??

Hi all,

I have recently been thinking about studying abroad (either the UK or US) for undergraduate studies. I am a British citizen but hold permanent residency in Australia and have lived over here for the last 9 years.

While researching this i have come across many websites which state that permanent reidents (of the UK) must have lived in the UK for 3 years prior to beginning study. Would this also applyto me as i have not lived in the UK for 9 years, although i am a citizen?

Maybe a Teacher who knows the application process may be able to help, or anyone with experience in the matter.

Thanks alot,

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  • #2
I can't really give you an answer; however, this might be one of those questions where the only solution is to call up/send an email/formal letter to the admissions department of the colleges in the UK that you are looking at, they should know. And if they don't they might have a good idea of who to ask for an answer.
  • #3
i emailed the admissions office of one of the universities and they simply referred me to their website. I had already searched the links sent to me and none of the information applies to a student in my situation.
  • #4
in another email i was given this information:

"Generally speaking, In order to be considered as a home student for tuition fees purposes, you need to be either an EU member or have indefinite leave to enter or remain in the U.K. In addition, you need to have lived in the EEA for the last three years, not solely for educational purposes."

Is this information applicable to someone holding a citizenship?
  • #5
As far as I know, living in Australia for a certain period (most likely 5 years or more) would void your British citizenship, as you would be classified as a permanent Australian resident by now.

Further more, seeing as you would not be an EU member, nor would you have lived in the EEA for the last three years, you would not be applicable for the tuition fees (be it support or other).

I may be wrong (and probably am), but this is something you must clear up by first finding out your definite present and future status (ie: if you still hold permanent citizenship there or what you would need to do to fix this) and then emailing and talking to the prospective institutions.

I hope this helps.
  • #6
As far as I know, unless you have lived in the UK for at least the 3 years JUST BEFORE you are about to start uni, then you are counted as international student for the tuition fees at least. See I have a similar problem. I have lived in the UK for 6 years now, but I hold a french passport. I'm currently trying to get hold of someone who can tell me what I count as, If i find any info for somebody in your case i'll try to post it here.
  • #7
||spoon|| said:
Would this also apply to me as i have not lived in the UK for 9 years, although i am a citizen?

How old were you when you left england?
  • #8
You're classed as an international student. I've looked into this as well in the past. I hold dual UK/Australian citizenship and was told that I needed to have been living in the UK for the 3 years prior in order to classify for "home fees".
  • #9
Yes Quark80 is exactly correct, since posting lat i have done some more research into the matter and found out the same thing :(

thanks for the input though everyone.

  • #10
sorry spoon :( that's not good news when it comes down to the fees, it really sucks.

FAQ: Am i classed as an international student?

1. What is considered an international student?

An international student is someone who is studying in a country other than their home country. This can include students who have citizenship in another country, as well as students who are studying abroad from their home country.

2. How do I know if I am considered an international student?

If you are studying in a country other than your own, you are most likely considered an international student. However, some universities have specific criteria for determining international student status, such as the length of time you have lived in the country or your citizenship status.

3. Do international students have to pay higher tuition fees?

In most cases, yes, international students do have to pay higher tuition fees than domestic students. This is because international students do not receive government subsidies that are often given to domestic students. However, there may be scholarships or financial aid available for international students to help with the cost of tuition.

4. Can international students work while studying?

This varies depending on the country and university. Some countries have restrictions on international students working while studying, while others allow it with certain limitations. It is important to research the specific regulations and policies of the country and university where you plan to study.

5. Do I need a student visa to study as an international student?

In most cases, yes, you will need a student visa to study as an international student. This visa allows you to legally study in the country for a specific period of time. The application process and requirements for a student visa vary depending on the country, so it is important to research and follow the guidelines for your specific situation.

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