Am I screwed graduate admission?

In summary: I have talked to the professor in the upper division classes that I took and they said they would be happy to give me recommendation letter especially my mechanics professor. Most Canadian universities here take last two years of undergrad but I don't know since I screwed up badly in first and second year my current average is 83 % most universities here require min of 78 % average,but still having those grads will affect me for sure.
  • #1
I am currently studying math (honours) in a university in Canada. Due to family issues that made my first and second year of very stressful,which caused problems to my mental health Anyway here is my full transcript:First Year:
Mechanics 1: 86
Calc 1: 90
C++ programming: 91
Economics: 82
Optics: 60
Statistics: 87
Calc 2: 83
Calc 3: 95
Biology: 68
Linear algebra 73
Chemistry: 87

Second year:(very bad year for me)
First semester:
Electricity and magnetism: 60
Thermodynamics: 58
Psychology: 61

Second semester:
Geometry: 66
Modern physics: 63
Mechanics 2: 67
Analysis: 87
Riemann geometry: 90
Biology: 61

Summer semester:(Now I decided I can't let anything affect me and been really good since then!)
Differential equations: 94
Programming 2: 95
Web-programming: 84
Data structures: 88

Third year:

Introduction to proofs: 90
Second analysis: 90
Abstract algebra: 84
Psychology 2: 81
Linear algebra 2: 86
Measure theory: 94
Complex analysis: 100
set theory: 95
Number theory: 96
Abstract algebra 3: 85
Advanced mechanics: 98 (highest grade the professor gave ever)
General relativity: 99
I am interested to research along mathematical physics and topology I want to apply to Canadian universities. Please let me know what chances do I stand ? My last semester is winter 2016 and I will continue my progress and improvement even more that year.
Physics news on
  • #2
You certainly didn't do yourself any favors, and you'll be competing against students who didn't have such hardships.That said, typically upper division classes generally play a much larger large in admission considerations, and you could always justify the bad year in your admissions packets. If you do similarly well your last year you should be able to graduate with an overall GPA in the low 3's.

Have you talked to your upper division professors about writing letters of recommendation for you? If you obtained the highest grade a professor had ever given, you should be able to get a glowing recommendation from that professor.

I'm not sure how the Canadian system works, have you had a chance to do any undergraduate research? Do they have graduate school entrance exams? You need to find ways to counterbalance your otherwise lack luster sophomore grades.
  • #3
Yes I have talked to the professor in the upper division classes that I took and they said they would be happy to give me recommendation letter especially my mechanics professor. Most Canadian universities here take last two years of undergrad but I don't know since I screwed up badly in first and second year my current average is 83 % most universities here require min of 78 % average,but still having those grads will affect me for sure. I forgot to mention last summer I did research in quantum information and we don't require entrance exam no.
  • #4
Sciencer said:
Yes I have talked to the professor in the upper division classes that I took and they said they would be happy to give me recommendation letter especially my mechanics professor. Most Canadian universities here take last two years of undergrad but I don't know since I screwed up badly in first and second year my current average is 83 % most universities here require min of 78 % average,but still having those grads will affect me for sure. I forgot to mention last summer I did research in quantum information and we don't require entrance exam no.

If they only really look at the last two years of undergrad you'll be fine if you stay the course. It sounds like your average is above the minimum and should only get better. I wouldn't sweat it too much, it sounds like you've got things worked out now and can always justify away the bad year. Get the letters, keep doing any research you can, get A's your senior year, and you should be fine.
  • #5
Thanks a lot for your advice !
  • #6
Your last year did show a lot of improvement, so that certainly is a good thing.
  • #7
When I apply I explain why my performance was bad and note the improvement that I have made throughout the years so hopefully they will understand.

Related to Am I screwed graduate admission?

1. What are the most important factors in graduate admission?

The most important factors in graduate admission vary depending on the program and institution. However, some common factors include academic performance, letters of recommendation, research experience, and standardized test scores.

2. How important is my undergraduate GPA in graduate admission?

Your undergraduate GPA is an important factor in graduate admission, but it is not the only factor. Admissions committees also consider other aspects of your application, such as letters of recommendation, research experience, and personal statements. A strong GPA can help demonstrate your academic abilities, but it is not the only factor that determines your admission.

3. Do I need to have research experience to get into graduate school?

Research experience is not always a requirement for graduate school, but it can greatly strengthen your application. Many graduate programs place a strong emphasis on research, so having prior research experience can demonstrate your potential for success in the program. If you do not have research experience, you can still be admitted based on other factors such as your academic performance and personal statement.

4. How important are my standardized test scores in graduate admission?

Standardized test scores, such as the GRE, can be an important factor in graduate admission. However, they are not the only factor and may be weighed differently depending on the program and institution. Admissions committees also consider your academic performance, research experience, and other aspects of your application. It is important to prepare and do your best on these tests, but they are not the sole determinant of your admission.

5. Can my personal statement make up for any weaknesses in my application?

Your personal statement is an important component of your application, as it allows you to showcase your unique experiences, skills, and goals. However, it cannot make up for significant weaknesses in other areas, such as a low GPA or lack of research experience. Admissions committees will consider your personal statement in conjunction with other aspects of your application, so it is important to make sure your statement reflects your strengths and passion for the program.

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