Amazing Juggler Choreography: 3+ Balls

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In summary, this guy is amazing and his routine is a knockoff of Chris Bliss's, which is a very advanced routine.
  • #1
Gold Member
I can juggle 3 balls, and can do a few variations with 3, but this guy is just plain nuts. Check out the choreography!
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  • #2
hes good and all, Its just juggling. After 1 min of it I am asleep.
  • #3
i think its neat how it looks kinda like fireworks. i wish i could juggle that well. i can barely do three balls any more.
  • #4
Gale said:
i can barely do three balls any more.

That's not what I heard.

- Warren
  • #5
Whoa! He's better than that other guy that was posted a few days ago.
  • #6
Gale said:
i think its neat how it looks kinda like fireworks. i wish i could juggle that well. i can barely do three balls any more.

Yeah, I used to be able to pass to a buddy, catch a ball in the crook of the neck, segue to a 2-ball cascade with one hand and a few other little things, but this guy is amazing. I never got the hang of 4-ball juggling, but c'mon!, 5 balls? behind the back? His act involves really rapid transitions from one move to another, and that is the part that wows me. That and the fact that he smoothly adjusts the heights of the throws to keep the choreography timed. My buddies and I used to practice to cadences for timed passes, etc. and if you don't have your throw heights right, you have to compensate with earlier or later catches, which can get you in trouble really quick.
  • #7
Gale said:
i think its neat how it looks kinda like fireworks. i wish i could juggle that well. i can barely do three balls any more.
I am fine as long as women can juggle 2 o:)
  • #8
Ya, that guy is amazing. his routine, however is a knockoff of the one Chris Bliss does.
I can juggle 3 balls, and I am learning 5 right now. Let me tell you, 5 is sooooo much harder than 3. I picked up juggling 3 in about a day, but I've been going for a week straight with 5 and am still not anywhere close! If you are planning on trying to learn 5, I suggest you have a very strong 3 ball foundation and should be able to do a fair amount of tricks such as: reverse cascade, shower, under the leg, and Mills mess.
  • #9
Physics is Phun said:
Ya, that guy is amazing. his routine, however is a knockoff of the one Chris Bliss does.
Well, he's using the same music as Bliss, but his routine is far more advanced. Bliss' routine is on Ringo Starr's web-site in the form of a fairly-good quality streaming video, for anybody who wants to make a comparison.
  • #10
anybody read Lord Valentine's Castle? it has jugglers
I can juggle three balls or I can talk. not both at the same time. I'd have to quit breathing to attempt five.
speaking of neat juggling type videos have you seen those cup stackers championships?
  • #11
Did you see the dude after who juggled 5 balls in each hand? THAT was impressive.

FAQ: Amazing Juggler Choreography: 3+ Balls

1. What is "Amazing Juggler Choreography"?

"Amazing Juggler Choreography" is a type of juggling performance that involves the use of 3 or more balls in a carefully choreographed routine. This type of juggling combines technical skill with artistic expression to create a visually stunning performance.

2. How many balls are typically used in "Amazing Juggler Choreography"?

As the name suggests, "Amazing Juggler Choreography" typically involves the use of 3 or more balls. However, some performers may choose to use more balls in their routine to add an extra level of difficulty and complexity.

3. How does one become skilled in "Amazing Juggler Choreography"?

Becoming skilled in "Amazing Juggler Choreography" requires years of practice, dedication, and determination. It also requires a strong foundation in basic juggling techniques such as throwing and catching, as well as a good sense of rhythm and timing. Taking classes, attending workshops, and learning from experienced jugglers can also help improve one's skills in this art form.

4. What makes "Amazing Juggler Choreography" different from regular juggling?

"Amazing Juggler Choreography" involves the use of choreographed movements and patterns, creating a visually appealing performance with a specific theme or story. It also requires a high level of precision and coordination, as well as the ability to seamlessly transition between different juggling patterns.

5. Are there any health risks associated with "Amazing Juggler Choreography"?

Like any physical activity, there is always a risk of injury when performing "Amazing Juggler Choreography". However, with proper training, warm-up, and safety precautions, these risks can be minimized. It is important for jugglers to listen to their bodies and take breaks as needed to avoid overexertion and injury.

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