Amount of scattering calculated from scattering cross section

In summary, the conversation discusses the Rayleigh scattering phenomenon and how it is affected by the cross section and density of nitrogen in the atmosphere. The calculations used to determine the fraction of light scattered per meter of travel are also mentioned, with a clarification of an error made in the initial calculations. The ideal gas law is suggested as a way to calculate the density of nitrogen.
  • #1
I was reading Wikipedia article on Rayleigh scattering and came upon this:

"...the major constituent of the atmosphere, nitrogen, has a Rayleigh cross section of 5.1×10^(−31) m^2 at a wavelength of 532 nm (green light). This means that at atmospheric pressure, about a fraction 10^(−5) of light will be scattered for every meter of travel."

I am embarrassed to say that I am confused how the fraction of scattering per meter has been arrived at, starting from the scattering cross section.

I tried the following: dI/ I = -(nitrogen density)*(cross section)*(path length)

and you get an exponential decay form but when I calculated the decay constant it was way too small. What am I doing wrong here?
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  • #2
We cannot tell what you did wrong unless you show your work.
  • #3
Well you see my work above, a differential equation.

Anyway I found out that it was simply an error of plugging in wrong numbers. Here is the answer I got.

total cross section = 5. 1 x 10 ^(-31) m
density of nitrogen = 1.251 kg / m^(3) (I don't know the source) / (mass of nitrogen molecule) ~ 2.7 x 10^(25) / m^3

decay rate = density * cross section ~ 1.4 x 10^(-5) / m

So I = I_0 * exp (-x/ l) ~ I_0 (1- x/l) => for x = 1m, the reduction in intensity is 1.4 x 10^(-5) * I_0, around what Wikipedia says.
  • #4
wc2351 said:
Anyway I found out that it was simply an error of plugging in wrong numbers.
I expected that, and it is impossible to find out if you don't post the actual calculation.

The density of nitrogen can be calculated with the ideal gas law, and room temperature and pressure.
  • #5
Ah yes, I should have posted the actual (wrong) numbers in the first place. I'll behave better next time.

Thanks for pointing out the ideal gas law; 1 atm * 1 / (k*300K) gives me 2.45 X 10^(25) particles per cubic meter, which is pretty close to the value I found above.

Related to Amount of scattering calculated from scattering cross section

1. What is the scattering cross section?

The scattering cross section is a measure of the probability that a particle will scatter when it interacts with another particle. It is typically represented by the symbol σ and is measured in units of area, such as square meters (m2).

2. How is the amount of scattering calculated from the scattering cross section?

The amount of scattering can be calculated by multiplying the scattering cross section by the number of particles present. This gives the total area that is affected by the scattering process.

3. What factors affect the scattering cross section?

The scattering cross section is affected by the size and shape of the particles involved, as well as the frequency and angle of the incident radiation. The composition and physical properties of the particles can also play a role.

4. How is the scattering cross section used in research?

The scattering cross section is an important parameter used in various fields of research, including physics, chemistry, and biology. It is used to study the properties of particles, such as their size, shape, and composition, and to understand the interaction between particles and radiation.

5. How does the scattering cross section relate to other scattering parameters?

The scattering cross section is related to other scattering parameters, such as the scattering coefficient, albedo, and extinction cross section. These parameters describe different aspects of the scattering process and are often used together to fully characterize the scattering behavior of a system.

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