Amplification for Action Potentials

In summary, the speaker has constructed a Faraday box to detect action potentials and local field potentials from inside the brain. They are seeking advice on reducing noise in the electrodes and are wondering if the two Aris Amplifiers they are using may be inducing noise. They have also tried contacting the company for assistance but have not received a response. They are open to suggestions from the forum.
  • #1

I have constructed a Faraday box containing electrodes that are going to detect the action potentials or/and local field potentials from inside the brain.

I was wondering whether someone constructed something like this before and what strategies were used to reduce the noise reaching the electrodes.

Specifically, at random instances noise appears that is not obvious how it was induced.

I am using 2 Aris Amplifiers (neurostar) and I am wondering if there is noise induced when the wires of the two Amplifiers are close to each other?

Any ideas will be really helpful.

Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Diagnosing your problem will require a great deal more information about your apparatus, experiment, lead placement, signal levels, nature of the noise, etc., than you have provided. However, recording EEG's and even action potentials is a mature technique whose principles are well understood. I suggest that you contact your vendor Neurostar for assistance. They should have application notes to describe proper technique, and applications engineers to help you with your issues. You are welcome to come back here as well, of course, although a forum is an awkward way to interact over complex matters.
  • #3
Thank you very much.

In fact, I tried to contact the company but I did not have any response for some time, so I supposed that I could give a go to this forum.

FAQ: Amplification for Action Potentials

1. What is amplification in relation to action potentials?

Amplification refers to the process of increasing the strength or magnitude of an electrical signal, in this case, the action potential. This allows for the signal to travel further distances without losing its strength.

2. Why is amplification important for action potentials?

Amplification is important for action potentials because it allows for efficient and effective communication between neurons. Without amplification, the electrical signal would weaken as it travels, making it difficult for the brain and nervous system to function properly.

3. How is amplification achieved in action potentials?

Amplification in action potentials is achieved through the opening and closing of ion channels. When an action potential is generated, sodium channels open and allow for the influx of positively charged ions, causing depolarization. This depolarization triggers neighboring sodium channels to open, resulting in a chain reaction and amplification of the signal.

4. Can amplification be too strong in action potentials?

Yes, amplification can be too strong in action potentials. This can lead to an overexcitatory state in the nervous system, causing seizures or other neurological disorders. The body has mechanisms in place, such as inhibitory neurotransmitters, to regulate the strength of action potentials and prevent excessive amplification.

5. How does amplification contribute to the overall function of the nervous system?

Amplification is crucial for the proper function of the nervous system. It allows for signals to travel quickly and efficiently, facilitating communication between neurons and different parts of the body. This ultimately enables the body to respond to external stimuli and carry out essential functions such as movement, sensation, and cognition.
