Amplitude change of light during refraction

In summary, the amplitude of a light wave changes when it enters and exits a block of glass due to slight reflection, with a theoretical loss of 4% at each surface for normal incidence. This can be observed through a laser light pen shining through a glass window. The Kramers-Kronig relations require some attenuation loss in the glass, unless it is dispersionless. This reflection occurs because the relative dielectric constant inside the glass is different from that of vacuum. For a more in-depth explanation, refer to Jackson's "Classical Electrodynamics" or Slater and Frank's "Electromagnetism."
  • #1
A Monochromatic source of light in a vacuum shines light into a block of glass. How does the amplitude of the light wave change once it is inside the glass and once it leaves the glass. I know that some energy (and hence amplitude) is lost by the light wave when it enters the glass due to slight reflection. But is that quantity of energy even measurable? Since I am only interested in the theoretical aspect of this problem, would that mean that the energy and amplitude of the wave are assumed to remain constant throughout? If not, how do they decrease once inside the glass?
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  • #2
See Fresnel's equations. They can be derived from the electromagnetic wave solutions to Maxwell's equations and the boundary conditions on the electric and magnetic fields at the surface of the medium.
  • #3
For glass with an index of refraction n=1.50, the theoretical reflection losses at the entrance surface are about 4% for normal incidence, and the same at the exit surface. If your entrance and exit angles are less than 90 degrees, the reflection losses are more (and can be 100% for polarized light at Brewsters angle). These reflection losses are easily observable (and measureable): take a laser light pen and shine it through a glass window and observe the reflection. If the entrance angle is less than 90 degrees you can probably see both the entrance and exit reflections. The attenuation loss in the glass can theoretically be zero, but only if the glass is dispersionless. If there is dispersion in the glass, then there has to be attenuation. It is required by the Kramers-Kronig relations.
  • #4
In this case, the light waves are striking the glass at its normal.
So you're saying that 4% of the total energy is lost when entering the glass. Then the amplitude remains the same throughout the glass. And finally, when leaving the glass, another 4% energy is lost? Can you please explain why this happens?I don't really see see why another 4% would be lost when exiting the glass.
  • #5
A light wave is composed of a transverse E field and a transverse H field. The direction of the light wave is along the cross product vector E x H. For normal incidence, both E and H are parallel to the surface. Both E and H are continuous across the boundary, but because glass has an index of refraction n, then the relative dielectric constant e is equal to n2. So the electric field inside the glass is E/e. In order to conserve both the power of the light wave, which is proportional to the product E x H, and maintain the correct ratio of E over H in vacuum (377 ohms)**, and in the glass (377/n ohms), there has to be a reflection at the surface, which is (n-1)2/(n+1)2 = 4% for glass. It is the same when the light ray exits the glass. A comprehensive discussion can be found in Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics" (2nd Ed) Sect 7.3 or Slater and Frank "Electromagnetism" Chapter X sec 3.

** Ohms is the unit for the ratio volts/amps. Becuuse E is in volts per meter, and H in amp-turns per meter, E/H also has the units of ohms. In a coaxial cable like RG-58, E/H = 50 ohms.

FAQ: Amplitude change of light during refraction

1. What is refraction?

Refraction is the phenomenon that occurs when light passes through a medium with a different density or optical density, causing the light to change direction.

2. How does refraction affect the amplitude of light?

Refraction does not directly affect the amplitude of light. However, the change in direction of light during refraction can cause the light to appear dimmer or brighter, depending on the angle and properties of the medium it is passing through.

3. Why does the amplitude of light change during refraction?

The amplitude of light remains constant during refraction, but the perceived change in amplitude is due to the change in direction of the light. As light passes through a medium with a different optical density, it can either bend towards or away from the normal, which affects how much light reaches our eyes.

4. How is the amplitude of light measured during refraction?

The amplitude of light is not typically measured during refraction. Instead, scientists and engineers typically measure the angle of refraction, or how much the light bends, to understand and predict the behavior of light passing through different mediums.

5. Can the amplitude of light be manipulated during refraction?

While the amplitude of light cannot be directly manipulated during refraction, we can control the properties of the medium that the light passes through to affect its direction and perceived amplitude. This is the basis for many optical technologies, such as lenses and prisms.
