Amplitude decaying sine function

In summary, the conversation discusses how to plot a sine function with an amplitude of 1 from x=0 to x=15, and then have the amplitude decay exponentially starting at x=5 while remaining at 1 for x=0 to x=4. The solution is to multiply the sine function by exp[-(x-5)] and use the function min(1, exp(5-x)) to ensure the amplitude does not exceed 1. This is done in matlab using the row vector (1, exp(5-x)).
  • #1

I am numerically plotting a sine function sin(x) with amplitude 1 from x=0 to x=15. No problem with that.

The next step gives me problems: I would like the sine function amplitude to decay exponentially starting at x=5 and not before that (the amplitude remains 1). I think I need to multiply the sine function by exp[-(x-5)] to have the amplitude decay starting from x=5. But that alone causes problems with the values less than 5...How should I deal with it?

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  • #3
At t=5 you want something mathematically and physically rather drastic to happen. That calls for drastic measures such as IF-statements (or functions derived from those, such as the step function).
Is there a particular language you do this in or is yours more a matehmatics question ?
  • #4
I can use matlab. I just would like the amplitude of the sine way to start decaying at x=5 and remain the same unity value between x=0 and x=4... The decay can be smooth but should start at x=5.

The sole multiplication of sin(x) by the function exp(-0.3*(x-5)) exponentially amplifies the sine function to values larger than 1 in the range x=0 and x=4.
  • #5
Thanks mfb but I don't follow your suggestion: what is min(1,exp (5-x)) supposed to do?
  • #6
By the way, mfb suggestion works fine:

min(1, exp(5-x)) * sin (x)

Makes the sinusoidal function decay start only at x=5 and not earlier than that. I am still not sure what the command min(1, exp(5-x)) does...
  • #7
I get it now. that was clever.

We create a row vector with two elements, i.e. (1, exp(5-x)). The sine amplitude is given by the function min( (1, exp(5-x))) which outputs either the number 1 for x values between 0 and 5, and a value smaller than 1 and equal to exp(5-x) for x>5. Problem solved.

Great. Thanks!

FAQ: Amplitude decaying sine function

1. What is an amplitude decaying sine function?

An amplitude decaying sine function is a mathematical expression that represents a sine wave whose amplitude decreases over time. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to model damped oscillations or waves.

2. How is the amplitude of a decaying sine function determined?

The amplitude of a decaying sine function is determined by the initial amplitude and the rate at which it decays. The initial amplitude is the highest point on the wave, and the rate of decay is the rate at which the amplitude decreases over time.

3. What factors affect the rate of amplitude decay in a sine function?

The rate of amplitude decay in a sine function can be affected by several factors, including the initial amplitude, the frequency of the wave, and any external forces acting on the system. In general, higher initial amplitudes and lower frequencies result in a slower decay rate, while external forces can either increase or decrease the rate of decay.

4. How is an amplitude decaying sine function different from a regular sine function?

A regular sine function has a constant amplitude and does not decay over time. In contrast, an amplitude decaying sine function has an initial amplitude that decreases over time, resulting in a smaller oscillation or wave pattern. Additionally, the frequency of a decaying sine function may also change over time as the amplitude decreases.

5. What are some real-life applications of amplitude decaying sine functions?

Amplitude decaying sine functions are commonly used in physics and engineering to model various phenomena, such as damped harmonic motion, electrical circuits, and sound and light waves. They can also be used in signal processing and data analysis to filter out noise and extract important information from a signal.
