Amplitude - photon correspondence

In summary, Feynman says that light is best treated as a 'quantum phenomenon', and that by understanding this we can better understand how atoms and molecules work.
  • #1

I've got a number of questions about physics. None of my physics friends have given me clearly defined answers, so I thought maybe asking here.
For now, I'll just ask one simple question.

So, if I have a laser pointer, which has a weak battery, it will shine with less number of photons than if I had a strong battery. Correct? The only difference, with a strong battery, would be more photons. Correct?
If you look at the laser pointer's electromagnetic light wave the change you would see, with the stronger battery, is that the amplitude of the wave increased.

If this is the case, then there is a correspondence between the number of photons, and the amplitude of the light wave.
Meaning that each photo corresponds to a specific amount of amplitude.
Do you know what this specific amount of amplitude per photon?

Thank you,
Science news on
  • #2
Sure, we can calculate it. For example, you can measure the induced voltage in a radio antenna, and knowing the frequency, and thus the energy of each photon you can calculate the approximate number of photons per unit of time. At least I think we can lol.
  • #3
Drakkith said:
For example, you can measure the induced voltage in a radio antenna, and knowing the frequency, and thus the energy of each photon you can calculate the approximate number of photons per unit of time.

As an experiment, sure you can measure the induced voltage in a radio antenna, but some of that power will be lost in heat.

I gather however that this has already been done. I assume there is some kind of formula for this, given a frequency. No?
  • #4
ComputerPsi said:
If this is the case, then there is a correspondence between the number of photons, and the amplitude of the light wave.
Meaning that each photo corresponds to a specific amount of amplitude.
Do you know what this specific amount of amplitude per photon?

You'll have to calculate it, but it should be fairly easy to do it in the following way, as long as you have the necessary information:

Assuming you know the electromagnetic field amplitude and frequency corresponding to the light from your laser pointer, you can calculate the energy per unit of time that passes through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of the laser.

At the same time, you obviously also know the frequency of the laser, so you can calculate the energy of a single photon by using the simple formula E=hf, vhere h is Planck's constant and f is frequency.

By comparing the two values, you can determine how many photons pass the unit area per second on average to make up your laser light.

Then you can divide the amplitude of the laser light EM field by the number of photons to get the amount of amplitude contributed per photon. I.e. you'll get something like "N photons per second in a certain cross-sectional area corresponds to an EM amplitude of X". Therefore "1 photon per second passing the same cross-sectional area would contribute X/N to the measured amplitude".
  • #5
Everyone seems to revere Feynman a lot but they tend ignore what he says about treating light as either waves of little bullets. He just says it has to be treated as a "quantum phenomenon" without constant reference to these existing and familiar models.

All you can say, accurately, about the photons with which light is associated with, is that light of a given frequency (f) interacts in multiples of hf (h is Planck's constant) with charge systems. This hf is the fundamental quantity of energy associated with a particular frequency - no more and no less - there is no point in treating photons as peas in a bucket or you will surely draw bad conclusions at some stage.

FAQ: Amplitude - photon correspondence

1. What is the Amplitude - photon correspondence?

The Amplitude - photon correspondence is a principle in quantum mechanics that relates the amplitude of a wave function to the probability of a photon being detected at a particular location. It states that the square of the amplitude of a wave function at a certain point is proportional to the probability of a photon being detected at that point.

2. How does the Amplitude - photon correspondence relate to the particle-wave duality of light?

The Amplitude - photon correspondence is one of the key principles that explains the particle-wave duality of light. It shows that light can behave as both a wave and a particle, and that the amplitude of the wave function determines the probability of a photon behaving like a particle and being detected at a specific location.

3. What is the significance of the Amplitude - photon correspondence in quantum mechanics?

The Amplitude - photon correspondence is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that helps us understand the behavior of photons and other particles at the quantum level. It provides a mathematical relationship between the wave function and the probability of detecting a particle, and is essential in making predictions about the behavior of particles in quantum systems.

4. How is the Amplitude - photon correspondence experimentally tested?

The Amplitude - photon correspondence can be tested through various experiments, such as the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, a beam of light is passed through two narrow slits, and the interference pattern formed on a screen behind the slits is measured. This interference pattern is a result of the wave-like behavior of light and confirms the validity of the Amplitude - photon correspondence.

5. Are there any other applications of the Amplitude - photon correspondence?

Yes, the Amplitude - photon correspondence has various applications in fields such as quantum optics, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography. It also plays a crucial role in understanding and manipulating the behavior of particles in quantum systems, which has implications for future technologies and advancements in the field of quantum mechanics.

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