Amplitude reflection coefficient for high to low refractive index

In summary: So if we are only interested in the first order reflection then we can use \Gamma_{ij} and not worry about the rest.
  • #1
For a wave traveling from a medium with refractive index n1 to n2 with n2 > n1, the amplitude reflection coefficient is given by:

r = (n2 - n1)/(n2 + n1)

Consider a beam of light passing through a single pane of glass. There is a reflection at the front surface of the pane, with the reflected amplitude obtainable through the above equation. If using the above equation for the second interface (the back of the pane, traveling from glass to air), r is negative but equal in magnitude to the first interface (travelling from air to glass). Does this make any difference? If calculating the percentage amplitude reduction, would one have to consider both interfaces, or just the first?
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  • #2
Yes, the reflection coefficient going from a high to low index of refraction is negative. The change in sign means that the reflected wave has a phase shift of 180 degrees.

As for the total transmission coefficient, it becomes more complicated because the total reflected and transmitted through a slab is going to be a result of multiple reflections within the slab. For example, you have a contribution from a beam that transmits through directly, t_1*t_2, then you have a contribution from the first order reflection off of the second interface, t_1*r_2*r_2*t_2, and so on and so on. This is a bit simplified because I haven't accounted for interference between these various orders due to the phase differences. It is possible to calculate the result. For example, the refletion coefficient for normal incidence is
[tex] \Gamma_{in} = \frac{\Gamma_{12}+\Gamma_{23}e^{i2k_2d}}{1+\Gamma_{12}\Gamma_{23}e^{i2k_2d}}[/tex]
[tex]\Gamma_{ij} = \frac{\eta_j-\eta_i}{\eta_j+\eta_i}[/tex]
and k_2 is the wavenumber in the slab, d is the thickness of the slab, and \eta is the impedance of the medium which is [itex]\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{\epsilon}}[/itex] while the index of refraction is [itex]\sqrt{\mu_r\epsilon_r}[/itex]. If the permeability of the slab case is homogeneous then we can see that \Gamma_{ij} gives us the same result if we use the equation I gave using wave impedance or the equation using index of refraction.
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FAQ: Amplitude reflection coefficient for high to low refractive index

1. What is the amplitude reflection coefficient for high to low refractive index?

The amplitude reflection coefficient for high to low refractive index, also known as the Fresnel reflection coefficient, is a measure of the ratio of the reflected amplitude to the incident amplitude when a beam of light passes from a medium with a high refractive index to a medium with a lower refractive index.

2. How is the amplitude reflection coefficient calculated?

The amplitude reflection coefficient is calculated using the Fresnel equations, which take into account the incident angle, the refractive indices of the two mediums, and the polarization of the light. The equations can be solved for both parallel and perpendicular polarization, resulting in two separate reflection coefficients.

3. What factors affect the amplitude reflection coefficient?

The amplitude reflection coefficient is affected by the angle of incidence, the refractive indices of the two mediums, and the polarization of the light. It is also dependent on the wavelength of the light, as different wavelengths may have different reflection coefficients.

4. How does the amplitude reflection coefficient impact the behavior of light?

The amplitude reflection coefficient plays a crucial role in determining how light behaves when it encounters a change in medium. It determines the amount of light that is reflected and transmitted at the interface between two mediums, which can result in phenomena such as total internal reflection and the formation of optical coatings.

5. What is the significance of the amplitude reflection coefficient in optics?

The amplitude reflection coefficient is an essential concept in optics as it helps explain the behavior of light at the interface of two different mediums. It also has practical applications in the design and optimization of optical devices, such as lenses, mirrors, and anti-reflective coatings, which rely on controlling the amount of light that is reflected at the interface of different materials.

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