An experiment showing a structure from 10^-18

In summary, there is a discussion about the Ashoori group's claim to have a picture of the ACTUAL energy density of particles, rather than just the "wavefunction" associated with them. However, there is some confusion as to how this is possible, with questions about the size of electrons and the dynamics inside them. The paper referenced by the conversation suggests that the interaction region of fundamental particles is smaller than the Compton wavelength, which is estimated to be around 10^-17/18 cm. This raises further questions about the accuracy of the Ashoori group's claim and the implications for theoretical models.
  • #1
The Ashoori group is claiming to have a picture of the ACTUAL energy density. (NOT the "wavefunction" associated with the particle).
Something does not add up. We should not be able to “see” the energy density of something as small as 10^-18.
High-resolution spectroscopy of two-dimensional electron
O. E. Dial_, R. C. Ashoori_, L. N. Pfei_ery, K. W. Westy
July 11, 2007
Don’t forget to look at page 16.

Remember that the electron itself is a very small particle, less in size than the size of a point (a pixel) in the figure. However, the "wavefunction" associated with the particle typically may extend over a scale of tens of nanometers. At any time, the square magnitude of the wavefunction plotted in the figure would be proportional to the probability of detecting the particle at that point, if the whole plane was covered with electron detectors which would be activated at that instant in time. Only one of those detectors would then "click", with the corresponding probability. The wavefunction will then instantly lose its meaning and is said to "collapse".
How the electron itself moves (whether it passes through one of the slits or both - or how the wavefunction is related to the actual electron) is a question that is not well defined in quantum mechanics - some would say that it is not a valid question.

It has to do with our understanding of what electrons and photons can or cannot do.
It has to do with our understanding of the “quark sea” and the “drip line”
Is the electron size 10^-18 or more?
Is the pattern that was created a confirmation that there is a simple symmetrical structure at 10^-18 that is reflected in the position/structure of the electrons as shown by the Ashoori group?
What kind of dynamics are going on inside the electron that make it possible for us to “see” it at larger scale?
More of their work is at
and they have a home page at
What impact does this new info have for the theoretical side? (LQG)

Maybe other forums would be interested in giving their inputs.
(I already raised the question in my blog.)
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Physics news on
  • #2
I'm not sure why the question regarding this paper is in the BTSM forum, since this is obviously a condensed matter paper.

In any case, can you point out to me where exactly in the paper that they claim to be able to measure something of that scale? Remember, this is essentially a tunneling spectroscopy measurement that measures the density of states (not "energy density"). If you look in the caption to Fig. 2, they clearly indicated that their energy resolution is 170 micro-eV. This is not unheard of.

Or do you imply that they can actually detect something the size of single electrons? This, too, is not all that new or surprising.

  • #3
Hi ZapperZ
I'm not sure why the question regarding this paper is in the BTSM forum, since this is obviously a condensed matter paper.

I put this paper here because it raised a lot of questions for which I have no answers and it seem to conflict with other info that I have already found.
I want to get opinions from a wider range of experts.
I'm sure that the interpretations of the experiments at CERN will also get interpretations that will affect the theoretical side.
  • #4
jal said:
Hi ZapperZ
I put this paper here because it raised a lot of questions for which I have no answers and it seem to conflict with other info that I have already found.
I want to get opinions from a wider range of experts.
I'm sure that the interpretations of the experiments at CERN will also get interpretations that will affect the theoretical side.

But you have ignored the rest of my question to you.

I am very familiar with tunneling spectroscopy since I've done it myself. I still want to know how you ended up with the scale that you mentioned here just simply from reading this paper. To me, this paper raises no such questions that you have mentioned. Unless you are willing to answer what I asked and clarify how you actually derived at your conclusion, I would be inclined to conclude that you made a major error in interpretation of the experimental result and thus, this whole thread is moot.

  • #5
Both of the following refer to 10^-17/18 for electrons.
Putting non Point-like Behavior of Fundamental Particles to Test
Irina Dymnikova∗, Alexander Sakharov†, J¨urgen Ulbricht† and
Jiawei Zhao
24 March 2003
We review the experimental limits on those hypothetical interactions where the fundamental particles could exhibit non point-like behavior. In particular we have focused on the QED reaction measuring the differential cross sections for the process e+e− → () at energies around 91 GeV and 209 GeV with data collected from the L3 detector from 1991 to 2001. With a global fit L3 set lower limits at 95% CL on a contact interaction energy scale parameter _ > 1.6 TeV, which restricts the characteristic QED size of the interaction region to Re < 1.2 ?10−17 cm. All the interaction regions are
found to be smaller than the Compton wavelength of the fundamental particles. This constraint we use to estimate a lower limit on the internal density of particle-like structure with the de Sitter vacuum core. Some applications of obtained limits to the string and quantum gravity scales are also discussed.
Orders of magnitude (length)
Do you want me to repeat my questions?
Something does not add up. We should not be able to “see” the energy density of something as small as 10^-18.
What kind of dynamics are going on inside the electron that make it possible for us to “see” it at larger scale?
Is the pattern that was created a confirmation that there is a simple symmetrical structure at 10^-18 that is reflected in the position/structure of the electrons as shown by the Ashoori group?
  • #6
But now you're changing papers. I really don't care about this new one because it isn't in my area of expertise. The FIRST paper you cited is. It is of my professional opinion that you've read WAY more than the paper implied, especially when you cannot pin-point exactly where in that paper is there anything directly related to what you are claiming.

  • #7
... you've read WAY more than the paper implied
That is what theories are about. A fact from here a fact from there etc.
I still have not received any comments on my questions.
  • #8
jal said:
That is what theories are about. A fact from here a fact from there etc.
I still have not received any comments on my questions.

But you are basing your "theory" on non-existent evidence, especially if you are basing it on that paper. That's my point when I said that this whole thread is moot if that was your starting point.

I used to do tunneling spectroscopy in high-Tc superconductors. We routinely get energy resolution in the ballpark of what they do here. No where in there can we claim of detecting something of the scale you are talking about here.

I believe that you have made a wrong interpretation of what they do in that paper. Thus, there are no valid comments that can be given to your questions, because your questions are based on a false premise that never existed from that paper.

Besides, none of my original questions to you were answered either.

  • #9
I have deducted ... you are right ... ... and came up with questions that might have an impact on theories that need the sizes ... structures etc.
Note: I am not claiming a structure in this thread. (my blog is something else)
  • #10
jal said:
I have deducted ... you are right ... ... and came up with questions that might have an impact on theories that need the sizes ... structures etc.

Then those questions are not appropriate since they are based on a misinterpretation of the results and the nature of the experiment. You really ought to understand a little bit more of the physics involved in the experiments you are trying to use. If not, you will be using results for inappropriate conclusions such as what is happening here.

Note: I am not claiming a structure in this thread. (my blog is something else)

I wouldn't know, since I never read your blog. However, since you have made a mistake like this here, you might want to double check if you aren't doing the same thing already previously.

  • #11
I will make sure to change/correct any errors.
Could you give me your evaluation of the work being done by The Ashoori group?
  • #12
1. This thread is in the wrong subforum.
2. The paper is about doing contactless measurements of the DOS of a 2DES in different quantum Hall regimes and looking specifically at spin splitting. The ohmic versions of these measurements have been performed in dozens of labs around the world, though almost entirely at the Fermi surface.
3. There's nothing related to the "size" of the electron or the "quark sea" in the paper. This is not Particle Physics - it's Condensed Matter.
  • #13
Retirement should be a time to step out of the deep hole that people have created to become specialist, (The specialists have my highest respect). It’s an opportunity to become a generalist.
It should not be a time to pontificate and “flame”.
If you know something pertinent that can answer my questions, say so and give me the link.

It is not just the theoretical people of LQG that need size and structural information at the quantum level.

From Bee’s blog

Also, from the thread
In Compton scattering, does the electron absorbs a photon and then emit another photon with another energy??

The derivation of wavelength shift in Compton scattering uses only the entrance and exit energies and momenta. It does not require a detailed understanding of the interaction. But the Feynman diagrams show an absorption and a re-emission.

This is true, because the S-matrix formalism of QFT (which uses Feynman diagrams) is a simplified description of reality. In this formalism we care only about entrance and exit states, and don't ask about what happens in the middle. This simplification is a good match for scattering experiments in high energy physics. However, we shouldn't forget that between entrance and exit states the system undergoes some non-trivial time evolution. This time evolution is not accessible by modern experimental techniques, but it may be accessible in the future.

Respecfully yours,
  • #14
There is a difference between being a 'generalist' and 'reading into something that is not there'. You were doing the latter.

There are no "links" to give, because the mistakes that you made I have already explained (and so has Gokul). Furthermore, when I asked you for clarification (i.e. when I asked you to point out exactly where in that paper is there any mention of the length scale that is in your topic), you ignored it completely. If you are unable to elaborate or clarify something when asked, then either you yourself didn't quite understand what you were trying to do, or you simply made it up.

Can papers and results from condensed matter permeate through other parts of physics. Definitely! I've always argued on this point (refer to Phil Anderson's broken symmetry principle). But is this particular paper a valid source to discuss "size" effects that you have in mind? NOPE! There are no links to be given here, unless you wish to go back to Tunneling in Solids 101, which is covered in Ref. 28 and 30 of that paper. So take a look there!

  • #15
Not everyone believes that physics goes to Planck Scale.
Why Planck Scale. Why not stop at 10^-18?
Let’s look at some papers.
Planck-scale physics: facts and beliefs
Authors: Diego Meschini
(Submitted on 23 Jan 2006)
Is empty spacetime a physical thing?
Authors: Diego Meschini, Markku Lehto
(Submitted on 11 Jun 2005 (v1), last revised 24 Oct 2005 (this version, v2))
Geometry, pregeometry and beyond∗
Diego Meschini† Markku Lehto Johanna Piilonen‡
Department of Physics, University of Jyv¨askyl¨a,
FIN–40014 Jyv¨askyl¨a, Finland.
November 10, 2004
Maybe you think that he is a quack. Let’s see who he is associated with.
Spherically symmetric spacetimes in f(R) gravity theories
Kimmo Kainulainen1,_ Johanna Piilonen1,y Vappu Reijonen2,z and Daniel Sunhede1x
1Dept. of Physics, P.O. Box 35 (YFL), FIN-40014 University of Jyvaskyla
2Helsinki Institute of Physics and Dept. of Physical Sciences,
P.O. Box 64, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
(Dated: April 20, 2007)
Dark Energy, Scalar-Tensor Gravity and Large Extra Dimensions
Kimmo Kainulainen∗ and Daniel Sunhede†
Dept. of Physics, University of Jyv¨askyl¨a,
P.O.Box 35 (YFL), FIN-40014 University of Jyv¨askyl¨a
(Dated: March 16, 2007)
Let’s look at some others who research Planck scale
Selected topics in Planck-scale physics
Authors: Y. Jack Ng (University of North Carolina)
(Submitted on 4 May 2003 (v1), last revised 15 May 2003 (this version, v2))
We review a few topics in Planck-scale physics, with emphasis on possible manifestations in relatively low energy. The selected topics include quantum fluctuations of spacetime, their cumulative effects, uncertainties in energy-momentum measurements, and low energy quantum-gravity phenomenology. The focus is on quantum-gravity-induced uncertainties in some observable quantities. We consider four possible ways to probe Planck-scale physics experimentally:
1. looking for energy-dependent spreads in the arrival time of photons of the same energy from GRBs;
2. examining spacetime fluctuation-induced phase incoherence of light from extragalactic sources;
3. detecting spacetime foam with laser-based interferometry techniques;
4. understanding the threshold anomalies in high energy cosmic ray and gamma ray events.
Some other experiments are briefly discussed. We show how some physics behind black holes, simple clocks, simple computers, and the holographic principle is related to Planck-scale physics.
We also discuss a formulation of the Dirac equation as a difference equation on a discrete Planck-scale spacetime lattice, and a possible interplay between Planck-scale and Hubble-scale physics encoded in the cosmological constant (dark energy).
Showing results 1 through 25 (of 38 total) for all:(Ng AND (Y AND Jack))
Planck-scale structure of spacetime and some implications for astrophysics and cosmology
Authors: Giovanni Amelino-Camelia
(Submitted on 30 Nov 2003 (v1), last revised 8 Dec 2003 (this version, v2))
Showing results 1 through 25 (of 94 total) for all:(Giovanni AND Amelino-Camelia)
I have not read all of the papers or all of the citations but those that I have read contain answers/explanations that would be of interest to the moderators/experts of these forums. There is overwhelming evidence that you should not take the Planck Scale as an absolute unquestionable truth.
There is a strong probability that 10^-18 could be the bottom of the scale.
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  • #16
You have the knack (or the propensity) of avoiding the issue. This is where I check out of this thread because it feels as if I'm talking to a wall. All I care about is that you did not bastardize the result of the paper you were touting about. I believe that has been accomplished.

Please note that while it is a common practice for those in the subject area of string, superstring, LQG, etc. to extensively use the e-print ArXiv as the repository of unrefereed manuscript, *I* am not impressed by it unless it is published in a respected peer-reviewed journal. So if you are under the impression that citing for me a series of unpublished papers, you can save your effort into something that is more worthwhile.

  • #17
Please note that while it is a common practice for those in the subject area of string, superstring, LQG, etc. to extensively use the e-print ArXiv as the repository of unrefereed manuscript, *I* am not impressed by it unless it is published in a respected peer-reviewed journal. So if you are under the impression that citing for me a series of unpublished papers, you can save your effort into something that is more worthwhile.
What a terrible trick to play on ordinary person.
I have been misslead into thinking that people who had doctorate degrees and were teaching at university knew more than little old me and that I could reliably quote them. :smile:
  • #18
jal said:
What a terrible trick to play on ordinary person.
I have been misslead into thinking that people who had doctorate degrees and were teaching at university knew more than little old me and that I could reliably quote them. :smile:

Oh, so you have somehow closed your blinders on cases such as Fleishman and Pons, etc?

You seem to have completely either forgotten, or ignored an important further step in the whole process of verifying the validity of anything in physics. Does a peer-review process mean anything to you? If you wish to quote someone before something has been verified, that's your problem. But do not fool yourself into thinking that you can sell it as "verified" to everyone else.

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FAQ: An experiment showing a structure from 10^-18

1. What does 10^-18 represent in this experiment?

10^-18 is a measurement of a very small length scale known as the Planck length, which is approximately 1.6 x 10^-35 meters. It is the smallest length that can be physically measured and is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics.

2. How is this experiment able to show a structure at such a small scale?

This experiment uses advanced technology and techniques such as electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, or scanning tunneling microscopy to visualize and manipulate particles at the nanoscale level. These methods allow scientists to see and study structures at the 10^-18 scale.

3. What is the significance of being able to observe structures at 10^-18?

Being able to see and manipulate structures at such a small scale opens up new possibilities for understanding the fundamental building blocks of matter and how they interact. It also has practical applications in fields such as nanotechnology, materials science, and medicine.

4. Can this experiment be replicated by other scientists?

Yes, this experiment can be replicated by other scientists using similar techniques and equipment. However, the results may vary depending on the specific methods and conditions used.

5. How does this experiment relate to the current understanding of the universe?

The ability to observe structures at 10^-18 is significant in the study of the universe because it allows scientists to explore the smallest scales and potentially uncover new laws of nature. It also helps to bridge the gap between our understanding of the macroscopic world and the microscopic world of quantum mechanics.

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