An ideal in a ring as 'analogous' to a normal subgroup of a group, but

In summary, an ideal in a ring is analogous to a normal subgroup of a group, but there is a slight difference in structure.
  • #1
Hello all. I am in need of a quick clarification.

A text I am reading describes an ideal in a ring as 'analogous' to a normal subgroup of a group but there appears to be a slight difference in structure in that a member of the underlying additive group from which the ideal is formed operates on a member of the ideal to produce a member of the ideal, at least that is how I read it. Am I mistaken.

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  • #2
What do you mean by "operates?" Obviously a normal subgroup and an ideal aren't going to be exactly the same. The analogy is that ideals are kernels of ring homomorphisms and thus can be used to obtain a quotient structure of the ring, just like how normal subgroups are kernels of group homomorphisms and give rise to quotient groups.
  • #3
Thankyou morphism.

Sorry, bad terminology. I meant the binary operation ( multiplication )between two members of the ring/ideal.

I'll look up the points you have made. I think I was overlooking the point that the binary operation I was referring to is the 'multiplicative' second operation and not the primary operation of the additive group.

I am looking really for an informal pointer to the structure of an ideal and then I will be able to understand the formal definition.

  • #4
Given a group [tex]G[/tex] and a subgroup [tex]H[/tex] the only way to create [tex]G/H[/tex] with well-defined operations is for [tex]H[/tex] to be a normal subgroup of [tex]G[/tex].

In ring theory we have a similar situation. Given a ring [tex]R[/tex] and a subring [tex]N[/tex] to create well-defined operations for [tex]R/N[/tex] we require that [tex]N[/tex] be an ideal of [tex]R[/tex].

So it is as if it plays the role of the normal subgroup in ring theory.

  • #5
matheinste said:
... an ideal in a ring as 'analogous' to a normal subgroup of a group but there appears to be a slight difference...

yes, and that's because 'analogous' and 'are identical' are not the same thing...
  • #6
Thanks Kummer.

The parallel between Subgroups and Ideals that you have pointed out is likely to be most helpful. I must spend a couple of hours going back to basics. I must learn to walk before I can run but I think the general idea is coming through.

Thanks Matheinste.
  • #7
to clarify kummers post further, if H is a subgrop of G, then there is a group operation on G/H = equivalence classes of elements of g under the relation xh is equivalent to x for all h in H, such that the natural map G-->G/H taking x to its equivalence class, is a homomorphism, if and only if H is a normal subgroup.

similarly, if I is an additive subgroup of the ring R, then the group R/I has a ring structure such that R-->R/I is a ring map, if and only if I is an ideal in R.

i hope this is right. try proving them.
  • #8
Thankyou all for your comments. I now understand the structure of an ideal but there is still much more additional stuff to take in and I look forward to future help.


FAQ: An ideal in a ring as 'analogous' to a normal subgroup of a group, but

1. What is an ideal in a ring?

An ideal in a ring is a subset of the ring that satisfies certain properties, similar to how a normal subgroup of a group satisfies certain properties. Specifically, an ideal is a subset that is closed under addition and multiplication by elements of the ring, and contains the additive identity element of the ring.

2. How is an ideal analogous to a normal subgroup?

Both an ideal in a ring and a normal subgroup of a group are subsets that are closed under certain operations and contain certain elements. In a ring, the closure properties are under addition and multiplication, while in a group, the closure properties are under multiplication and inverse operations. Additionally, both an ideal and a normal subgroup contain the identity element of their respective structures.

3. What is the significance of an ideal in a ring?

An ideal in a ring is significant because it allows for the creation of quotient rings, which are essential for studying the properties and structure of a ring. Quotient rings are formed by factoring out the elements of an ideal, and they help simplify calculations and proofs in ring theory.

4. Can an ideal in a ring be a normal subgroup?

Yes, an ideal in a ring can also be a normal subgroup of the ring's underlying additive group. In this case, the ideal will be closed under addition and contain the identity element, as well as satisfy the properties of a normal subgroup, such as containing the inverse of each element.

5. Are there different types of ideals in a ring?

Yes, there are several types of ideals in a ring, including proper ideals, maximal ideals, and prime ideals. Proper ideals are those that are not equal to the entire ring, while maximal ideals are the largest proper ideals. Prime ideals are those that are not only proper and maximal, but also satisfy an additional property related to multiplication.

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