An integral and function inequality proof

In summary, the homework statement implies that for any c in [a,b], |\int_a^bf(x)dx - (b-a)f(c)|\leq\frac{(b-a)^{2}}{2}
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f be a function such that |f(u)-f(v)|[tex]\le|u-v|[/tex] for all u and v in an interval [a,b]. Assume that f is integrable on [a,b]. Prove that

|[tex]\int_a^bf(x)dx[/tex] - (b-a)f(a)|[tex]\leq\frac{(b-a)^{2}}{2}[/tex]

That's the absolute value of the difference of the integral of f(x) from a to b and (b-a)f(a). The subtraction and absolute value signs aren't quite coming out right, but it should be good enough to interpret.

Once I prove this, I have to prove the more general statement that for any c in [a,b],

|[tex]\int_a^bf(x)dx[/tex] - (b-a)f(c)|[tex]\leq\frac{(b-a)^{2}}{2}[/tex]

Homework Equations

Standard integration formulas. I might be able to throw the triangle equality somewhere to break up those absolute value differences.

The Attempt at a Solution

I've realized that the given information implies that |m|[tex]\leq1[/tex] because
m = [tex]\frac{|f(u)-f(v)|}{|u-v|}[/tex] and |u-v| is less than or equal to |f(u)-f(v)|.

[tex]\frac{(b-a)^{2}}{2}[/tex] also looks like the formula for a triangle that has a height equal to its base length. So I think that if the slope were 1, then the integral would be equal to the area of the triangle. If the slope is less than 1, then I think the integral is less than the area of the triangle, because it won't reach the same height at point b that the triangle will reach. Using this, I started working with f(x) = (1)x + c, where c is the y intercept (I used c instead of b to avoid confusion). This hasn't gotten me very far, though, and I'm having trouble putting the logic into precise enough mathematical language to call it a proof. Any advice?
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  • #2
Well, let's say we have [itex]f(x)[/itex], and [itex][a,b][/itex] as described. If you can you find (nice) functions that are upper and lower bounds for [itex]f(x)[/itex], then you might be able to use those instead of this nebulous [itex]f(x)[/itex].
  • #3
I've noticed now that (b-a)f(a) removes the area under the rectangle generated from 0 to the y-intercept from a to b. Can I then rewrite the integral - (b-a)f(a) as just the integral of the function without a y-intercept; namely, as [tex]\int_a^b(mx)dx[/tex]?

Then I get that [tex]\frac{(b^{2}-a^{2)}}{2}[/tex][tex]\leq\frac{(b-a)^{2}}{2}[/tex].

I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, though.

From here it follows that [tex]{(b+a)}[/tex] [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]{(b-a)}[/tex], which isn't always true, so I seem to have either made a mistake or gone down the completely wrong path.
  • #4
I'd try to attack this problem with:
[tex]f(a)-(x-a) \leq f(x) \leq f(a)+(x-a)[/tex]
[tex]\int f(a)-(x-a) dx \leq \int f(x) dx \leq \int f(a)+(x-a) dx[/tex]
  • #5
Thank you for your help. I managed to solve it by starting with the given information and integrating that to work toward the statement I wanted to prove.

FAQ: An integral and function inequality proof

How do you define an integral and function inequality?

An integral and function inequality is a mathematical statement that compares the values of an integral and a function over a certain interval. It can be written as ∫abf(x)dx ≤ g(x) for all x in [a,b], where f(x) is the function and g(x) is the integral.

What is the purpose of proving an integral and function inequality?

The purpose of proving an integral and function inequality is to show that the integral of a function is always greater than or equal to the value of the function itself over a given interval. This can be useful in solving optimization problems and determining the behavior of a function.

What are the steps involved in proving an integral and function inequality?

The steps involved in proving an integral and function inequality include defining the function and the interval, finding the integral of the function, setting up the inequality statement, and using mathematical techniques such as substitution, integration by parts, or comparison to prove the inequality.

Can an integral and function inequality be proven using only algebraic methods?

Yes, an integral and function inequality can be proven using only algebraic methods. However, in some cases, it may be easier to use calculus techniques such as integration by parts or comparison to prove the inequality.

What are some real-world applications of integral and function inequalities?

Integral and function inequalities have many real-world applications, such as in physics, economics, and engineering. They can be used to optimize processes, determine the maximum or minimum values of a function, and analyze the behavior of systems over time.

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