An strategy to prove Riemann hypothesis

In summary: RH.In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of proving the Riemann hypothesis by constructing a self-adjoint operator with real eigenvalues that are related to the roots of the Riemann zeta function. The key is to show the existence of a real potential for the Hamiltonian, which can be done by proving that the eigenvalues are real. This can be achieved by considering the properties of the complex and real parts of the zeta function, leading to the conclusion that the only possible case is \zeta(1/2+is), which is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis.
  • #1
Let be the Hamitonian of a particle with mass m in the form:

[tex] H=\frac{-\hbar^{2}}{2m}D^{2}\phi(x)+V(x)\phi(x) [/tex]

then the RH is equivalent to prove that exist a real potential V(x) of the Hamiltonian so that the values E_n [tex]H\phi=E_{n}\phi [/tex] satisfy the equation [tex]\zeta(1/2+iE_{n})=0 [/tex] that is the roots of the Riemann zeta function are the Energies of the system...

you only need to prove that V(x) is real,so the H will be self-adjoint,we can write the solution of the problem (approximately) by the wave function:

[tex]\phi=e^{iS/\hbar} [/tex] with [tex]S=\int(2mE_{n}-2mV(x))^{0.5}dx [/tex]

with that you can substituting into Schroedinguer equation get a differential equation of second order for V(x) [tex]F(x,V(x),DV(x),D^{2}V(x),E_{n})=0 [/tex]

teh key is that you needn,t solve the equation you only have to prove that the potential will be real by knowing that energies satisfy [tex]\zeta(1/2+iE_{n})=0 [/tex] i will try to submit to some math teacher to see if i can do my PhD in math-physics in this matter...
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  • #2
This is completely unclear. I have absolutely no idea how you intend to try and prove the Riemann hypothesis. The only thing I can gather is that, for some reason, you want to try and construct a differential operator of a particular form whose eigenvalues are related somehow to ζ.

Could you try again, sketching an outline of the proof that you hope to be able to complete?
  • #3
Actually eljose has, perhaps (it is as ever unlcear), somehow stumbled on something that is acutally of interest. it is believed that random matrix theory might play some role in working towards a substantial part of a possible proof of RH. see the work of Berry, Keating, Mezzadri, Snaith et al.
  • #4
To hurkyl:i intend to prove in a thesis that the roots of the operators could (or should) be the eigenvalues of a certain self-adjoint operator so they will be real..the RH is similar to prove that the roots of the function [tex]\zeta(1/2+it) [/tex] are all real...the strategy is to prove that will exist a real potential V(x) for a given Hamiltonian in the sense that the eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian will be the values of the root of the function [tex]\zeta(1/2+it) [/tex] then i state an approximate differential equation for the potential V,the main key is to show that this potential will be real..
  • #5
In fact RH can be easily proved by this...if [tex]\zeta(1/2+is) [/tex] is a root also [tex]\zeta(1/2-is^*)=\zeta(1/2+is*)=0 [/tex] so if s is an energy also s* will be another energy so the potential is real [tex]<\phi*_{n}|T*+V*|\phi*_{n}>=<\phi_{k}|T+V|\phi_{k}> [/tex] from this we deduce V is real...

alternatively we can prove for [tex]\zeta(a+is) [/tex] that if s is a root also s*+(2a-1)i must be a root so there are complex energies,if this happens the potential must be complex, by the same argument than above a complex potential can not have real energies,so there are no real roots for the zeta function of the form [tex]\zeta(a+is) [/tex] with a different from 1/2
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FAQ: An strategy to prove Riemann hypothesis

What is the Riemann hypothesis and why is it important?

The Riemann hypothesis is a famous unsolved mathematical problem that deals with the distribution of prime numbers. It states that all non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function lie on a specific line in the complex plane, known as the critical line. It is important because it has numerous applications in mathematics and physics, and its proof would have significant implications for number theory and other areas of mathematics.

What is the current status of attempts to prove the Riemann hypothesis?

Many mathematicians have attempted to prove the Riemann hypothesis since it was first proposed in 1859, but it remains unsolved. There have been some promising results and partial proofs, but none have been accepted as a complete proof by the mathematical community. The Riemann hypothesis is still considered one of the greatest unsolved problems in mathematics.

What are some strategies that have been proposed to prove the Riemann hypothesis?

There have been various strategies proposed to prove the Riemann hypothesis, including analytic methods, probabilistic methods, and algebraic methods. Some of the most well-known strategies include the Lindelöf hypothesis, the Montgomery conjecture, and the Hilbert-Pólya conjecture. However, none of these strategies have been successful in proving the Riemann hypothesis so far.

What would be the impact of proving the Riemann hypothesis?

The impact of proving the Riemann hypothesis would be significant and far-reaching. It would not only solve one of the most famous mathematical problems, but it would also have implications for other areas of mathematics, such as number theory, algebra, and geometry. It could also lead to new insights and developments in physics, computer science, and cryptography.

What challenges do scientists face in trying to prove the Riemann hypothesis?

One of the main challenges in trying to prove the Riemann hypothesis is the complexity of the problem itself. It involves advanced mathematical concepts and techniques that are still being developed. Additionally, the Riemann hypothesis has been famously resistant to proof, and many mathematicians have spent decades working on it without success. This makes it a difficult and daunting task for scientists to tackle.

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