: Analysis 2 Textbook recommendations please?

In summary, the person is looking for a real analysis book at a higher level than Spivak's Calculus, with a preference for something similar to Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds. They have compiled a list of books and are considering Munkres' Analysis on Manifolds or Pugh's Analysis. They are also open to other suggestions and are looking forward to Professor Mathwonk's post. However, it is recommended that they first learn single variable analysis before tackling more advanced books. Other suggested books include Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms by Hubbard, Advanced Calculus of Several Variables by Edwards, and Functions of Several Variables by Fleming.
  • #1

My father will be visiting the UK soon. I live in a developing country where not many books are available, so he'll be bringing them here. Now, I have already compiled a list of quite a few books. I am particularly looking forward to Munkres' Topology and Sutherland's Metric Spaces and Topology. However I need a real analysis book, at a level higher that Spivak's Calculus textbook, which I have completed. My 'mathematical maturity' is at the level of Spivak's Calculus, Shilov's linear algebra, Tennenbaum's differential equations, and parts of Apostol's Analysis, etc. I have already had cookbook James Stewart style non rigorous calculus course. I know its not much but I've turned 18 not long ago, and I haven't started college yet (begins fall 2013 I hope).

I would prefer something at the level of Spivak's calculus on manifolds, but its very terse I've noticed from Amazon. What about Munkres' Analysis on Manifolds? Ideally one of these two should do, but I would like to know which would be more appropriate, given that I will be mostly using them for self-study? Also is Pugh's Analysis similar to either of these? The book for me should cover multivariable analysis, with a proof of Stoke's theorem, manifolds etc. Throw in any other suggestions you like! :)

Professor Mathwonk, if you're here Sir, I'm really looking forward to your post :)

Thank You!

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  • #2
Spivak's Calculus is not quite at the level of introductory real analysis, so moving to a second course in real analysis would be quite a jump. If I were you, I would first learn single variable analysis. Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis essentially boils Spivak's Calculus down to 170 short pages and examines everything from a more general and comprehensive point of view. It should definitely be accessible to you.

After that you will certainly be much more prepared to tackle Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds. Munkres' Analysis book will take you to the same place but with much more words.
  • #3
I own/have access to all three books you mentioned but unfortunately since we only recently got to differential forms in my analysis class, I haven't read them in detail. You are right in that Spivak seems terse although people say if you work out the exercises you'll be golden. As for Pugh, I like his style but keep in mind that he only devotes one out of the 6 chapters in his book to multivariable calculus so his whole treatment is around 50-60 pages long. I would say Munkres would be the most detailed and user-friendly as he motivates things quite well and breaks long up proofs into steps and stuff like that. So if you had to choose one, I'd go for Munkres.
  • #5


Thank you for reaching out for recommendations on real analysis textbooks. Based on your current level of mathematical maturity and interests, I would highly recommend Munkres' Analysis on Manifolds. It covers multivariable analysis and includes a proof of Stoke's theorem, making it a great choice for your self-study goals. Additionally, it is written in a clear and concise manner, which should help with understanding the material.

If you are interested in a more challenging and rigorous approach, I would also suggest Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds. However, as you mentioned, it may be quite terse and may require additional resources for a deeper understanding.

Pugh's Analysis is also a good option, but it may not cover all the topics you are looking for. It is more focused on real analysis and may not include as much on multivariable analysis and manifolds.

Other suggestions I have for you are "Real Analysis" by Royden and "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by Rudin. Both of these texts are highly regarded in the mathematical community and cover a wide range of topics in real analysis.

I hope this helps guide your decision and I wish you all the best in your self-study journey. Happy learning!

Related to : Analysis 2 Textbook recommendations please?

1. What are the best textbooks for studying Analysis 2?

Some of the most highly recommended textbooks for Analysis 2 include "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by Walter Rudin, "Introduction to Real Analysis" by Robert G. Bartle and Donald R. Sherbert, and "Real Analysis" by Royden and Fitzpatrick.

2. Are there any textbooks specifically geared towards beginners in Analysis 2?

Yes, there are several textbooks that are suitable for beginners in Analysis 2, such as "Understanding Analysis" by Stephen Abbott and "Analysis: With an Introduction to Proof" by Steven R. Lay.

3. What textbook is commonly used in university courses for Analysis 2?

"Introduction to Real Analysis" by Robert G. Bartle and Donald R. Sherbert is a popular textbook used in many university courses for Analysis 2.

4. Are there any online resources or supplementary materials that can aid in understanding Analysis 2?

Yes, there are many online resources and supplementary materials available for Analysis 2, such as video lectures, practice problems, and study guides. Some popular websites for these resources include Khan Academy, Coursera, and MIT OpenCourseWare.

5. Are there any newer textbooks that cover more modern topics in Analysis 2?

Yes, there are newer textbooks that cover more modern topics in Analysis 2, such as "Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications" by Gerald B. Folland and "Real Analysis: A Long-Form Mathematics Textbook" by Jay Cummings. These textbooks may also include additional topics such as measure theory and functional analysis.

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