Analysis - a liminf inequality

In summary, the author tried to contradiction two facts: that if L is the liminf, then for all N there is an n>N with (a_n)^(1/n)>L+e, and that if limsup|a_{n+1}/a_n|<1, the series converges. Neither of these proofs worked, and it appears that the problem is not as difficult as first thought.
  • #1
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Homework Statement

I'm asked to show that

[tex]\liminf |a_{n+1}/a_n|\leq\liminf (|a_n|)^{1/n}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried a proof by contradiction in both "directions", but it did not work. For instance, one "direction" would be to let [itex]M=\liminf |a_{n+1}/a_n|[/itex] and [itex]L=\liminf (|a_n|)^{1/n}[/tex] and suppose M>L. Then for all e'>0, there is an N' such that n>N' ==>[itex]|a_{n+1}/a_n|>M-\epsilon'[/itex]. Also, let [itex]\{a_{n_k}\}[/itex] be the subsequence such that [itex](a_{n_k})^{1/n_k}\rightarrow L[/itex]. Then, given e>0, there is an N such that k>N ==> [itex]L-\epsilon<(a_{n_k+1})^{1/n_k+1}<L+\epsilon[/itex] and [itex]|a_{n_k+1}/a_{n_k}|>M-\epsilon'[/itex]. But

[tex]L-\epsilon<(a_{n_k+1})^{1/n_k+1}<L+\epsilon \Leftrightarrow [/tex]



[tex]\Rightarrow \frac{a_{n_k+1}}{a_{n_k}}<\left(\frac{L+\epsilon}{L-\epsilon}\right)^{1/n_k}}(L+\epsilon)}[/tex]

And then I aked wheter we could find an e such that this inequality would contradict [itex]|a_{n_k+1}/a_{n_k}|>M-\epsilon'[/itex], but obviously not, since as n_k gets bigger and bigger, the inequality becomes less restrictive rather than the opposite...I also tried the same thing with starting with the fact that [itex]\{a_{n_k}\}[/itex] was the subsequence that converged to M. I arrived at the same kind of uninteresting inequality.

Using the same ideas, I also tried to contradict the fact that if L is the liminf, then for all N, there is an n>N with (a_n)^(1/n)>L+e (and analogously for M).
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  • #2

This should not be so difficult; it is problem 51 in the book (odd numbered) and there isn't even a hint at the back of the book.

Also, it may be helpful to know (problem 47) that the ratio and root tests can be generalized as follow: "If limsup|a_{n+1}/a_n|<1, the series converges, and if liminf|a_{n+1}/a_n|>1, the series diverges." (and analogously for (a_n)^1/n).
  • #3
I emailed a professor and he emailed me back a nice pdf with the solution. It involves letting b_n=ln|a_n|, so that the inequality to show is equivalent to showing that liminf(b_n - b_{n-1}) < liminf(b_n/n) and then letting c_n = b_n - b_{n-1}, so it's equivalent to showing liminf(c_n)<liminf((c_1+...+c_n)/n). then let L=liminf(c_n), M=liminf((c_1+...+c_n)/n) and plug the fact that for any e>0, there's N s.t. n>N ==> c_n > L - e into (c_1+...+c_n)/n. It will result by taking the limits that [itex]M\geq L - \epsilon[/itex]. Since this is true for any e, we get the desired [itex]M\geq L[/itex].

There is a similar inequality for limsup: [tex]\limsup |a_{n+1}/a_n| \geq \limsup (|a_n|)^{1/n}[/tex].

This is nice because it implies that if the generalized root test is inconclusive, then so will the generalized ratio test so no need to waste time trying it! :smile:
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FAQ: Analysis - a liminf inequality

1. What is "Analysis - a liminf inequality"?

Analysis - a liminf inequality is a mathematical concept in analysis that involves taking the limit inferior of a sequence of real numbers. It is a way to determine the smallest accumulation point of a sequence and is often used in proofs and calculations involving sequences and series.

How is the liminf of a sequence calculated?

The liminf of a sequence is calculated by finding the infimum (or greatest lower bound) of all the subsequential limits of the sequence. This can be done by taking the limit of the infimum of each subsequence as the index goes to infinity.

What is the significance of liminf in analysis?

The liminf of a sequence is significant because it allows us to determine the smallest limit point of a sequence. This can be useful in proving the convergence of a sequence or series, as well as in finding the limit of a sequence.

Can the liminf of a sequence be equal to its limit?

Yes, it is possible for the liminf of a sequence to be equal to its limit. This occurs when the sequence is eventually constant, meaning that all terms after a certain index are equal to the limit. In this case, the liminf and limit will be the same value.

Are there any applications of liminf in real-world problems?

Yes, liminf has many applications in real-world problems. It can be used in economics to model stock prices, in physics to analyze the behavior of particles, and in computer science for analyzing algorithms and data structures. It is also used in probability and statistics to calculate probabilities and expected values.

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