Analysis: Closed sets and extrema

In summary: And you need to talk about both the supremum and infimum, not just one of them. And what you wrote for "b)" is just the definition of supremum. You need to prove that the other properties of supremum hold, and you have not done that yet. So it is clear that we are not speaking the same language yet. I do not think I can help you until you can learn the language. You need to learn how to state a proof; it is not enough to give a vague idea. If you do not know how to do a), I do not see how you can do b). The idea for a) is to use the definition of closed: A set
  • #1

Homework Statement

a) Let U be a closed subset of the reals with an upper bound. You know that U has a supremum, say z. Prove that z is an element of U.

b) Suppose U is a closed subset of the real numbers with an upper and lower bound. Prove that U has a maximum and minimum.

The Attempt at a Solution

I was able to come up with a proof for b) by simply finding the maximum and minimum of U however I feel like the proof is flawed.

b) Since U is a closed and bounded subset of R, we can write U as a finite collection of closed intervals of R.

[tex] U = \cup^{n}_{1} I_{i}[/tex] where [tex] I_{i} = [a_{i},b_{i}]. [/tex]

Hence for each [tex]I_{i}[/tex],

[tex]max(I_{i}) = b_{i}[/tex]


[tex]min(I_{i}) = a_{i}[/tex].

Then consider the set

[tex]S = (a_{i})\cup(b_{i}) [/tex] for i = 1,...,n.

Then [tex]max(s) = b_{max} [/tex] and [tex] min(S) = a_{min}[/tex].

So max(U) and min(U) both exist and are equal to bmax and amax respectively.

a) I wasn't sure how to do this one. I tried using some inequalities and defining the maximum of U but couldn't come up with anything useful.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
b) is deeply flawed. You CANNOT write every closed and bounded subset of R as a finite union of closed intervals, take e.g. {1/n for n in N} union {0}. Go back to the first one. You have a supremum z. Suppose z is NOT in U. Can you show every neighborhood of z contains an element of U? Can you use that to construct a sequence in U converging to z? Can you see where to go from here?
  • #3
Or: for (a), since U is closed, its complement is open. If is in complement of U, it is an interior point, there exist some [itex]\delta[/itex] so that the [itex]\delta[/itex] neighborhood of z is in U, ...

(b) If a set of real numbers has an upper bound, then it has a sup. What does (a) tell you about that sup? If a set of real numbers has a lower bound, then it has an inf. You should be able to prove a theorem similar to (a) for infimums.
  • #4
Thanks for your replies. I can see where I should be going with a) but I'm still working on it.

a) Consider the metric space (R,d) where d is the euclidean metric d(x,y)=|x-y|. Note that if (X,d) is a metric space then a subset Y of X is called closed if for every sequence (y(n)) of elements of Y, if (y(n)) has a limit L in X, then L is in Y. U is a closed and bounded above subset of R with supremum z. Then if there is a sequence (u(n)) of elements of U that converges to z, then z is in U.

Now all I need to do is find such a sequence, any ideas?

For now assume a) is true.

b) Let U be a closed and bounded subset of R. Since U is bounded there are real numbers
x=inf(U) and y=sup(U). It follows from a) that y is in U and via a similar proof that x is also in U. Since x,y are inf,sup respectively, x<=u<=y for all u in U. Thus min(U)=x and max(U) = y.
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  • #5
That's not the proof I would give because I prefer to use the equivalent definition of "closed": A set is closed if and only if its complement is open. However, it certainly can be used:
If [itex]\alpha[/itex] is an upper bound for X, then there exist a member, x, of X such that [itex]d(x,\alpha)< 1/n[/itex] for every integer n. Let {xn} be a member of x in [itex]d(x,\alpha)< 1/n[/itex].

And if you talk about a "similar" proof, you had better be ready to give that "similar" proof explicitely.

FAQ: Analysis: Closed sets and extrema

1. What is a closed set?

A closed set is a set of numbers in which all of its limit points are also contained within the set. In other words, if you were to draw a line connecting any two points within the set, that line would never extend beyond the boundaries of the set.

2. How do you determine if a set is closed?

To determine if a set is closed, you can use the closure operation. This operation essentially adds all of the limit points to the original set. If the resulting set is the same as the original set, then the set is considered closed.

3. What is an extremum?

An extremum is a point on a function where the slope or derivative is equal to zero. This point can be either a maximum or minimum, depending on the behavior of the function around that point.

4. How do you find extrema on a closed set?

To find extrema on a closed set, you can use the Extreme Value Theorem. This theorem states that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, then it must have both a maximum and minimum on that interval.

5. Why are closed sets and extrema important in analysis?

Closed sets and extrema are important in analysis because they allow us to study the behavior of functions on a specific set of numbers. They help us identify important points on a function and can provide information about the overall shape and behavior of the function. They are also important in many applications, such as optimization problems and curve fitting.
