Analysis- continuity and differentiability

In summary, the person is stuck on a question and has not been able to get very far. They think part 1 involves the application of the intermediate value theorem twice, but don't know how to do so. They also think part 2 involves using the mean value theorem, but don't know where to find the cos function. For part b, they suspect that it is true but don't know how to write a proof.
  • #1
Hi, could somebody please help me with the following question, I have been stuck on it for ages.

1. let f[0,1] -> R be continuous with f(0)=0, f(1)=1. Prove the following:

a.(i) If for c in (0,1) f is differentiable at c with f'(c)<0 then there are exists points y such that f(x)=y has more than one solution.

(ii). If f(x)>0 for x>0 show there is [tex]\delta[/tex] in (0,1) with [tex]\delta[/tex] not equal to f(x) for all x in [0.5,1].

(iii). If f is also differentiable on (0,1) prove there is an a in (0,1) such that

f'(a)/cos(a[tex]\pi/2[/tex]) = [tex]2/\pi[/tex]

b. If f:[-1,1]->R is such that f(sin(x)) is continuous on R then is f continuous. (give a proof or counterexample).

3. I am really stuck on this question and so have not got very far at all. I think part 1 must involve the application of the intermediate value theorem twice though I can't see how to do so. I don't even know how to start part 2. For part 3 I think I will need to use the mean value theorem (and probably a previous question) but can't see where they have got the cos function from.For part b I suspect that it is true but don't know how to write a proof.
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  • #2
Some rough hints:

1a) i) You should be able to find one solution just by noting that f has to take on every value between 0 and 1 by IVT
ii) I think this should be handled by epsilon-delta proof. If f(x) > 0, you can take f(x) to be epsilon
iii) Rearrange the formula to isolate f'(a) on one side and see if you can make the equality into something that looks like it would be true by the MVT.

b. Have you seen the proof that if g is continuous at a and f is continuous at g(a), then the composition f of g is continuous at a? If you haven't, see if you can prove this on your own. Part b) is based on this theorem.
  • #3
Ok, so for part i we know there is one solution (by IVT), what other things could I try in order to establish there is more than one solution?

for 2, I am aware of the theorem you stated but, is it an if and only if statement? If not I can't see how I could use it.

FAQ: Analysis- continuity and differentiability

1. What is the definition of continuity?

Continuity is a mathematical concept that describes a function that has no abrupt changes or breaks in its graph. In other words, a function is continuous if its graph can be drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper.

2. How is continuity different from differentiability?

Continuity and differentiability are related concepts but they are not the same. A function is said to be continuous if it has no breaks in its graph, while a function is said to be differentiable if it has a derivative at every point in its domain.

3. What is the difference between a removable discontinuity and a non-removable discontinuity?

A removable discontinuity, also known as a removable singularity, is a point where a function is not continuous but can be made continuous by filling in the gap. A non-removable discontinuity, also known as an essential singularity, is a point where a function is not continuous and cannot be made continuous by filling in the gap.

4. How do you determine if a function is continuous at a specific point?

To determine if a function is continuous at a specific point, you can use the following three criteria: 1) the limit of the function as x approaches the point must exist, 2) the value of the function at the point must exist, and 3) the limit and the value must be equal.

5. Can a function be continuous but not differentiable?

Yes, a function can be continuous but not differentiable. This can happen at points where the function has a sharp turn or corner, or at points where the function is not defined. In these cases, the function is still continuous as there are no breaks in its graph, but it is not differentiable because the derivative does not exist at those points.

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