Analysis of the physics in Interstellar

In summary: You should be more careful about explaining what you are doing, otherwise people won't be able to help you.In summary, the conversation revolves around the movie Interstellar and the concept of time dilation near a black hole. The speaker was inspired to delve into general relativity and attempted to solve for the time dilation using geodesic equations found on Wikipedia. However, there were some discrepancies and they were unsure if their method was valid.
  • #1
So I recently watched the new movie Interstellar, and I've been inspired to do some more general relativity. At one point in the movie they mention that 1 hour on a planet orbiting a black hole is 7 years back on Earth, and so I decided my first project would be to figure out exactly how close they would have to be. So, taking the geodesic equations off of Wikipedia (because I'm too lazy to figure that out)
Where ##w=(1-\frac{r_s}{r})## and ##r_s## is the Schwarzschild radius. Using these three equations, setting ##q=\tau##, and assuming circular orbits (##\frac{dr}{dq}=0##), I ended up with 4 equations and 4 unknowns. Solving for ##\frac{dt}{d\tau}##, I end up with

SO my questions: Is this process valid, or am I missing something? I was expecting the time dilation to go to infinity at the event horizon, ##r_s##, however it seems to become undefined at ##\frac{3}{2}r_s## instead. What is special about this distance?
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  • #2
You might want to check out the seemingly endless discussion of it in the Science Fiction section of PF Lounge entitled "Interstellar—Spectacularly Stupid Movie".
  • #4
Higgs Boson said:
Danger meant to be friendly and provide you with a direct link to the thread he referenced in his post above ... but your math probably angered him into his rudeness.
I'm not sure who put you in charge of my social skills, but I can understand your comment in light of having read your "occupation" in your user profile.
My answer was in no way rude. I provided an exact location to which I thought that s/he should be directed in case that thread dealt with whatever was on his/her mind. For you to assume that s/he couldn't find it without a direct link was an insult by you, not me.
  • #5
phi1123 said:
So I recently watched the new movie Interstellar, and I've been inspired to do some more general relativity. At one point in the movie they mention that 1 hour on a planet orbiting a black hole is 7 years back on Earth, and so I decided my first project would be to figure out exactly how close they would have to be. So, taking the geodesic equations off of Wikipedia (because I'm too lazy to figure that out)
Where ##w=(1-\frac{r_s}{r})## and ##r_s## is the Schwarzschild radius. Using these three equations, setting ##q=\tau##, and assuming circular orbits (##\frac{dr}{dq}=0##), I ended up with 4 equations and 4 unknowns. Solving for ##\frac{dt}{d\tau}##, I end up with

SO my questions: Is this process valid, or am I missing something? I was expecting the time dilation to go to infinity at the event horizon, ##r_s##, however it seems to become undefined at ##\frac{3}{2}r_s## instead. What is special about this distance?

You're going to have to be more specific. You "took the geodesic equations off of wikipedia", which ones? For what metric? What is ##w## and what is ##q##? I can't recall a standard metric or coordinate system which uses these symbols for coordinates.

FAQ: Analysis of the physics in Interstellar

1. What is the physics behind the concept of time dilation in Interstellar?

The theory of relativity, specifically the phenomenon of time dilation, plays a crucial role in the physics of Interstellar. In the movie, the crew of the Endurance spacecraft experience time dilation as they travel close to a black hole, causing time to pass slower for them compared to those on Earth. This is due to the strong gravitational pull of the black hole, which warps the fabric of spacetime and affects the passage of time.

2. How accurate is the depiction of wormholes in the movie?

The concept of wormholes, also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges, is a popular topic in science fiction and is also featured in Interstellar. While the movie's depiction of wormholes is visually stunning, it is not entirely accurate. In reality, the existence of wormholes is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven by scientific evidence.

3. Can humans really survive in a planet with extreme time dilation?

In Interstellar, the crew visits a planet near a black hole where time passes much faster compared to Earth. While the concept of time dilation is scientifically accurate, the extreme conditions depicted on the planet, such as extreme tidal forces, would make it impossible for humans to survive. Additionally, the planet's proximity to a black hole would also have destructive effects on the planet's environment.

4. How does the movie's depiction of gravity differ from our understanding of it?

In Interstellar, gravity is portrayed as a mysterious force that can manipulate time and space. While gravity does have a strong influence on the fabric of spacetime, it is not capable of bending time itself. Additionally, the movie also depicts gravity as being able to travel through different dimensions, which is not supported by current scientific theories.

5. Is the concept of a fifth dimension explored in the movie scientifically accurate?

The movie explores the possibility of a fifth dimension, where time is perceived as a physical dimension that can be manipulated. While it is a popular concept in science fiction, there is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of a fifth dimension. The concept is purely theoretical and is still being explored by scientists.

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