Analytic Functions - Palka, Ch. III, Section 1.3 ....

In summary, Chapter III, Section 1.3 of Bruce P. Palka's book "An Introduction to Complex Function Theory" discusses analytic functions. The text includes an example of an analytic function, h(z) = √(1+z^2), which is defined on the set of all z such that 1+z^2 lies outside the negative real axis. To find the "bad" points of this function, we set conditions for the real and imaginary parts of 1+z^2, which leads to the exclusion of the points in the set {z: Re z = 0 and |Im z| ≥ 1} from the complex plane. This information can be found in Palka's Example
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Bruce P. Palka's book: An Introduction to Complex Function Theory ...

I am focused on Chapter III: Analytic Functions ...

I need help with fully understanding some remarks by Palka regarding an analytic function in Chapter III, Section 1.3 ...

The remarks I refer to from Palka read as follows:View attachment 7392In the above text from Palka Chapter III, Section 1.3 we read the following:

" ... ... For instance \(\displaystyle h(z) = \sqrt{ 1 + z^2 }\) is analytic in \(\displaystyle U = \mathbb{C} \sim \{ z : \text{ Re } z = 0 \text{ and } \lvert \text{ I am } z \rvert \ge 1 \}\) ... ... "Can someone please show the explicit calculations that show that we need to exclude the points in the set \(\displaystyle \{ z : \text{ Re } z = 0 \text{ and } \lvert \text{ I am } z \rvert \ge 1 \}\) from \(\displaystyle \mathbb{C}\) ...
Help will be much appreciated ... ...


Readers of the above post may be helped by access to Palka's introduction to and definition of analytic functions ... so I am providing the same ... as follows:
View attachment 7393
Readers of the above post may be helped by access to Palka's Example 1.5, Ch. III, Section 1.2 ... so I am providing the same ... as follows:
View attachment 7394
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  • #2
The function $h(z) = \sqrt{1 + z^2}$ is analytic on the set of all $z$ such that $1 + z^2$ lies outside the negative real axis. So to find the "bad" points, we set $\operatorname{Re}(1 + z^2) \le 0$ and $\operatorname{Im}(1 + z^2) = 0$. If $z = x + yi$, then by algebra $1 + z^2 = (1 + x^2 - y^2) + 2xyi$. So $\operatorname{Re}(1 + z^2) \le 0$ becomes $1 + x^2 - y^2\le 0$, and $\operatorname{Im}(1 + x^2) = 0$ becomes $2xy = 0$. Since $2xy = 0$, either $x = 0$ or $y = 0$. If $y = 0$, the inequality $1 + x^2 - y^2 \le 0$ becomes $1 + x^2 \le 0$, which is absurd. If $x = 0$, we obtain $1 - y^2 \le 0$, or $y^2 \ge 1$, i.e., $\lvert y \rvert \ge 1$. This means that the bad points consists of all $z = x + yi$ such that $x = 0$ and $\lvert y \rvert \ge 1$, as desired.
  • #3
Euge said:
The function $h(z) = \sqrt{1 + z^2}$ is analytic on the set of all $z$ such that $1 + z^2$ lies outside the negative real axis. So to find the "bad" points, we set $\operatorname{Re}(1 + z^2) \le 0$ and $\operatorname{Im}(1 + z^2) = 0$. If $z = x + yi$, then by algebra $1 + z^2 = (1 + x^2 - y^2) + 2xyi$. So $\operatorname{Re}(1 + z^2) \le 0$ becomes $1 + x^2 - y^2\le 0$, and $\operatorname{Im}(1 + x^2) = 0$ becomes $2xy = 0$. Since $2xy = 0$, either $x = 0$ or $y = 0$. If $y = 0$, the inequality $1 + x^2 - y^2 \le 0$ becomes $1 + x^2 \le 0$, which is absurd. If $x = 0$, we obtain $1 - y^2 \le 0$, or $y^2 \ge 1$, i.e., $\lvert y \rvert \ge 1$. This means that the bad points consists of all $z = x + yi$ such that $x = 0$ and $\lvert y \rvert \ge 1$, as desired.
Thanks for the help, Euge ...

Just working through your post now ...


FAQ: Analytic Functions - Palka, Ch. III, Section 1.3 ....

1. What are analytic functions?

Analytic functions are complex-valued functions that can be represented by a convergent power series in a neighborhood of each point in their domain. They are differentiable and have a unique derivative at every point in their domain, making them useful in many areas of mathematics and physics.

2. What is the importance of analytic functions in mathematics?

Analytic functions are important in mathematics because they have many useful properties that make them easier to work with than other types of functions. They are often used to solve differential equations, to represent complex numbers, and to study geometric shapes and structures.

3. How are analytic functions different from other types of functions?

Analytic functions are different from other types of functions in that they are differentiable at every point in their domain and can be represented by a convergent power series. This means that they have a unique derivative at every point and can be approximated by polynomials, making them easier to work with mathematically.

4. What are some examples of analytic functions?

Some examples of analytic functions include polynomials, trigonometric functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions. These functions have convergent power series representations and are differentiable at every point in their domain.

5. How are analytic functions used in physics?

Analytic functions are used in physics to model physical phenomena and to solve problems in various areas of physics, such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. They are especially useful in solving differential equations, which are commonly used in physics to describe the behavior of physical systems.
