Analytic Geometry / Vectors - Find point with min distance to plane

In summary: There is an alternate approach that doesn't require calculus. Instead, it uses right triangle trig and vectors. From your plane, you can note by inspection that <1, 2, -3> is a normal to the plane. Find a point in the plane - any point will do - and form a displacement vector from that point to the point (1, 1, 1). Next, find the projection of the vector onto the vector <1, 2, -3>. When you have that vector, its magnitude will be the minimum distance. Knowing the distance, you can quickly find the point on the plane that is that distance away from the point (1, 1, 1).
  • #1

Find the point in the plane x+2y-3z=1 with minimum distance to point (1,1,1).

Attempt at resolution:

Well, techinically, I already have the means to solve this.

I can find the distance between the point and the plane to be 1/sqrt(14) and then I can either solve for the sphere (x-1)^2+(y-1)^2+(z-1)^2=1/14 and the plane x+2y-3z=1, or I can use Calculus (Lagrange's method) to get L=x^2+y^2+z^2-2x-2y-2z+3+l(x+2y-3z-1) and take all the partial derivatives.

Both yield (15/14, 8/7, 11/14), but I'm quite sure I'm missing some way more efficient method for doing this using vectors or something.
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  • #2
B.Cantarelli said:

Find the point in the plane x+2y-3z=1 with minimum distance to point (1,1,1).

Attempt at resolution:

Well, techinically, I already have the means to solve this.

I can find the distance between the point and the plane to be 1/sqrt(14) and then I can either solve for the sphere (x-1)^2+(y-1)^2+(z-1)^2=1/14 and the plane x+2y-3z=1, or I can use Calculus (Lagrange's method) to get L=x^2+y^2+z^2-2x-2y-2z+3+l(x+2y-3z-1) and take all the partial derivatives.

Both yield (15/14, 8/7, 11/14), but I'm quite sure I'm missing some way more efficient method for doing this using vectors or something.

There is an alternate approach that doesn't require calculus. Instead, it uses right triangle trig and vectors. From your plane, you can note by inspection that <1, 2, -3> is a normal to the plane. Find a point in the plane - any point will do - and form a displacement vector from that point to the point (1, 1, 1). Next, find the projection of the vector onto the vector <1, 2, -3>. When you have that vector, its magnitude will be the minimum distance. Knowing the distance, you can quickly find the point on the plane that is that distance away from the point (1, 1, 1).
  • #3
Mark44 said:
There is an alternate approach that doesn't require calculus. Instead, it uses right triangle trig and vectors. From your plane, you can note by inspection that <1, 2, -3> is a normal to the plane. Find a point in the plane - any point will do - and form a displacement vector from that point to the point (1, 1, 1). Next, find the projection of the vector onto the vector <1, 2, -3>. When you have that vector, its magnitude will be the minimum distance. Knowing the distance, you can quickly find the point on the plane that is that distance away from the point (1, 1, 1).

Thank you very much for the response. The trouble I was having was exactly with the "Knowing the distance, you can quickly find the point on the plane that is that distance away from the point (1, 1, 1)" part. Particularly with the "quickly". I got the ray 1/sqrt(14) by doing exactly what you described, but was failing to see that the point I wanted consisted of (1,1,1)+(1/sqrt(14))(1,2,-3)/||(1,2,-3)||. Instead of realizing I just had to "walk" from (1,1,1) in the direction of the normilized norm times the ray, I was thinking in terms of solving for tangent point of the sphere and the plane. Took me quite a while to realize what you meant by quickly. Again, thank you.
  • #4
Mark44 said:
There is an alternate approach that doesn't require calculus. Instead, it uses right triangle trig and vectors. From your plane, you can note by inspection that <1, 2, -3> is a normal to the plane. Find a point in the plane - any point will do -
I would do this just a little differently. Instead of chooseing a point in the plane, construct the line through the given point (1, 1, 1) in the direction of the normal vector: x= t+ 1, y= 2t+ 1, z= -3t+ 1.
Now find the point where that line intersects the plane by replacing x, y, and z in the equation of the plane with those expressions: (t+ 1)+ 2(2t+ 1)- 3(-3t+ 1)= 1. Solve that linear equation for t, then use that in the parametric equations of the line to find the point.

and form a displacement vector from that point to the point (1, 1, 1). Next, find the projection of the vector onto the vector <1, 2, -3>. When you have that vector, its magnitude will be the minimum distance. Knowing the distance, you can quickly find the point on the plane that is that distance away from the point (1, 1, 1).

Related to Analytic Geometry / Vectors - Find point with min distance to plane

1. What is Analytic Geometry?

Analytic Geometry is a branch of mathematics that combines algebra and geometry to study geometric shapes and their properties using coordinates and equations.

2. What is a vector?

A vector is a mathematical quantity that has both magnitude (size) and direction. It is represented by an arrow pointing in the direction of the vector with its length representing its magnitude.

3. How do you find the point with the minimum distance to a plane?

To find the point with the minimum distance to a plane, you can use the formula d = |ax + by + cz + d| / √(a² + b² + c²), where (x, y, z) is the coordinates of the point and a, b, c, and d are the coefficients of the plane's equation. The point with the minimum distance will be the one that minimizes this formula.

4. Can you find the point with the minimum distance to a plane if the plane is not perpendicular to the coordinate axes?

Yes, you can still use the same formula mentioned above to find the point with the minimum distance to a plane that is not perpendicular to the coordinate axes. However, you will need to use the vector projection method to find the perpendicular distance from the point to the plane before plugging it into the formula.

5. How is Analytic Geometry used in real life?

Analytic Geometry is used in various fields and industries such as engineering, architecture, physics, and computer graphics. It is used to analyze and model geometric shapes and objects, calculate distances and angles, and solve real-world problems involving spatial relationships.

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