Analytical continuation free energy

In summary, Langer discusses the analytical continuation of a function with negative H over the singularity at 0. He starts by considering the real part of t2+t3 and two saddle points at 0 and -2/3. He then says that the "array of three valleys and mountains, given by \frac{-t^3}{H^2} for large t, also moves anticlockwise. And as they say, so far, so good, but now the bit that puzzles me." He continues, "The analytical continuation of f(H) is obtained, according to a standard and rigorous construction, by rotating the contour C_1, going from 0 to infinity on the real axis, so that it always
  • #1
Hi All,

reading a paper by Langer (Theory of the Condensation Point, Annals of Physics 41, 108-157, 1967), I came across an analytical continuation technique which I do not understand (would like to upload the paper PDF but I am not so sure this is allowed).
Essentially, he deals with the integral
##\int_{0} ^{\infty} \mathrm{d} t \quad t^2 e^ {-\frac{A}{H}(t^3+t^2)}##
His aim is to analytically continue this function for negative ##H##, over the singularity at ##0##..

He starts by considering the real part of ##t^2 + t^3##, showing two saddle point at ##0## and ##-2/3##.
Then he says, let us stat with positive, real only H and move it around the origin in the complex plan, anticlockwise (the same will be repeated clockwise).
The "array of three valleys and mountains, given by ##\frac{-t^3}{H^2}## for large ##t##, also moves anticlockwise. And as they say, so far, so good, but now the bit that puzzles me.
"The analytical continuation of ##f(H)## is obtained, according to a standard and rigorous construction, by rotating the contour ##C_1##, going from ##0## to infinity on the real axis, so that it always remains at the bottom of its original valley, and a picture shows the countour ##C_2## going from ##0## to ##-2/3## along the negative real axis, and then up tp the top left along one of the "valleys". Once, he adds, ##H## is moved to ##H_2 = e^{i \pi} H##, the integrand has returned to its original form, but ##f(H_2)## is obtained integrating along the rotated countour ##C_2##. I understand that the integrand will return to its original form, but why rotating the contour?

If anybody had a hint, that would be so appreciated, thanks.
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  • #2
I suggest you try one of the math forums. Analytic continuation is a math procedure.
  • #3
Thanks for the advice, will do so.

FAQ: Analytical continuation free energy

What is analytical continuation in free energy?

Analytical continuation in free energy is a mathematical technique used to extend the results of a physical system from one region of parameters to another. It involves using the known behavior of a system in a certain region to predict its behavior in other regions.

Why is analytical continuation used in free energy calculations?

Analytical continuation is used in free energy calculations because it allows us to extrapolate the results of a system to regions where direct measurements are not possible. This allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the behavior of the system and make predictions about its behavior in various conditions.

What are the limitations of analytical continuation in free energy?

While analytical continuation is a powerful tool, it does have its limitations. It assumes that the system being studied is well-behaved and follows certain mathematical properties. It also requires a good understanding of the system's behavior in the original region of parameters in order to make accurate predictions in other regions.

Can analytical continuation be applied to all physical systems?

No, analytical continuation is not applicable to all physical systems. It is most commonly used in systems that can be described by mathematical models, such as in statistical mechanics or quantum mechanics. It may not be suitable for systems that exhibit chaotic or unpredictable behavior.

What are some practical applications of analytical continuation in free energy?

Analytical continuation has various practical applications in the fields of physics, chemistry, and materials science. It is commonly used in the study of phase transitions, critical phenomena, and thermodynamic properties of materials. It also has applications in the development of new materials and understanding the behavior of complex systems.

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