Analytical Solution to this? - linear system of ODES

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of finding an analytical solution for a linear system of ODES. It is mentioned that such a solution exists, but it may not be easily obtainable due to the presence of a cubic equation. The person asking the question also wonders if this problem has been solved before.
  • #1
Analytical Solution to this? -- linear system of ODES

Hi All,

It's been awhile since I've even attempted to solve something analytically, so before jumping back into the text. Does the following already have a common solution that I can find somewhere?


dx1/dt = A1 + B1x1 +C1x2 + D1x3
dx2/dt = A2 + B2x1 +C2x2 + D2x3
dx3/dt = A3 + B3x1 +C3x2 + D3x3
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  • #2

That certainly does have an "analytical solution" since it is a system of linear we equations with constant coefficients. If you are asking for a specific formula, so yo can just plug in the values of A1, B1, etc. I doubt you will find such a thing. I would be inclined to write it as a matrix equation:
[tex]\frac{d\left[\begin{array}{c}x1 \\ x2 \\ x3 \end{array}\right]}{dt}= \left[\begin{array}{ccc} B1 & C1 & D1 \\ B2 & C2 & D2 \\ B3 & C3 & D3\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} x1 \\ x2 \\ x3 \end{array}\right]+ \left[\begin{array}{c}A1 \\ A2 \\ A3\end{array}\right][/tex]
and then look for the eigenvalues of the matrix. The eigenvalue equation is, of course, a cubic equation.
  • #3

I assumed since it was linear that I could get a solution to it, but like you said there is a cubic in there. That cubic is probably going to be a pain in the ...
I was especially asking, because for whatever reason it looks like it could be a really standard problem that has been solved over and over again. Before diving in, I just wanted to test the waters.

Also, why did you quote "analytical solution"? Just curious...

Thank you

FAQ: Analytical Solution to this? - linear system of ODES

1. What is an analytical solution to a linear system of ODES?

An analytical solution to a linear system of ODES is a mathematical expression that describes the exact relationship between the dependent and independent variables in the system. It is derived by using mathematical methods such as substitution, integration, and manipulation of equations.

2. How is an analytical solution different from a numerical solution?

An analytical solution is a closed-form expression that provides an exact solution to the linear system of ODES, whereas a numerical solution is an approximation obtained by using numerical methods. Analytical solutions are often preferred as they provide a deeper understanding of the behavior of the system.

3. What types of linear systems of ODES can be solved analytically?

Linear systems of ODES that have constant coefficients and can be written in terms of elementary functions such as polynomials, exponential, and trigonometric functions can be solved analytically. Nonlinear systems or those with time-varying coefficients require numerical methods for their solution.

4. What are the advantages of using an analytical solution to a linear system of ODES?

Analytical solutions provide an exact and closed-form expression for the system, allowing for a deeper understanding of its behavior. They also save computational time and resources compared to numerical methods, which may require multiple iterations to obtain an accurate solution.

5. Are there any limitations to using an analytical solution for a linear system of ODES?

One limitation of analytical solutions is that they are not always possible to obtain, especially for nonlinear systems. In these cases, numerical methods must be used. Analytical solutions also require a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques, making them more challenging to derive for those without a strong mathematical background.

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