Analyzing Line Integral over Non-Exact Region |x|+|y|=4

In summary, the author has problems with the integrals for the line integral over a non-exact region and is looking for help with the analysis. The line integral can be calculated by using the definition of a line integral and the boundary conditions for the region. The curve can be split into (finitely many) pieces and the line integral for each piece will be zero.
  • #1
Analyzing an integral over a non-exact region for gamma defined by |x|+|y|=4

The following was similar to a problem on a calculus final that I got wrong. It is an extension of a problem in R.C. Buck "Advanced Calculus" on page 501. Similar to knowing the trick to integrating [itex] e^{|x|}[/itex] (which got me on my first calculus final years ago!), I assume there is a bit of analysis that I'm missing for this line integral regarding the absolute value. Someone please walk me through the analysis of this problem from Buck taken a step further.

Consider the 1-form [itex]\omega = \frac{xdy-ydx}{x^{2}+y^{2}}[/itex] in the open ring [itex]D = \lbrace (x,y) | 1 \leq x^{2} + y^{2} \leq 4 \rbrace[/itex].

The text asserts that [itex]d \omega[/itex] is not exact in D, which I verified with the standard computation.

The extension is -- setting [itex] \gamma (t)[/itex] to be [itex]|x| + |y| = 4[/itex], calculate the integral [itex]\int_{\gamma}\omega[/itex] counterclockwise over the region.

My hangups: aside from the differential form not being exact, the curve is closed, but not smooth.

Please note I don't necessary want someone to do this problem. I'd much rather have someone discuss how to pick this problem apart analytically. What is the first question to ask yourself? How do you reconcile the curve not being smooth? etc.
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  • #2

The curve is non-smooth, so you can break the curve apart in 4 smooth pieces:

A piece [itex]\gamma_1[/itex] going from (0,4) to (4,0).
A piece [itex]\gamma_2[/itex] going from (4,0) to (0,-4).
A piece [itex]\gamma_3[/itex] going from (0,-4) to (-4,0).
A piece [itex]\gamma_4[/itex] going from (-4,0) to (0,4).

A first thing to do is to find explicit formula's for the [itex]\gamma_i[/itex].

The line integrals [itex]\int_{\gamma_i}\omega[/itex] can be calculated by using the definition of a line integral.

You should expect the line integral to be nonzero.
  • #3

micromass said:
The curve is non-smooth, so you can break the curve apart

Can this be done finitely many times as long as the pieces form a closed curve when put together? Are there other stipulations for breaking apart the curve to work, or onlyclosure of the curve?
  • #4

You can break any curve into (finitely many) pieces, even nonclosed curves. It is always true that if [itex]\gamma[/itex] is a curve, then

[tex]\int_\gamma \omega=\int_{\gamma_1} \omega + \int_{\gamma_2} \omega[/tex]

where [itex]\gamma_1[/itex] and then [itex]\gamma_2[/itex] form the original curve [itex]\gamma[/itex].

This can be done for any curve, smooth and piecewise smooth. In fact, for piecewise smooth curves, this is a definition.
  • #5

I found the fundamental property regarding splitting up piecewise smooth curves two chapters earlier, which I need to review. I got an answer of [itex]-\pi[/itex], which is what the solutions suggested. Thank you very much!

Related to Analyzing Line Integral over Non-Exact Region |x|+|y|=4

1. What is a line integral over a non-exact region?

A line integral over a non-exact region is a mathematical concept used in multivariable calculus to calculate the total value of a function along a specific curve or path in a region that is not easily defined by a single equation.

2. How is the region |x|+|y|=4 different from a regular region?

The region |x|+|y|=4 is different from a regular region because it is a non-exact region, meaning it cannot be easily represented by a single equation. This region is defined by four lines that intersect at (±2, 0) and (0, ±2), creating a diamond shape.

3. What is the purpose of analyzing line integrals over non-exact regions?

The purpose of analyzing line integrals over non-exact regions is to calculate the total value of a function along a specific path in a region that cannot be easily defined by a single equation. This allows for more complex and diverse mathematical calculations and applications.

4. Can the line integral over a non-exact region be calculated analytically?

In most cases, the line integral over a non-exact region cannot be calculated analytically. It often requires breaking the region into smaller, more manageable pieces and using numerical methods, such as a Riemann Sum, to approximate the integral.

5. How is the line integral over a non-exact region related to Green's Theorem?

The line integral over a non-exact region is related to Green's Theorem, which states that the line integral of a two-dimensional vector field along a closed curve is equal to the double integral of the curl of that vector field over the region enclosed by the curve. This theorem can be used to simplify the calculation of line integrals over non-exact regions by converting them into double integrals.

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